Mengjin District Audit Bureau organized party members to visit Li Bangjun's former residence to remember the great achievements of the martyrs

Author:Mengjin Rong Media Time:2022.06.29

On the eve of July 1st, the Party Branch of the Mengjin District Audit Bureau organized party members to visit the Red Base of the Red Base in Chengguan Town, the former residence of the Anti -Japanese Hero Li Bangjun, and listened to Li Bangjun's descendants to talk about Li Bangjun's deeds, and carried out the theme party day event of remembering the theme of the great performance of the martyrs.Essence

Under the leadership of the interpreter, party members and cadres visited four commemorative exhibition rooms, including Li Bangjun's former residence, Red City Pass during the War of Resistance Against Japan, and today City Pass and remembering nostalgia.For the information, the audit cadres and employees fully understand the heroic deeds of the anti -Japanese hero Li Bangjun to resist foreign enemies and defend the country. Finally, all party members revisited the oath of joining the party in the party building square.

Through this activity, the patriotism of audit cadres and employees was enhanced.Everyone said that we must always keep in mind the mission and responsibility of party members, give play to the role of party members' vanguard, promote the spirit of Li Bangjun's hero, transform Li Bangjun's heroic spirit into work motivation, and do a good job in a strong party spirit and pragmatic style.All audit work.

Xing Lili Wang Lingling

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