Wang Dong: Anchor "Walking in front, opening a new bureau" to build an epidemic defense line to escort the high -quality development of the economy and society

Author:Binzhou Daily Time:2022.06.29

Anchor "Walking in front, opening a new bureau" to build an epidemic defense line to escort the high -quality development of the economy and society

Wang Dong, Secretary of the Party Group and Director of the Municipal Health and Health Committee

The twelfth party congress of the province stands at a new historical starting point, depicts the beautiful blueprint of the future development of our province, and also points out the direction of the development of health and health. It provides a fundamental follow, inspires people's hearts and urges. The Binzhou City Health and Health Commission will anchored "walking in front and opening a new bureau", conscientiously implement the spirit of the twelfth party congress of the provincial congress, and in accordance with the work ideas of "1+3", coordinate the prevention and control of party building and epidemic conditions, and to prevent and control the epidemic situation. Safety production and key work.

Adhere to the leadership of party building and integrate to drive business development. Take the study and implementation of the spirit of the twelfth party congress of the province as the current primary political task, carefully plan, carefully organize, and thoroughly deploy it, and quickly set off a boom in learning, propaganda and implementation in the city's health and health system. Consolidate the achievements of party history learning and education, further promote the practice of "I do practical work for the masses", carry out the "party building+health" pioneer in public hospitals at all levels in the city, and print out the "Guiding Opinions on Further Strengthening the Construction of Grassroots Party Organizations in Public Hospitals", Establish a "seven combination" operating mechanism for the construction of the party branch and the development of the business, implement the "seven one" activity of intimate services and the "seven practical health" practical activities, and give full play to the leading role of party building.

Grasp the prevention and control of the epidemic, and effectively build the epidemic defense line. Take the city's opportunity to deepen the reform of the disease control system and mechanism in the new era, comprehensively improve the ability of the epidemic prevention and control, continue to strengthen monitoring and early warning, strictly prevent the "four sources", polish the "three probes", do a good job of normalized nucleic acid testing; strengthen emergency emergency emergency; Prepare, improve the "1+N" plan system, strengthen the construction of 7 teams, promote the construction (reserve) of isolation places, designated hospitals, etc., and regularly carry out training and practice to improve the ability of combat; continue to strengthen technical guidance, give full play to the core role of epidemic prevention, timely timely, timely timely, timely time Carry out research and judgment analysis and special assessment, strictly gather approval of the fixing activities, strengthen publicity and guidance of prevention and control policies, and improve precise prevention and control capabilities.

Keep the safety bottom line and escort the healthy development of health. Fully grasp the "Measures for the Institute of Safety Production of the City for the City of Health and Health Systems (Trial)", "Implementation Measures for the Investigation and Management of Hidden Hidden Hidden Hurry Hazard in the City of Health and Health Systems", "Regulations on the Management of Safety Production Management (Trial) of the City's Health and Health System Contractors (Trial)". Further strengthen the management of safety production, improve the dual prevention working mechanism of safety risk grading control and hidden dangers inspection and management, and in accordance with the actual management and use of management and use, divide and form a clear border, appropriate size management area, and establish a safe production grid with full coverage and full coverage of equipment and facilities. The management system and the implementation of the implementation of the responsibility system for production safety.

Focus on key tasks, and implement it. Focusing on the implementation of the health promotion actions proposed by the Provincial Party Congress report, we will be emancipated and promoted the discussion of ideas and the theme practical activities of "Knowing Love" as the carrier. The unique work work is unique and the overall work is first -class. Focusing on the reform of health care business, the construction of the public health system, the improvement of the masses to see a doctor's medical treatment, and the promotion of the balanced population development, focus on the 41 work points of the year, adhere to the duration of the row, the linked chart operations, overcome difficulties, and promote it. Ensure that the target tasks are completed at high quality.

In the next step, take the opportunity of studying and implementing the spirit of the Provincial Party Congress, bravely shoulder mission, pioneering forge, seize opportunities, take responsibility, and strive to turn the grand blueprint into a beautiful reality, and welcome the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China with excellent results.

(Source: Binzhou Daily/

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