Xinjiang, a "fire studio" full of rescue small inventions Time:2022.06.29

Yu Jianzhang is the second -level assistant at the team of the Fire Rescue Detachment of Xinjiang Fire rescue detachment, and the leader of the "Blue Flame Artisan" studio of the Fire Rescue Division of Clarmai City. The studio was established in 2021, with five firefighters who like to invent. According to Yu Jianzhang, the five of them are from different positions, and the invention equipment is required in actual work. Many inventions have been fully applied to the fire rescue team of Clarmai City. The studio members have developed more than 40 inventions including 4G diagrams, multi -functional fire robots, and big data information application combat decision -making auxiliary platforms, including 22 of which have obtained national patents, and have been rated for two consecutive years. Fire rescue science and technology innovation award.

The studio is divided into seminars, demonstration teaching areas, training zones, and innovation achievements. The establishment of the studio provides the main position of the artisan talent demonstration leading role and the main platform of skill improvement for the fire rescue team of Carama. Yu Jianyu said that next, everyone will continue to learn the knowledge of the Internet of Things, artificial intelligence and other aspects, and recruit newcomers, expand the detachment's "inventor" team, and truly build the studio into a new window for the party committee of the detachment to focus on talent construction. Setting off the surging boom of innovation and entrepreneurship.

Reporter Guo Ling

Director Zhang Ao

Camera Zhang Ao

Production Su Xuanming

Produced Mao Mingdong Yu Lei

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