Notice!There are two more diseases entering a high incidence!How to prevent →

Author:Xiamen Daily Time:2022.06.29

Influenza of Xiamen pediatric influenza shows a downward trend

The reporter learned yesterday that with the active efforts of all parties, patients with influenza in our city have gradually declined.

Recently, the Municipal Health and Health Commission issued the response to influenza prevention and control, and major hospitals have also adopted measures to optimize the process of consultation and improve their admission capacity. There are 13 new heat clinics in our city on the island. All patients can provide diagnosis and treatment services after nucleic acid sampling. Sources from the Municipal Children's Hospital said that the number of patients at the pediatric clinic of the hospital recently had a decrease of about 40 % year -on -week.

In order to ensure the timely seeing the patients, the medical staff of the municipal children's hospital cancel the vacation and regulate medical staff from various ward of the Department of Internal Medicine to join the hot ruling and emergency consultation to ensure that the hot rolling clinic and the emergency consultation room run at a full load for 24 hours. Lai Dongchuan, the person in charge of the hospital of the hospital, said: "The hospital sent five shifts from the ward to participate in the hot kidney and emergency consultation. The nursing staff mobilized to ensure the safety and orderly waiting of the patient."

In addition, the reporter learned from a number of hospitals that the number of people who have been seeking in recent days has declined to varying degrees. Earlier, in order to cope with the influenza peak, many hospitals inside and outside the island transformed the pediatric clinics, which not only increased the clinic, but also optimized the medical process, and moved the nucleic acid sample link from the hot rib clinic to the outside of the clinic.

Hand, foot, mouth disease and herpes pharyngeal gorgeos entered a high incidence

The reporter learned from the Municipal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention that in the near future, children with hand, foot and mouth disease and herpeshamnia have increased significantly. Doctors remind that May-July each year is the popular period of these two diseases, and it is contagious, and it is mostly outbreak in collective places such as childcare institutions and schools. So, how to prevent it scientifically?

Hand -foot disease and herpes pharyngeal gorgeos are child infectious diseases caused by intestinal virus. They are mainly transmitted through digestive tract, respiratory tract, and close contact. Children around 3 years old are susceptible people. Once the disease is infected, there will be symptoms such as ulcers and herpes.

Differential these two diseases can be distinguished through the part of the disease. Zhuo Zhiqiang, chief physician of the Department of Infectious Department of the Municipal Children's Hospital, introduced, "The skin in the hands and feet, the perianal and other places has rashes and herpes in the oral cavity. There are no rashes in these places in the anal perianal. "

Doctors remind: Hand -foot and mouth disease and herpes -pharyngeal pharyahamine are infectious, and it is easy to cause clustered onset in kindergartens and other places. Therefore, schools, kindergarten classrooms, and homes try to open windows and ventilation as much as possible to maintain environmental hygiene.

Parents should educate their children to wash their hands before dinner to strengthen disinfection of tableware and toys. At the same time, try to avoid crowded and poorly ventilated public places to reduce the chance of infection. Once the infection is found, parents should take the child to seek medical treatment in time and beolate under the guidance of a doctor.

(Xiamen Daily reporter Chen Yan)

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