Guangzhou Zoo's Dazui Family Tim "Seven Tsai" full moon meets the citizens!

Author:Golden sheep net Time:2022.06.29

In the summer, the hippocampus mother "swimming" to eat watermelon to reduce the summer Yangcheng Evening News all -media reporter Chen Qiuming

Yangcheng Evening News reporter Li Chunwei intern Xie Qiqi correspondent Wang Yi

On the 28th, the new member of the Guangzhou Zoo Hippo Garden, the new member of the Guangzhou Zoo, saw the citizens! This is the seventh child born in the Guangzhou Zoo, which is born in the Garden Garden. The citizens and staff present were happy to send blessings to the "small neighborhood" of the animal world.

Wang Shoufang, a hippocampus caregiver of Guangzhou Zoo, introduced that on the afternoon of May 28, the Guangzhou Zoo Hippo Garden ushered in the love crystallization of love from the hippocampus "A Chong" and the hippocampus mother "swimming "-" Qizai ".

Why is it called "Qizai"? Wang Shoufang said that because this is the seventh child born in Hippo's mother "swimming". After the birth of a small hippocampus, identifying gender has become the first problem with the caregivers.

Wang Shoufang said that the little hippocampus will always snuggle beside her mother after birth, and the hippocampus mother will also be very vigilant to protect the little hippocampus, so it is difficult for others to approach them. The name, if it is a "girl", is called "Qibao", which is 'boy' is called 'Qizai' ".

On the 28th citizen meeting, the "Qizai" who had just been full of the moon saw that tourists seemed to be shy, and they had always snuggled to their mother. From time to time, "swimming" uses his mouth to gently push the baby to help it swim and let it learn to swim as soon as possible.

As a baby born in Guangzhou. "Seven Tsai" has the ability to do not have hippos in other places -to understand Cantonese.

"This child is still very obedient and smart. He couldn't understand Cantonese at first, and now he will come over in Cantonese." Wang Shoufang said happily.

It is understood that the breastfeeding period of Xiaoma is 6-8 months, so the current "Qizai" mainly relies on her mother to breastfeed. However, for the thrives of Hippo, the caregiver will also carefully prepare some nutritional feed feed to feed it.

The staff reminded that for the health of the hippocampus, it also gave this pair of "mother and baby" a quiet and suitable environment. Six months ago (unable to play and eat independently), the citizens came to watch the cuteness of the Horse Horse. When you are quiet, do n’t make a loud noise, tease and scare the little “Qi Zi”!

Know Duo D: How does the small hippocampal resolve the heat in the summer?

The summer is here. Recently, the hippos of the Guangzhou Zoo have also received the "benefits" of the heat. The breeder opened everything, and the hippos were salivated, and he opened his mouth and ate a meal. In addition to eating watermelon, the breeder will also prepare fruits of fruits for the hippocampus. When it comes to relief, of course, swimming is indispensable. The breeders will clean the hippocampus every week and put on the cool well water to solve the hotness of the hippocampus. Because the skin of the hippocampus is relatively fragile, the lack of water for a long time will crack. Therefore, the hot summer needs to "shower" frequently, which is also a special way for hippos to relieve heat.

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