The "three -line integration" in Bincheng District is looking for examples around you Time:2022.06.28

Binzhou Daily/Binzhou Net News In recent years, Bincheng District has actively practiced the core values ​​of socialism, combined with the creation of civilized cities across the country, and found examples around the "three -line" to find examples of "grass -roots" to find examples. "Key front -line" set an example. Through extensive excavation, publicity and promotion, good people, and creating a strong atmosphere of thought in the whole district, so that the role model forces can help urban development.

"Grassroots" mining typical examples, gathering ordinary forces

In the middle of Bincheng District, the name "Zhang Baoran" is mentioned, and the neighbors of the neighborhood will give a thumbs up. Over the years, Zhang Baoran, secretary of the Wenhui Community in the city, has actively explored the difficulty of governance in the old community, forming a service model of "six neighbors and tenderness Wenhui" -innovative public welfare mediation model "one step forward" to maximize the demands of interests ; Carry out the "Love Bank" volunteer service project, "happiness to knock on the door" to serve the people, solicit personnel, party members, grid members and other personnel in the jurisdiction to join the "Sunshine Messenger" to help 35 elderly people and 5 special support in the jurisdiction. Family and two left -behind children provide 63 on -site services, carry out volunteer services such as spiritual escort, visits and condolences, and open up the last mile of the residents.

"We stare a little more and more widely. The masses saves more troubles and conveniently, and the original intention of serving the people will be realized slowly." Zhang Baoran said. "Binzhou Good Man" Zhang Baoran is a clue that Bincheng District has obtained the typical character at the grassroots level. She strives to interpret the belief of the people in the ordinary post at the grassroots level.

At the same time, Bincheng District also discovered the obligation to take care of the "Shandong Good Man" Mao Wenjun, who took care of her grandmother for more than 20 years, and Wang Bohai, a "Binzhou Good Man" who rescued the light -born woman. Bincheng District always adheres to the grassroots level, regards the front line as the "source" of digging a good person and looking for models, and converges the constant ordinary forces.

"Industry frontline" is looking for examples, condensing the role model

"Shandong Province Model Model" Sun Haolin has done ordinary tax positions into a lifelong career, taught the masses to handle taxes from hand, to organize all the policies into a stool manual, so that the masses are clear at a glance. He said: "We must always install 'Lei Feng' in their hearts, start with small things, and do only help people."

"Binzhou Moral Model" Wang Xiaojing has been fighting the first line of drugs for many years. Whether it is a three -meter -high truck or the bottom of the dust, she charge ahead. In 2021, she participated in the task of investigation of the Yunnan Drugs. She analyzed her "fire eyes and golden eyes" and judged two drug trafficking staff, and never let the criminals be allowed to let go of it.

Wang Shulin, "Touched Binzhou Year", integrates red education into vocational education and teaching, uses 290 red public welfare reports to convey red energy, use the casting soul as the fundamental to cultivate students, and let patriotism education spread on the youth campus.

The industry is the front line and the energy is unlimited. Bincheng District has always insisted on finding typical models in the front line of public security, education front line, fire protection line, and front line of enterprises. More and more people have not only become the representatives of the industry, but also the example of the people in the city and the people of the province.

"Key front line" set an example to light up the light of moving forward

Zhang Qingqing is a medical staff of an ordinary township health center. In March of this year, the new crown epidemic suddenly came, and the isolation point became her temporary home. Originally, she was arranged to change the post every Monday, but she took the initiative to stay so that those colleagues who needed more needed to go home. She paid for the isolated child to buy daily necessities, snacks and fruits. During the isolation, she treated patients like loved ones. Although there are not many vigorous stories, her most rustic and ordinary dedication has moved everyone.

Liu Bangjun, the "most beautiful volunteer in Shandong Province in 2021" and "Binzhou Good Man", is the head of the Egret Public Welfare Volunteer Service Organization. Whether it is the epidemic prevention and control, serving the old volunteer, or the guardian of the Yellow River project, there are volunteers with egret public welfare. Liu Bangjun led a group of "red vests" to guard the peace of the masses.

Whether it is the grass -roots line, the front line of the industry, or the key work of the work, there are always countless examples of silently paid. Bincheng District will continue to dig a typical model on the "three -line", give full play to the role of education leadership and demonstration driving effects, and vigorously create a strong atmosphere of party members and cadres and staff in the region.

(Reporter Ge Zhaomin correspondent Liu Dandan Liu Ning report)

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