Restore cultural relics and improve efficiency, the digital technology imagination of the game can be wider

Author:Daily Economic News Time:2022.06.28

Today, what can the expectations of a game conference be included? In addition to when the next phenomenon -level explosion comes, the imagination of the digital technology application value of the game can also reach a wider place.

In the field of game, the development of various technologies has promoted the game to a higher level. At the same time, the game as a natural virtual world test field is also constantly promoting the iteration and update of a series of digital technologies. Small to the technologies such as screen rendering and sound effects, as large as artificial intelligence and Yuan universe. The technology applied in the game has represented the current forward -looking technology perspective.

Technology is the primary productive forces. How to use this productive forces to meet the needs of super entertainment has actually become the direction of the big game manufacturers.

On June 27, the "Spark 2022" Tencent Game Conference was officially held online. It is reported that Tencent Games has released more than 40 products and content at this conference, including the first series of gaming technology cooperation projects such as the Great Wall project, Quanzhen Interconnected Digital Factory, and Hunter Constellation Plan. Cross -border applications in gaming technology in various fields are becoming reality.

Digital reconstruction, which makes historical relics rejuvenating

In the world, digital preservation of cultural relics has become a major trend. After all, in the top game array, the fine and panoramic scenes have long proved how realistic the "real" of the game technology can be restored.

For example, in 2019, the famous landmark of Paris in Paris in Paris was fire, resulting in the iconic tower spire and rose windows. Subsequently, the game "Assassin's Creed: Great Revolution" based on the French Revolution as the background of the era was regarded as a large proportion of the Master of Paris in the scene and was considered to provide model data for reconstruction. Although the Paris Dames in the game was confirmed that it was not 100 % restoration, it still showed the role of the game in the protection of cultural relics.

It is reported that the Tencent Foundation has participated in the protection of the Great Wall since 2016 and has invested in the field of public welfare physical repair for many years. Among them, the renovation of the Great Wall at both ends of the arrows and Xifengkou has achieved staged results. Physical protection is urgent, but if you want to resist time, digital protection is even more important.

"Yunyou Great Wall" applet interface. Photo source: Tencent provided

The Digital Great Wall project released this time has a short -term and long division of labor. In the short term, based on the self -developed engine and cloud game technology, to create a super -realistic immersive scene, launch the "Cloudy Tour Great Wall" applet, and at the same time, the science popularization Great Wall protects knowledge. Gaming technology in the large -scale application of cultural security.

In addition, relying on the real -time rendering and physical simulation of the game engine, Tencent Games also deeply participated in the construction of the fine three -dimensional simulation model of the Beijing central axis, which directly helps the central axis protection and application of legacy.

The central axis of Beijing is considered a masterpiece of the order of China's ideal capital. Representatives of the Forbidden City, Tiantan, Tiananmen Square and other countries are evenly distributed in this axis, which systematically shows the Chinese people's perception of political governance, cultural symbols, and living space. It is undoubtedly an excellent cultural communication with the help of game technology to show its charm.

As a high -value -added cultural and creative product, the game can quickly win the love of young audiences, so it has innate advantages in cultural communication and education. For example, the game industry itself is also actively expanding its cultural influence, and Tencent Games has also gone forward. According to Sensor Tower, "Glory of the King" overseas in May this year, the overseas revenue was hit, and "PUBG Mobile" topped the list.

Dunhuang jointly created by Tencent and Dunhuang Research Institute. Photo source: Tencent provided

Create digital factories, game technology increases efficiency for production speed up and efficiency

In a virtual world, games can find the best path and optimal solution by consuming computing power. This greatly reduces the loss of the real world, but the value brings is real. Based on this, when the game technology landed in the physical industry, it may minimize test costs and liberate productivity to a large extent.

Digitalization is not only the direction of the entertainment industry, but also the new blue ocean of the physical industry. According to the "Fourteenth Five -Year Plan" Intelligent Manufacturing Development Plan, it is predicted that more than 70%of domestic manufacturing enterprises in 2025 will basically achieve digitalization.

At this Tencent game conference, Quanzhen Interconnected Digital Factory was noticeable. It is reported that Baosteel, Tencent Games, and Tencent Cloud three parties joined hands to surround Baoshan Iron and Steel Co., Ltd. Baoshan Base 1580 Hot Rolling Factory, and the technologies such as cloud games, real -time rendering and interaction, visual catalogs accumulated by Tencent for many years, exercise to steel production to steel production In the digital twin of the line, it helps to solve the business needs of live failure prediction and danger operation control.

In the process of steel production, there are "real -time analysis and computing dense" characteristics. It not only needs comprehensive data collection, management and analysis, but also real -time simulation simulation and interactive display capabilities.

It is reported that the Quanzhen Interconnection Digital Factory will realize the capacity of the Baowu 1580 hot -rolled factory based on the capacity of the game engine technology and real -time cloud rendering. AI and real -time audio and video game technologies, penetrate all aspects of the production line, gradually restore the real -time industrial site environment to achieve the full -link of the product in the factory production, realize the "product -level" and "factory" twin to help help help Remote maintenance, production line operations, and remote high -risk operations have become possible. Perhaps it is conceivable that in the future, the production error of the factory will be reduced to extremely low, and at the same time, risk management and control capabilities and production efficiency will also be greatly improved. Just like the player overlooks the game scene through the perspective of God on the screen, corporate managers can also use digital factories to perform more accurate management coordination.

As an indispensable industry in the digital economy, the game industry itself is not only expected to further develop and grow, but also its accumulated experience and technology is also being landed in all walks of life. When the technical perspective is no longer limited, the spring breeze of the game will not be limited to the spiritual and cultural field, but can enter the new world.

(This article does not constitute any investment suggestions. Investors operate according to this, the risk is on its own.)

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