Get this sac that allows children to stay away from summer accidents

Author:Pole news Time:2022.06.28

Jimu Journalist Liu Xun

Correspondent Wang Chen Gao Chenchen

Summer vacation is a happy time for children, and it is also a high incidence of accidental injuries. When gastrointestinal foreign bodies, drowning, falling injuries, and traffic injury will occur. So, how do children stay away from accidental injuries? On June 28, Professor Zhang Furong, a member of the Children's Science Group of the Emergency Medicine Branch of the Chinese Medical Association and the director of the severe medical department of Wuhan Children's Hospital.

Sixty % of accidents happened at home

Domestic and foreign survey data show that nearly 60%of children's accidental injuries occur at home, and this data has subverted the cognition of many parents. If parents are not taken care of, their homes may also be "dangerous."


Dr. Yang Lijing, a child from Children's Hospital, admitted to patients (correspondence with correspondent)

Professor Zhang Furong, director of the Department of Critical Medicine of Wuhan Children's Hospital, introduced that for example, the baby fell when he learned to walk, and may even be damaged by the brain; the other is a more terrible thing is the fall of the high place. In most cases, the parents leave their children alone at home. Especially when the child is asleep, parents use this time to go out to work. I did not expect that the child woke up in advance to find a mother, and some would climb the window sill, and accidents may occur. She had been diagnosed with a child from the high altitude on the 17th floor. Fortunately, after being rescued, she was out of danger of life.

In addition, from the perspective of the admission, the children of the esophagus are mainly concentrated in the age of one to two; the trachea foreign body is mainly concentrated in the age of one to three years old; the age span of the nasal foreign body is large, and the seven or eight -year -old children will also happen. Children's small parts, buckle batteries, or foods such as melon seeds, nuts, and sugar pieces may be swallowed to the lower belly, which may cause suffocation, and even digestive tract, esophageal perforation, obstruction, chemical burns, etc. , Very dangerous. Director Zhang Furong suggested that the small objects in the family should be put well, and the broken toys are repaired as soon as possible. During daily meals, parents pay attention to the nucleus and bones, and cultivate children to develop the habit of chewing slowly, avoid activities and crying during meals.

In addition, there are many burn children. Director Zhang Furong explained that when the parents mixed with the bath water, the child may accidentally sit in hot water, causing large area of ​​skin burns; other parents make meals and children curiously pull the tablecloth. These are often happening at home. Experts remind that parents must not trust the remedies at this time. Do n’t apply soy sauce, toothpaste, etc. in the wound, you should cool down at the first time. Put the burns under the flowing water and rinse it. Generally, it lasts about half an hour before being sent to the hospital for treatment.

Most accidental damage can be avoided

Accidental damage has become the first "killer" who died in children aged 0 to 14, which may happen throughout the year, especially in the summer, the number of children at home and outdoor increased. Parents are a little careless. Children may have accidental injuries. Therefore Summer is also a small peak for children with accidental injuries.

Generally speaking, the most is falling injuries, as well as traffic accidents, drowning, gastrointestinal foreign bodies, and accidental medication. Director Zhang Furong said that from the perspective of the treatment of the severe care unit of children, boys are more common than girls, and about 2 years old are the age group of high incidence. Seeing that parents were sad, the medical staff was very worried. Children are curious and lively. Their safety awareness and self -control ability are not mature, and they are prone to accidents.

Children of different ages have different types of accidental damage. For example, babies below 3 months, accidental damage is mostly passive, such as asphyxia caused by milk. For children around the age of 1, children are just studying. If parents do not care, their babies are prone to fall and fall when they learn. And children aged 1-3 are prone to trachea foreign objects, digestive tract foreign bodies, etc. Children of this age like to explore the world with their mouths, and they may be swallowed by them.

By the school -age children, they have a larger range of activities and are prone to traffic accidents when playing on the side of the road; and in adolescence, once emotional rebellion occurs, there may be excessive flow. Experts remind that in general, as long as you pay more attention, many accidents can be avoided.

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