Xiangzhou Zhongqing Class: Refining the student's party spirit to condense the forward power

Author:Xiangzhou Rong Media Time:2022.06.28

On June 24th, the temporary party branch of the middle and young cadre training classes in Xiangzhou County in 2022 carried out a variety of theme party day activities, giving full play to the leading role of party building party building, refining students' party spirit, enhancing the training courses for the heart and cohesion. Ensure the theme party day activities, the theme is outstanding, the "party taste" is stronger, and the effect is more realistic.

First Party Group: Pay attention to how to prevent fraud

On the afternoon of June 24th, the first party group of the temporary party branch of the Chinese Youth Class in 2022 in Xiangzhou County went to Huashan Community, Xiangzhou County, Xiangzhou County to carry out the theme party day event of "All people -to -heart and defense, the elderly happy old age", party member representatives and party member representatives and party members A total of more than 50 representatives of the elderly participated in the event.

Release prevent scam publicity information.

At the event site, students explained the relevant knowledge of how to prevent elderly fraud in detail by playing videos of preventing fraud, distributing anti -fraud publicity materials, explanations of fraud, and interactive exchanges. Focus on various forms of fraud methods such as "low -cost tourism", "high investment", "impersonation of acquaintance fraud" and "old -age products", and warn the masses not to be greedy for small profits, and communicate with family members more. If you are deceived, the evidence is preserved and immediately reported to the public security organs. At the same time, it is advocated to actively publicize the personnel of the people. In addition, the trainees will also perform their own scams to perform on -site performances.

A member of the old party said happily: "This activity is very good. Let our old people know that the scams of scammers can help us to be vigilant and not be deceived!"

Second Party Group: Focus on national unity

On June 24th, the Party Branch of Xiangzhou County United Front System, the Party Branch of the Party School of the Xiangzhou County Party Committee, the Party Branch of the Ancient Elephant Fire Rescue Station of Xiangzhou County, the Party Branch of the Semu Village Police Station of the Public Security Bureau of Xiangzhou County, and the training of middle -aged cadres in Xiangzhou County 2022 The second party group of the temporary party branch jointly carried out the theme party day activities of the "Congress of the Communist Party of China, Entrusted a new journey, and a family unity of the nation", guiding all party members to keep in mind the original mission, courageous the awareness of the Chinese nation's community.

On the day of the event, everyone watched the red movie "The Great of the Party", relive the history of the world, feel the firm ideals and beliefs of the revolutionary ancestors, and draw on the forge -life force of hard work.

On the day, the activities were colorful. In the funny national shoe competitions, the participating players played a group of three groups. During the competition, the team members worked together, the same pace, and cooperated with each other to sprint at the end. The activity set up a basket to connect hydrangea, handle hand -sang, rolling iron rings, "one circle to the end" and other activities. Party members, police, firefighters, and cadres of various nations and various nations were attracted by interesting projects with national characteristics. During the entire event, laughter continued, and applause was endless.

Firefighters also show you training projects such as cutting iron doors and hemp rope climbing, and give everyone to experience operation fire equipment.

Through this theme party day event, everyone has strengthened their ideals and beliefs, deeply understand the significance of the consciousness of the Chinese community, stimulate the patriotic enthusiasm and national feelings of all party members, further unite party members' unity and energy, and start a new journey in the new era. Realize new actions.

Third Party Group: Pay attention to green low -carbon life

On the afternoon of June 24th, the third party group of the temporary party branch of the middle and middle -aged cadres in Xiangzhou County in 2022 launched the theme party day event of "Green Xiangzhou relying on everyone and me", advocating everyone to protect the beautiful elephant with action State, the concept of health and civilized life that spreads green and low -carbon.

The party members and cadres set off from the county's cultural and sports center, and carried out a 3km circular hiking through Binjiang Park along the river. During the hiking, the participants cleaned roads and lawn garbage along the way, and in the form of green hiking, while enhancing their physical fitness and appreciating the beauty of the river, they also inspired the enthusiasm of life and improved their aggressive consciousness.

At the event, party members and cadres were gathered together to discuss the theme of green low -carbon life. Everyone speaks smoothly, saying that it should start with themselves, respond to green low -carbon calls with actual actions, and build a beautiful home.

Fourth Party Group: Follow the life of the elderly

On June 24th, the fourth party group of the temporary party branch of the middle and middle -aged cadres in Xiangzhou County in 2022 organized all party members and trainees to the Maping Town Nursing Home to carry out "respecting the elderly, love the old love and warm the sun, and help the elderly promote positive energy "Theme party day event.

Event site.

The party members purchased fruits, noodles, eggs, milk and other items for the elderly, and sent care to the elderly. And actively help the nursing home to clean and split firewood, and practice the service awareness of "I do practical things for the masses" with practical actions. The party members also talked with the elderly, and asked for warmth, which brought closer to the elderly.

During the event, all party members listened to the veteran veterans and the elderly to tell the story of the anti -Japanese war. By remembering the sweetness, the party members strengthened the original intention of serving the people. Finally, the event ended in the singing of the party members and the elderly, "No Communist Party, No New China".

This theme party day event not only allowed the elderly to feel the care and love from the party and the government and all walks of life, but also enhanced the consciousness of party members to respect the elderly and love the elderly. The sense of social responsibility and mission.

"Without the Communist Party, there is no our happy life today. Thank you for your arrival. Let us really feel the warmth and care of the party!" Said Hu Zhengping."Respect for the elderly is the traditional virtue of the Chinese nation. As a party member, we must take the lead in respecting the elderly and the elderly, and create an atmosphere of respecting the elderly, respecting the elderly, and loving the elderly." Said Huang Ping, a party member, said.

(Comprehensive supply of comprehensive supply of middle -aged cadre training class in 2022 in Xiangzhou County)

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