Free haircut, sewing, grinding knife ... Community volunteers send convenience services to the door of the residents' house

Author:Changjiang Daily Time:2022.06.27

The 5G live car of the Yangtze River Daily drove into the Wufengli community. Reporter Zhan Song

The Yangtze River Daily Da Wuhan client June 27 (Reporter Li Aihua) Free haircuts, sewing, grinding knife ... super -many people services so that residents can enjoy without the community. In Wufengli community in Wulidun Street, Hanyang District, a convenience service team composed of volunteers sent services such as free haircuts, sewing, grinding knives, repair electrical appliances and other services to residents' houses, which was generally welcomed by residents of the community. On June 27th, the 52nd session of the Yangtze River Daily's Wuhan client and Wuhan city message board "Small things full of happiness" entered the five -Fengli community celebrities, the community secretary, residents and volunteers online interacting with netizens , Share the experience of community construction.

Li Baihai, Secretary of the Five Fengli Community, was interviewed by anchor. Reporter Li Aihua Photo

The Wufengli community is located around the Wuhan Zoo, with an area of ​​0.6 square kilometers under its jurisdiction. There are 14 communities, 63 residential buildings, 4,765 households and 8650 resident population, of which 1236 are over 65 years old.

Li Baihai, secretary of the Wufengli community, said that in order to create a beautiful life and build a beautiful home, 27 communities have a skillful volunteer to form a convenience service team. Which community residents have demand, the convenience service team rushed to where they arrived The community provides voluntary services for residents.

On the afternoon of June 27, the service activities of the convenience service team opened in the central garden of the celebrities.

The reporter from the Yangtze River Daily saw that more than 20 volunteers were wearing red vests and began to live. The two volunteers are responsible for registering and dividing the category of kitchen knives, scissors, clothes, children's toys, etc. sent by the residents, posted it on the number, and then distributed to each service group.

Volunteer Li Mingqing grinds a knife for the residents. Reporter Li Aihua Photo

Volunteer Li Mingqing is 78 years old this year, but his kung fu is still first -class. After a while, a rusty kitchen knife was polished. Li Mingqing said that there are more people who have grinded the knife. The kitchen knives and scissors sent by all grind will be completed.

Volunteer Zeng Yuncheng learned his own haircut technology. After the event, Zeng Yuncheng has been busy, and has been raised for six residents. Zeng Yuncheng said that some elderly people are not convenient for going downstairs, and he will find time to serve.

Volunteer Zeng Yun became a haircut. Reporter Li Aihua Photo

In the sewing service area, volunteer Xiao Juying cuts and threads, and the movements are numb and skilled. The resident Ms. Liu said happily after taking the sewing clothes: "Now sewing a clothes to change a pants and feet is convenient, the community is really intimate."

Xiao Juying is the person in charge of the convenience service team. According to its introduction, the convenience service team has launched 105 events and served more than 5,250 residents in the past few years.

At the event site, volunteers of the Wufengli Community Conspiracy and Art Troupe have presented a number of solo, chorus and other literary programs, attracting many residents to stop and watch.

The volunteers of the Zhiyin Literature and Art Troupe performed for residents. Reporter Li Aihua Photo

The 5G high -definition live car of the Yangtze River Daily also entered the celebrities. Li Baihai, secretary of the Wufengli community, said in an interview with the Yangtze River Daily anchor in the live car that the convenience service team provided convenience services for residents, and the Zhiyin Literature and Art Troupe enriched the spiritual life of residents. The community has organized various service activities of the people and the people, which not only brings the convenience of life to the residents of the community, but also promotes the harmonious relationship between neighbors, adding new vitality to the community.

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【Edit: Ding】

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