Dongkeng Village, Fu'an City: "Reunion Run" Inherits red genes

Author:China Fujian Time:2022.06.27

On the morning of the 26th, the launching ceremony with the theme of "Inheriting the Red Gene" was held in front of the Square Square of the Mindong Revolutionary Memorial Museum of Ningde City. The event was sponsored by the Dongkeng Village Branch Committee of Tantou Town, the Dongkeng Villagers Committee of Tantou Town, and the Municipal Road Running Association.

According to reports, the event is in the form of a relay match. Each team consists of 5 members, each of which runs 6 kilometers, and the relay is 30 kilometers. Before the starting ceremony, more than 200 runners followed the footsteps of the interpreter in the memorial hall, listened to the history of the revolutionary struggle of the Mindong revolution, and then stepped on the runway, pursuing the martyr's footprint, and ran to Dongkeng Village, Dongkeng Town, Tantou Town, the Red Revolution. Essence

With the shot of the fire, the runner rushed out of the starting line.

At 8 am, the runner in a red T -shirt was ready to go on the starting line. With a crisp gunlier, they rushed out of the starting line together and officially opened the prelude to the red relay running.

Red Flag dances, passed on the fire. On the runway, the runner chased me, and the teammates beside you shouted, and the warm atmosphere was intertwined with the high emotional intertwined. Following the figure, becoming a beautiful landscape.

"I participated in the red relay for the first time. Although the journey was far away, the scenery along the way and the deep red culture of Dongkeng Village benefited me a lot." Then happily said.

Red relay running scene

It is understood that Dongkeng Village is located in the mountainous area of ​​the northeast of Tantou Town, Fu'an City. It is one of the 28 old revolutionary foundation villages in the province. It has rich red resources. Revolutionary struggle. In recent years, Dongkeng Village has fully tapped the red resources of the old revolutionary districts, and made full red articles by building a red revolutionary education base and opening up the red tourism boutique route. At the same time, Dongkeng Village has continuously improved the basic supporting facilities, enhanced the "hematopoietic" function of the village industry, and gradually optimized the ecological environment. In 2016, it was rated as a provincial beautiful village.

The runner took a group photo in front of the memorial hall

"Holding this red relay running activity is to use the form of running, along the pace of revolutionary martyrs, inherit the red gene, discover red culture, and tell red stories." Dongkeng Village will rely on red resources to develop red tourism brands to help rural revitalization. (Chen Yafang)

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