The guy "renews his life" every day with milk tea.

Author:Pole news Time:2022.06.27

Jimu Journalist Liao Shiqi

Correspondent Ma Yaoyao

When I was sleeping at night, I suddenly had a pain in my knees. The next day, I almost couldn't walk. Mr. Yang, 25, went to the hospital for an examination that it turned out that it was suffering from gout. Essence The doctor learned through the inquiry that Mr. Yang loved to drink milk tea and almost drank milk tea as water. In this regard, experts from the Rheumatology and Immunology Department of Wuhan Central Hospital reminded that some high -sugar drinks that everyone is drinking every day is actually a risk factors that induce gout.

Mr. Yang lived in Houhu, loved to drink milk tea, and almost drank milk tea as water. Where to open a new milk tea shop, Mr. Yang will have to try the new. Three days ago, Mr. Yang, who was sleeping, suddenly felt pain in his knees for no reason. This was the third time he had appeared in this symptom for more than a month. But what Mr. Yang didn't expect was that the next day, he found that the two knees were swollen and painful, his legs were difficult to bend, and it was difficult to walk. Subsequently, the family sent him to the Houhu Hospital of Wuhan Central Hospital for treatment.

Visual joint needle knife mirror shows a large amount of uric acid crystal deposition

After inspection, Mr. Yang's uric acid value was as high as 700. Fang Yan, deputy chief physician of the rheumatology department, diagnosed, and Mr. Yang suffered from gout. According to Fang Yan, the normal value of blood uric acid is 149 ~ 416 μmol/L. Mr. Yang has seriously exceeded the standard. Through the dual -source CT further examination, it was found that there were quite a lot of uric acid crystals in the knee cavity of Mr. Yang. Yesterday, Fang Yan was treated with a minimally invasive arthropic needle knife mirror surgery, and the uric acid salt crystals was removed. Mr. Yang's previous symptoms were significantly relieved.

Deputy Chief Physician Fang Yan underwent minimally invasive acupuncture needle sword mirror surgery

Through further inquiries about the medical history, Fang Ye learned that Mr. Yang did not drink or eat seafood, but he had the habit of drinking milk tea. Fang Yan judged that Mr. Yang's gout was closely related to drinking milk tea. Research in recent years has found that the intake of fructose is closely related to the onset of gout. Although fructose does not contain purine, some ingredients contained in it can promote the body's synthesis of more purines, thereby promoting the synthesis of endogenous uric acid; on the other hand, it will also hinder uric acid excretion, which will cause uric acid to produce The speed is far greater than the speed of excretion, so long -term drinking high fructose drinks can cause gout attacks by patients.

Chen Wenli, director of the rheumatism department of the hospital, reminded that many people think that eating seafood, drinking and intake of high purine can induce gout. In fact, drinks with high sugar content like milk tea will also affect uric acid metabolism. In hot summer, gout patients should drink plenty of water in daily life, mainly boiled water or light tea. Do not drink too much milk tea or carbonated drinks, especially drinks with high sugar to replace water. In addition, proper exercise is also very important, and exercise can accelerate the metabolism and excretion of uric acid.

(The picture is provided by Wuhan Central Hospital)

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