Bagua Street supporting parking building main decoration renovation comes to an end

Author:Shishi City Rong Media Center Time:2022.06.27

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As an important supporting facilities for the Bagua Street Protection and Improvement Project, the main body of the three -dimensional parking building entrance at the middle of the town has entered the countdown countdown. A few days ago, the reporter set a new image of the project with a aerial perspective. According to the relevant person in charge of the SDIC Group Fengtou Company, the interior of the underground parking lots on the two floors has entered the ending stage, and the construction of hydropower construction has been promoted simultaneously. On the ground, it has been filled back to the earth. After the two new buildings have completed the main body pouring before, it is currently accelerating the promotion of masonry and decoration. The entire parking lot project can be basically completed at the end of this month.

The Bagua Street Protection and Promotion Project is one of the five major cultural tourism projects in the Shishi "5510" project competition, and it is also a specific starting point for the city's grasping quality and answering the "Five in Shishi" article. According to the plan, our city will make the project build an important carrier to show the origin culture, post road culture, and folk culture. Therefore, including the facade outside the parking building, and the two buildings on the parking building, it will also be integrated into the old street in terms of style, designed as an ancient facade image.

It is worth mentioning that considering the increasing number of new energy vehicles at the moment, according to the actual situation of venue space and traffic mooring, reasonable planning and construction of charging stations is to promote energy conservation and emission reduction and green city construction, and better meet the needs of electric vehicle battery life. Reality needs. The gossip old street flow is dense, and it will also drive more tourists and traffic after being built into a cultural tourism leisure area. To this end, the SDIC Group also set up a charging station in the parking building. According to the current design plan, 22 charging piles will be added here in the later stage.

(Reporter Kang Qinghui Li Rongxin Correspondent Wang Mingzhe)

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