Welcome to the peak summer protection power supply 丨 take the initiative to dock the customer's needs to ensure that the power consumption is worry -free

Author:State Grid Time:2022.06.26

The weather in June is complicated and changing, and the load with electricity is increased. Summer supply to the peak summer protection is an important task of the current power grid. State Power Grid Co., Ltd. go all out to ensure the reliable supply of electricity and the safe operation of the power grid. It resolutely keeps on the life line of safety production and the bottom line of the people's livelihood. All units of the company improve and complete various plans, enter the enterprise, enter the field, take the initiative to connect the customer's needs, and actively serve the customer's production and life stable power consumption.

Precision docking corporate electricity needs

On June 14, Tianjin Dongli Power Supply Company completed the power delivery work of 630 kV of the 630 kV of Pioneer Hui Industrial Base. It took only 14 days from the enterprise to register for land registration to the entire process of calling for electricity. Dongli Power Supply Company won the time for the enterprise to seize the construction of the summer project in the construction period.

"When applying for land registration, the comrades of the electricity came over. The scene helped us to handle the call, and let us use the electricity in time." Said Zhang Zhicheng, the person in charge of Xun Kun · Pioneer Hui Project.

In the past few days, with the rise of temperature, the load of Tianjin Power Grid has also risen. On June 21, the peak of the power load of Tianjin Grid reached 14.82 million kilowatts, a new high in 2022. State Grid Tianjin Electric Power Company conscientiously implemented the company's eight measures to serve the economy and stabilize the economy, and released 36 measures for nine aspects of "stabilizing the economy, maintaining power supply, and promoting development" to actively serve the steady development of the economy and society.

▲ State Grid Tianjin Electric Power Employees went to local enterprises to carry out electricity and acceptance before delivery

In the summer of serving enterprises, the State Grid Tianjin Electric Power proposed to continue to improve the power level, improve the efficiency of customers, improve the reliability of power supply, the implementation of major projects in service, and reduce the cost of market entity access.

At the same time, the company carried out visiting service activities for "helping enterprises to relieve rescue, serving the company's resumption of labor and re -production", accurately connected to 676 key construction projects and industrial chain improvement in Tianjin, improved key projects for people's livelihood, actively served the company's electricity demands, solved the enterprise to solve the company Use electricity problem.

As of now, State Grid Tianjin Electric Power has visited more than 3,500 companies to solve more than 1,200 customers' demands.

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In addition, the State Grid Tianjin Electric Power plays the role of the regional resource optimization, completes the special inspection, maintenance and important customer use inspection, and promotes the construction of 32 infrastructure and summer projects and 127 improvement of the construction of the transformation of the summer summer project. To stand on to ensure the safe and stable operation of the power grid during the summer of the summer and the orderly supply of electricity.

"Nanny" service electrification project

On June 23, the employees of the Yangdianzi Power Supply Center of Ji Beiqian Power Power Supply Company came to Hongqian Planting Development Co., Ltd. to conduct a special electricity inspection of peak summer summer to ensure that the enterprise high -temperature weather was reliable. Hongqian Planting Company is a modern agricultural enterprise operating vegetables, potatoes, grains and other planting projects. In the early days of the establishment, the overall electrification was achieved with the assistance of the power supply company.

For electrification projects such as agriculture, breeding, urban and rural small and micro enterprises, State Grid Jibei Electric Power Co., Ltd. implements the "nanny -type" tracking service to dynamically control the operating status of the equipment to ensure that customers have no worry about electricity. In addition, in combination with regional reality, the company formulates a list of key tasks to serve the people's "twenty -four solar terms" based on agriculture and agriculture. Electricity needs, providing power supply services according to the characteristics of solar terms.

国网冀北电力强化农户用电管理,完善各项服务措施,优化服务机制,全力满足客户用电需求,及时为供区农业种植户建立服务档案,梳理区域位置、用电性质、基本负荷、 Basic information such as contact telephone number, implement "point -to -point" daily services, so that each planting base and each area are equipped with a power supply waiter to perform a set of electricity guarantee measures.

Each power supply business hall also opened a green channel for agricultural growers, provided "one -stop" services, promoted the "online State Grid" APP, and assisted farmers to apply for electricity to increase electricity online and new.

▲ State Grid Jibei Electric Electric Employees helped Xijianyou Village, Dongjianyou Village, Xige Town to maintain the power supply equipment of fish ponds in fish ponds

In the face of the characteristics of agricultural production during the summer solstice, the State Grid Jibei Electric Power actively rely on service, strengthen power supply guarantee, strengthen load prediction, scientifically arrange the operation of power grids, organize employees to focus on investigating the operation of the land supply line, power distribution transformer platform area and the operation of the power distribution transformer platform area and the power distribution transformer platform area. Electricity safety for electricity and irrigation facilities.

Since the beginning of the summer, the company has inspected a total of 27,000 and 3128 lines, eliminating 1,820 defects, dispatching 4024 vehicles to repair vehicles, and sending 346 power supply services teams to the fields to carry out safety inspections.

Serving the summer "agriculture and rural areas" in summer

At present, it is at the time of the harvest of summer grains. On the Sichuan District and hillside of the Lunang River Basin, the golden fields are overflowing in a piece of golden fields. 205,000 mu of wheat in Xichuan County, Gansu entered the mature harvesting period.

"In the busy season, as long as you see you coming, you will be down -to -earth!" On June 21, Wang Shijun, the secretary of the Party branch of Chenxun Village, Dangyuan Town, Xichuan County, told the power supply employee who came to check the electricity equipment.

On June 21, the power supply company of Jingchuan County, Gansu organized employees to conduct a pull -net and comprehensive inspection on the power facilities such as the transmission line, distribution area, and pole tara line in the farmland to ensure that the power facilities were safe and reliable during the summer harvest period during the summer harvest period. run.

▲ State Grid Gansu Electric Power Employees to Zhengjiawa Village Field

Since the summer, electricity load has continued to rise. In order to better serve the "agriculture and rural" electricity consumption, State Grid Gansu Provincial Electric Power Company adopted the form of active, advanced, and on -site services, comprehensively connected the demand for the development of various planting industries, opened the "green channel", and actively promoted the "online country" "APP, extend service tentacles to improve service levels. The company also issued a convenient service card to use broadcasting, WeChat groups, brochures and other methods to spread the knowledge of power facilities and safe electricity.

At present, the State Grid Gansu Electric Power has a total of 112 "Lianxinqiao" Communist Party member service team, forming 46 power supply service guarantee teams to form a territorial and grid service matrix. During the peak summer, the company went all out to docking the needs of customers, enhanced the level of high -quality power supply services, improved the power reliability and power handling efficiency of customers during the peak summer, and continued to improve the sense of power acquisition of customers.

Multi -measure service to meet the peak of summer new energy grid

As of 22:55 on June 20, Yili Power Grid reached 2.145 million kilowatts, a record high during the summer summer.

▲ State Grid Xinjiang Electric Power Employees at 110 kV Wutong power stations for equipment temperature measurement

On the same day, the National Power Grid Xinjiang Power Tianshan Snow Lotus (Ili Yihe) Communist Service Team took the initiative to go to Huocheng County, Huacheng County, Huocheng County, Kazakhstan, Ili, to assist the staff of the photovoltaic power station in the park to conduct hidden dangers to investigate Safe and stabilize during peak summer.

Faced with the continuous rising power grid load, State Grid Xinjiang Electric Power Co., Ltd. should do a good job of operating monitoring during high temperature periods, comprehensively strengthen dispatch management, and arrange for the new generation of new energy power prediction systems to arrange for the new energy power power of the Xinjiang internal armal power unit. The peak auxiliary service market and cross -provincial spot transactions have further expanded new energy consumption.

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At the same time, the State Grid Xinjiang Electric Power Deepen the application of the State Grid New Energy Cloud Platform, timely grasp the progress of new energy projects, establish a supporting and sending project and new energy project normalized tracking mechanism, improve the efficiency and service level New energy projects are completed and put into operation simultaneously, and make every effort to make new energy grid -connected services during peak summer.

In addition, the company integrates professional forces such as power supply services, project management, dispatching operations to ensure the production and operation of clean energy power plants, and strive to achieve a larger, larger, and more efficient power resources optimization allocation, ensure the peak of summer electricity consumption in summer. Period electricity continues to supply stable supply.

Content source: National Power Grid Co., Ltd. official website

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