In response to rainfall today, more than 600,000 disposable raincoats are prepared by the Beijing -Hong Kong Metro

Author:Beijing Evening News Time:2022.06.26

In order to do a good job of responding to rainfall weather from June 26th to 27th in Japan, to ensure that passengers travel safety and smooth travel during the period of strong rainfall and strong winds, a total of more than 600,000 disposable raincoats have been prepared at all stations under the jurisdiction of the Beijing -Hong Kong Metro. Published for passengers.

In order to ensure the safety and smooth travel of passengers during the rainfall during the rainfall, the Beijing -Hong Kong Metro will arrange 12 columns for reserve vehicles. At the same time, key stations such as Gaomi State North Railway Station, Xihongmen Station, Caihong Mountain Station, Jiulongshan Station and other key stations will be opened. The preparation of the guests will be added to the passengers in a timely manner to ensure that passengers will go smoothly. Before the operation starts, the train will appear 5 minutes in advance to ensure that all line trains are launched on time. During the rainfall, the driver strengthened its look at the line during driving, pay attention to the line conditions, and ensure the safety of the train and passengers.

In addition, ensure the stability and reliability of various equipment, and strengthen the measures of subway prevention and irrigation measures. Arrange special personnel on the key parts of the flood prevention to strengthen the inspection of key parts such as section roads, entering and leaving ground holes, winding pavilions, open mouths and low -lying exits and exits to do a good job of hidden dangers and investigation. The situation and section of the section connection line drainage capacity are checked to ensure that each drainage system is kept dredging. (Beijing Evening News reporter Sun Hongyang)

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