Hong Kong's 25th anniversary of the motherland · Characters 丨 bring the "800 hotline" to the Yangtze River Delta -Hong Kong businessmen Huang Youquan's Shanghai Entrepreneurship Memory

Author:Xinhuanet Time:2022.06.26

Xinhua News Agency, Shanghai, June 25th.

Xinhua News Agency reporter Xu Xiaoqing Wang Jingyuan Yang Kai

The robot voice greetings close to the real voice came from the handset. According to different consultation scenarios, the artificial intelligence (AI) voice system was fluent in answering. Twenty -five years ago, when Huang Youquan founded a company in Hong Kong, he did not expect artificial intelligence to develop to such a level.

"In 1997, Hong Kong returned to the motherland. Some of the people around me were still hesitating, but I saw new opportunities." Huang Youquan, chairman and president of the board of directors and chief executives of Feiku Group, recalled.

Over the 25 years, this Hong Kong enterprise that rushed to the Mainland began to integrate into the large mainland market from scratch. Benefiting from reform and opening up, and benefiting from the "CEPA) of the Mainland and Hong Kong on the establishment of more close economic and trade relations (CEPA), the results of Huang Youquan's entrepreneurial" 800 hotline "developed from a small call center with only dozens Comprehensive platform for voice answering and big data services.

When I first arrived in the Mainland, the first stop of this Hong Kong company chose Shanghai Pudong. "I have seen huge potential in Shanghai, where foreign companies gathered." Huang Youquan said.

In the early days of entrepreneurship, the "800 hotline" not only served some foreign -funded brands of communication equipment, but also involved financial, infrastructure construction, home appliance manufacturing and other fields.

"If Hong Kong enterprises are good at grasping the latest international industrial development trend, then the broad world of the Mainland has truly achieved the growth of Hong Kong enterprises." Huang Youquan said that he is the "one country, two systems" practice effectively promotes the win -win cooperation between Shanghai and Hong Kong cities. Perseremer and beneficiary.

Over the past 20 years, this Hong Kong company has caught up with the popularization of e -commerce and the rise of artificial intelligence technology. "Overall, after stepping on these two steps, the call center business of the" 800 hotline "gradually started digital transformation." He said.

One step at a time, the "800 hotline" was rolled out in the Yangtze River Delta, and later expanded to Beijing, Guangzhou and other places. In addition, it also has customer service points in Hong Kong, Tokyo and other cities. Nowadays, nearly 10,000 employees in more than ten cities around the world, the business is getting stronger and stronger.

"As a Hong Kong businessman, it is my luck to be able to take the national economic development and digital transformation." Huang Youquan said.

In recent years, artificial intelligence technology has made Shanghai -Hong Kong cooperation that has been deepened such as "800 hotline". The Feiyu Group developed a new business with a joint venture with high -tech companies in the Mainland to develop an AI -based high -efficiency question and answer solution.

Hong Kong returned to the 25th anniversary of the motherland. Huang Youquan set off from Hong Kong, advanced in the Yangtze River Delta, and returned to the Guangdong -Hong Kong -Macao Greater Bay Area to deploy business.

He said that his ancestral native of Panyu, Guangdong, Hong Kong and Shanghai are their own "second hometown". No matter how big the career is, they will nurture the Pearl River Delta and the Yangtze River Delta. Bay Area Promotion.

Huang has the authority who has tasted the sweetness in digital transformation, and has not forgotten the opportunities of Hong Kong young people to seize the digital economy and explore the creation of new consumption space in the Mainland.

Huang Youquan, who currently serves as the chairman of the Shanghai Hong Kong Chamber of Commerce, encourages Hong Kong enterprises to closely develop the development direction of the "Fourteenth Five -Year Plan" plan, strengthen communication and cooperation with mainland enterprises, and integrate into the trend of national development.

"Through Shanghai -Hong Kong -Hong Kong cooperation, we already have more than 130 patented technologies. I believe it will be better in the future!" He said.

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