Do not!

Author:Henan Communist Youth League Time:2022.06.26

Source: Henan Communist Youth League Integration of People's Daily, CCTV News, Xinhuanet, China Police Online, Yunnan Police

There is such a group of people

Most of them can only show people with "mosaic"

When we can see the face

But it is often the last side of their world

They are anti -drug police

It has always been one of the most dangerous types of police

Today is the 35th International Anti -Drug Day

Tribute to all anti -drug heroes!

Due to the "Golden Triangle" adjacent to the world's poisonous place

Yunnan has become a national anti -drug struggle

Frontier and main battlefields


Yunnan took the lead in establishing the first professional anti -drug team in the country

For 40 years

60 people have been sacrificed in Yunnan Anti -drug front

More than 300 people wounded


Yunnan Police announced 60 photos of poisonous heroes

They don't need to play "mosaic" again

Has sacrificed on the front line of anti -drug

Need to play "mosaic" anti -drug heroes

Still continuing to guard us

Confristic with drug dealers

Injury and bleeding have become their commonplace meals

But they are not afraid of bleeding sacrifice

Just "I'm afraid not enough to let the criminal escape

Afraid of seeing the family destroyed by drugs

Afraid of mourning to the fell comrades -in -arms to pay tribute

This fear

Let the deployment be thoroughly compared with each time

Try to arrest once "

According to the latest news from the Ministry of Public Security

For five years

A total of 451,000 cases of drug crimes were cracked in the country

588,000 suspects of drug criminals

305 tons of drugs

Chinese drug cases

The average annual decline of more than 20%in 5 consecutive years


Behind this number

It is inseparable from the efforts of the anti -drug police officer

In recent years

Various new types of drugs are emerging endlessly

They pretend to be common items in life

Have strong confusion

Quietly ambush beside us

Facing the ever -changing "coat"

We have to polish our eyes

Please be alert, don't touch it!

(View on the ups and downs)

"Every penny spent on drugs

Both will become a bullet that hit the anti -drug police ""

Today is the 35th International Anti -Drug Day

Stay away from drugs

It's a love for yourself

It is also the protection of anti -drug police

Hope the world is non -toxic

May all the world be safe

Do not find an excuse for any drug behavior



, Resolutely say "no" to the drug!

- END -

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