"Dedication on the Volunteer of Party Members", party members in this community do these things for residents ...

Author:Yangtze River Time:2022.06.25

Changjiang Network News (Correspondent Hu Yan) In order to conduct in -depth practice of party members and cadres to inspect the people at the grassroots level to solve the people's worries and warm the people's hearts, give full play to the role of the grassroots party organization's fighting fortress and the role of the pioneer of party members, and guide party members to further do good things for the masses, 6 On the 25th, the Yangxianhu Community in Hanxing Street, Jianghan District joined hands with more than 80 people including Jianghan District Procuratorate, Rural Commercial Bank, Hongsheng Kindergarten, and the community sinking party members, Kangzhi Lei Feng Volunteer Service Team, and other 80 people. "Day" activity.

During the activities of the day, the party members of the agricultural and commercial bank sinking the community actively replaced the third -generation medical insurance card for residents for free. Kang Zhi Tao Lei Feng Volunteer Service Team players, while massaging the residents, explained the knowledge such as Chinese medicine and health care.

Hongsheng Kindergarten set up stalls at the Fukang Community Activity Sub -venue to provide residents with services such as admission policy consultation.

The party members of the Jianghan District Procuratorate set up some points at the main venue of Hanxing Street to place propaganda exhibition boards to provide residents with legal consulting services. Regarding the inheritance of real estate inheritance, labor security, and notarization of pre -marital property for residents' consultation, the party members of the Procuratorate answered in -depth questioning and confusion.

At the rich venue of Fukang, the sinking party members also carried out cleaning home operations on the back streets and alleys, the green belt of the community, the building and other places, cleaned the dead ends of hygiene, and the shared bicycles were placed. All of them were busy.

Subsequently, the party members also sent rice, edible oil, and electric fans to the community 40 households. "We will persist in the pair of centered help households," said the sinking party members.

The party members also visited the old party members who were inconvenient to move, and came to the old party members to present the "Glory 50 Years of the Party" commemorative medal.

The person in charge of Yang Yanhu Community said that the rich and diverse "Dedication Day" activity of "Party Member Volunteer" solved many practical problems of residents and allowed residents to feel the care and warmth from the party organization. In the next step, the community will focus on solving the problems of the people's needs, increase policy propaganda, carry out voluntary services, and adhere to the good things that can be visible and touched for residents. Residents felt that the organization was in the community, and the party members were around.

[Edit: Xiong Zhanping]

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