Chongquan strictly fights drug crimes!The Hubei Police has cracked 4040 drug cases last year

Author:Pole news Time:2022.06.25

Ji Mu News reporter Huang Zhong

Extreme News Profile reporter Wang Likan

Correspondent Gong Xuan

June 26 is the International Anti -Drug Day. On June 24, the Hubei Provincial Government News Office held a press conference. The province's anti -drug work has been available for the year. Over the past year, the province's public security anti -drug department has cracked 4040 drug crimes, 5,604 suspects of drug criminals were captured, and 1091.02 kg of various drugs were seized. Anti -drug power.

Press conference site

"Drug illegal crimes seriously damage the safety of the lives and property of the people, and must strike on the way to open the road." At the press conference, Dong Yuhua, deputy director of the Hubei Provincial Department of Drug Control, Director of the Provincial Department of Drug Control, and Deputy Director of the Provincial Public Security Department, the province The public security organs have further promoted a series of special actions such as "thunder fire" and "net border", and detected a number of major cases of cases, and effectively curb the spread of drug problems. Since 2021, there are 45 cases in the province, provincial governors, and 72 cases above the province, and 629 fugitives involved in the province, including 11 fugitives (key) fugitives at the ministerial level.

Xiaogan police cracked the case of special drug trafficking

In November 2021, the Provincial Public Security Department organized the Police of the Public Security Bureau of Xiaogan and Police in Hunan, Anhui, Jilin and other places to successfully cracked a cross -regional drug case, destroyed 6 drug -related gangs, captured 122 drug -related suspects. 8.1 kg of drugs such as methamphetamine. In December of the same year, after nearly a year of meticulous investigation, Shiyan police destroyed a drug trafficking network involving Hubei, Yunnan, and Yuyu, arrested 127 suspects, and seized 1.227 kilograms of drugs; Huanggang police used integrated combat models to fight and fight A drug trafficking gang across Hubei and Yunnan provinces dropped 91 suspects involving drugs and seized 1.78 kilograms of drugs.

Drugs seized by Huanggang Police

The anti -drug work is a systematic project, which must be combined with defense and comprehensive policies. Jimu Journalists learned that the province's 5170 easy -making chemical enterprises in the province strictly controlled, controlled, and strictly responsible, ensuring zero loss of vulnerable chemicals and new spiritual activity substances; "Caring for assistance, help more than 35,000 drug users; build 6 new treatment venues, further implement the acceptance of the diseased residue drugs, and accumulate a total of 2176 people; The "three packages" system of the Baodian strictly prevent the rebound of illegal planting activities.

Dong Yuhua introduced that in recent years, the province's drug treatment has achieved certain results, and the situation of the poisonous situation has remained overall controllable. However, due to the international and domestic drug situation, and the characteristics of Hubei in the hinterland of China, the situation of the poisonous situation is still severe and complicated.

New types of drugs such as methamphetamine are increasingly prominent, and the number of abuse of methamphetamine accounts for 75.83%of the total number of existing drug users; new drugs are renovated, and "poison stamps", "toxic candy", "toxic milk tea" are constantly appearing; Adopt online and offline combination; overseas drug penetration has intensified, many criminals flow abroad and linked to overseas drug trafficking gangs. Since 2021, the province has seized a total of 1009.86 kg of drugs from overseas, accounting for 92.56%of the total amount of poison.

On the same day, the Hubei Provincial Anti -Drug Office also notified a typical case of drug anti -drug in 2021.

【A reporter asked】

The province's special rectification severely cracks down on "poison driving"

"Poison driving" threatened the public security of the public. This year, Hubei has adopted targeted governance measures for "poisoning".

Dong Yuhua, deputy director of the Hubei Provincial Department of Drugs, Director of the Provincial Anti -Drug Office, and Deputy Director of the Provincial Public Security Department, introduced that in response to the behavior of drug driving, Hubei strengthened its source supervision. Those who apply for driving licenses strictly control and find that if they belong to the behavior of absorbing, injection of drugs or dismissal of forced quarantine and detoxification within 3 years, and the long -term use of dependent psychotropic drug addictions, the public security organs will not accept acceptance Application for driving permits; driving motor vehicle behaviors after seized and taking drugs after injection, or ordering community detoxification, community rehabilitation or decision to force isolation and detoxification in accordance with the law. certificate.

At the same time, from March to the end of October this year, the Hubei Provincial Anti -Drug Office deployed the province to carry out special rectification of driving motor vehicle issues in the province, established a joint law enforcement mechanism for the anti -drug department, the traffic management department, and the transportation department to severely crack down on "drug driving". Essence

"We increase the random inspection. For high -risk transportation industries such as public transportation, chemical product transportation, special road transportation, and school bus, large trucks, online car rental, taxi drivers and other key positions, regularly conduct a history of drug testing and drug abuse. Check it, and prevent the 'poison driving'. "Dong Yuhua said.

Concentrate to the determination to pass the crime of strict drugs

Drug crimes and drug abuse directly threatened the stability of the country and lived in peace. In addition to crackdown, anti -drug work should also pay attention to prevention.

At the press conference, Xiao Di, deputy dean of the Hubei Provincial Higher People's Court, introduced that the Hubei Court system has effectively fulfilled the main responsibility of cracking down on drug crimes in accordance with the law. Pass the concept of "cherish life, stay away from drugs", and prevent drug crimes and drug abuse.

At the same time, the organizational drug cases were concentrated in concentrated judgment, creating the atmosphere of public opinion to participate in anti -drugs in the whole society, and conveying the determination to severely crack down drug crimes to the public. In addition, the education of drug crimes focusing on youth groups is widely carried out. Send the law into the campus, and select the judge to serve as the vice president of the rule of law, and give a special legal system for drug control to help young people prevent drug abuse and drug crimes. Establish a "youth rights protection post" and "community correction point" to help teachings of adolescents related to poisoning, maximize educational influence and rescue correction adolescents. Block the loopholes of the supervision of courier and poisoning

At present, the transportation company's transportation supervision loopholes have become a new drug criminal means by sending drugs through delivery channels.

According to Cheng Huarong, a full -time member of the Procuratorate of the Hubei Provincial People's Procuratorate, in 2021, the Supreme People's Procuratorate issued the "Procuratorate No. 7", requiring the procuratorate to severely crack down on various types of criminal activities such as drug delivery such as drugs to increase legal supervision.

Cheng Huarong introduced that the "small package" is about "big security". The province's procuratorial organs take the initiative to work with public security organs and postal management departments. In February of this year, the Provincial Procuratorate, together with the Provincial Public Security Department and the Provincial Postal Administration, signed the "Opinions on Improve and Perfect Safe and Cooperation Cooperation Cooperation and Cooperation Cooperation Mechanism" to reduce and prevent delivery of drugs and other criminal cases of prohibited products, forming a blow and utilization The delivery channel implements the joint force of illegal crimes. In response to the discovery of criminals to use the delivery channel management loopholes in the case of handling and conduct drug illegal crimes, the procuratorial organs submitted procuratorial suggestions to the local postal management department and courier companies, and urged relevant enterprises to rectify in a timely manner.

Back to the visit to help teachers to prevent detoxification, rehabilitation

Detoxification people quit drug addiction in the detoxification center is safe and effective, but there is uncertainty with the connection with society and families after leaving, and the extension of detoxification management has attracted the attention of all parties.

"The connection assistance and follow -up care after the detoxification personnel are out of the place, which is very important for strengthening the social effects and legal effects of strengthening detoxification work." At the press conference, Zhou Shuiqing, deputy director of the Hubei Provincial Detoxification Administration Commonly constructing and co -management community detoxification rehabilitation, follow -up management of 54 guidance stations, 56 full -time police officers, 85 specialty and part -time social workers, guiding detoxification experts, social workers, detoxification volunteers and other participation, carried out anti -drug and detoxification education and training, employment for detoxification personnel Provide guidance and help in guarantee, skill training and other aspects.

At the same time, through the opening of the consulting hotline, strengthening the return of visiting, and building a social support system, regularly conduct tracking investigations, collect and understand their employment, family, life, and dating. Intervention to prevent repetition risk.

Carry out a second type of psychiatric drug special examination this year

At the press conference, Du Hanye, deputy director of the Hubei Provincial Drug Administration, introduced that the pharmaceutical regulatory department was mainly responsible for the supervision of special drugs such as anesthesia drugs, psychotropic drugs, and pharmaceuticals, and strictly prevent the inflow of illegal channels.

Du Hanye said that this year, the bureau will conduct a second type of psychotropic drug special inspection in the province with relevant departments. Through strictly check whether the sales management is standardized, strictly check whether the transportation and transfer of the transfer, whether the purchase and use of the management are standardized, strictly strictly, severe, and severe Campaign illegal crimes and resolutely curb the inflow of illegal channels and abuse.

"We will increase the investigation and punishment and resolutely implement the request of punishment. It belongs to the illegal clues under the jurisdiction of the public security organs, and promptly notify the public security organs. Those who are suspected of crimes are transferred, and they are transferred according to law and actively cooperated with the case investigation to ensure that the special inspection work has achieved practical results. "Du Hanye said.

Contain illegal molecules to use express delivery drugs

How to strengthen the prevention and curbing criminals to smuggle drug trafficking through delivery channels?

At the press conference, Xu Bing, deputy director of the Hubei Provincial Post Administration, introduced that this year, the bureau will strictly take the "three systems" of the delivery channel. Strictly check the sessions, real -name collection, and passenger security inspection. Package of parcels of sub -delivery, non -outlets, and suspicious behaviors, etc. ; For those who send drugs, report clue information in time to actively block drugs.

At the same time, we will further submit the behavior of violations from the law in accordance with the law. The joint anti -drug departments carried out special operations for delivery channels, and focused on rectifying the unpacking of grass -roots outlets to check out various types of violations such as walking and false real names. Strengthen the responsibility of the delivery channels to investigate the case of drug -related cases, and strictly impose administrative penalties for illegal delivery enterprises and relevant responsible persons in accordance with the law. At the same time, strengthen the connection between administrative law enforcement and criminal justice, and timely transfer the clues to the public security and procuratorial departments in a timely manner to investigate criminal responsibility for constituting illegal crimes.

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