Comprehensive pilot construction of Chongqing National Blockchain Innovation Application Starts Launched Yuzhong District will pilot 28 blockchain application scenarios

Author:Zhihui Babe Time:2022.06.25

On June 24, the reporter learned from the construction of the Chongqing National Blockchain Innovation Application (Yuzhong District) construction of the Chongqing City Party Committee and the District Government. Financial services, social credit, electronic government affairs, etc., will further promote the quality and capacity of the blockchain digital economy industrial park in our city.

Start the meeting. Figure Conferry of Zhihui Bayang International News Center

Blockchain is a public database based on blockchain technology, which has the characteristics of traceability and non -tampering. Since 2017, since the city has taken the lead in developing the blockchain production industry in the city, it has gathered a number of key enterprises such as Qunchain Technology, Inspur Cloud Chain, String Li Farm Technology, and Yunri Technology. The blockchain Digital Economy Industrial Park is among the first echelons in the country.

In September 2021, 17 departments including the Central Internet Information Office jointly carried out the pilot application of the blockchain innovation application, and in January 2022, the national blockchain innovation application pilot list was jointly announced. Elected a comprehensive pilot, and strive to form a group of typical cases and practices in key areas such as real economy, social governance, people's livelihood services, and fintech in key areas and other key areas.

"The comprehensive pilot pilot of Yuzhong District into the national blockchain innovation application is the broad prospect of the development of the Blockchain industry in Yuzhong." Cai Liang express. He suggested that in the next, when the construction of the blockchain pilot construction, Yuzhong District must play the radiation role of the pilot demonstration, and fully consider the linkage between the blockchain pilot and the existing national strategic pilot of Chongqing. In the process, the multiplication effect is achieved; second, we must strictly implement the supervision requirements of the Central Network Information Office for the security development of the blockchain, promote the filing of national blockchain information service in accordance with the requirements, strengthen the awareness of behavior standards, and make every effort to ensure the safety of this comprehensive pilot security. , Promoting and orderly.

Start the meeting. Figure Conferry of Zhihui Bayang International News Center

On the same day, the event also awarded a pilot certificate to the 28 blockchain application scenarios, covering the Chongqing Housing Provident Fund Management Center, China Metallurgical Sai Di Group Co., Ltd., China Radio and Television Chongqing Network Co., Ltd., String Li Farm (Chongqing). Application entities such as Technology Co., Ltd. and Chongqing Funchain Digital Technology Co., Ltd.. Yuzhong District will keep an eye on the main unit of the application scenario, implement special projects, hang charts, and reverse time order to ensure that high -quality completion and application in 2023.

Wen Tianping, director of the Municipal Party Committee Network Information Office, said that it is necessary to improve political standing and effectively enhance the sense of mission responsibility for building a national blockchain pilot. In recent years, Chongqing has strengthened four overall plans for leadership, planning overall planning, policy coordination, and layout, highlighting four innovations: technological innovation, application innovation, ecological innovation, and management innovation. The development management of chain, introduced the three -year action plan of the blockchain, held the future industry summit on the chain, and released 10 typical application cases and 20 key application scenarios of blockchain. The implementation of the "two -core, one gallery and multi -point" industrial space layout, the city's blockchain has a strong development momentum, ranking among the forefront of the country. Next, our city will solidly promote the implementation of the national blockchain pilot target tasks. The first is to strengthen the implementation of the project, focusing on the application exploration of scene application, application service expansion, and application standards, etc., and form a batch of demonstration driving as soon as possible; the second is to strengthen the use of innovation, promote the continuous expansion of blockchain+political use to civilian and commercial fields, and also expand, and also expand in the field of civilization and commercial fields. Promote cooperation and co -construction in the pilot area, and give full play to the important supporting role of blockchain in building a national digital economy innovation and development pilot zone and national integrated computing power network hub node. At the same time, strengthen ecological construction, promote the in -depth integration of technologies such as blockchain and artificial intelligence, cloud computing, and privacy computing, guide blockchain applications to the development of value, large -scale, and industrialization, and empower the high -quality development of regional economy.

Zhao Shiqing, Secretary of the Yuzhong District Party Committee, said that the whole district must follow the trend and take advantage of the situation, and continue to promote the development of innovation driven by the intelligence of big data, and strive to enhance technological innovation, improve basic support, enrich the application of scenarios, complete industrial ecology, complete industrial ecology , Create a new highland of blockchain technology and build a new future for the development of the digital economy. He emphasized that doing a good job in the comprehensive pilot work of the national blockchain innovation application, one is to improve the position and responsibility, promote the development of the digital economy, improve the quality, improve, and strengthen; Strive for comprehensive pilot work to make demonstrations and make models; the third is to cooperate and cooperate closely to ensure that various policies and measures are implemented and effective.

Huang Maojun, deputy secretary of the Yuzhong District Party Committee and the district head of the district, deployed the next step. It is pointed out that the main unit of the application scenario should implement the project special class, hang chart operations, and reverse time order to ensure that high -quality completion and application in 2023, and strive to formed a number of typical cases and experiences of blockchain innovative applications in the country. practice. Each department should regularly build a platform for government and banking enterprises for the supply and demand of blockchain technology, actively expand application scenarios such as smart medical care, smart health, financial services, social credit, electronic government affairs, intellectual property rights, etc., encourage enterprises to explore large -scale commercial models. Dynamically enrich the pilot application scenarios, and make every effort to promote the improvement of the quality and capacity of the Blockchain Digital Economy Industrial Park in Chongqing.

Source: Zhihui Bayang International News Center

Reporter: 影

Edit: Jiang Jinggu

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