The second press conference of "Focusing on people's livelihood and care for people's livelihood" was held in Hekou District

Author:Popular Network · Dongying Time:2022.06.25 · Poster reporter Zhang Yunju Leismin reporter Li Yanxue Dongying reported

On the morning of June 24th, the second press conference of "Focusing on the Practical Livelihood of Minsheng" was held in Hekou District. 4 Porch spokespersons were invited to Hekou District Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, Housing and Urban -Rural Planning and Construction Bureau, Hekou District Civil Affairs Bureau, Hekou District Disabled Persons' Federation, and other district spokespersons. Progress, housing and urban and rural planning construction, civil government affairs, disabled federations and other fields have been released.

The reporter learned from the conference that in the field of human resources and social security, the Human Resources and Social Security Bureau of Hekou District actively served and integrated into the new development pattern, and the "seven major actions" were implemented around the ecological protection and high -quality development of the Yellow River Basin. Close to the public's concerns and do a good job of people's livelihood. Hekou District realizes 1512 new employment in urban and towns, and the goal of completing the super advancement. Vigorously implement the expansion and quality and quality of urban and rural public welfare posts, and place 220 urban public welfare posts and 506 rural public welfare posts. Carry out 777 person -times of skill training and job skills improvement training, and distribute 12.865 million yuan of entrepreneurial guarantee loans to 75 people, and issue a stable subsidy of 1.588 million yuan for 106 companies. The employment situation of Hekou District is generally stable. There are 63 newly registered insurance companies, and the number of participants is 1065. The number of enterprises in Hekou District, the career career, residents' care, work injury, and unemployment insurance insured reached 460,000, 05,900, 53,100, and 53,100. 53,500 and 230,000. For 864 companies, the social insurance premiums were reduced and social insurance premiums were 2.4273 million yuan. Exploring the establishment of the establishment of the basic endowment insurance of residents has no proof mechanism, and promotes the transition from "reduction of permits to the convenience". The signing rate of Hekou District's labor contract reached 99.67%, and 68 cases of arrears of wages were dealt with. It was 2.56 million yuan for 190 laborers and degradation salary. 84 cases of labor disputes were handled. Yuan.

In the field of housing and urban and rural planning and construction, the Housing and Urban -Rural Planning and Construction Bureau of Hekou District implemented the decision -making and deployment of the Hekou District Party Committee and the District Government, advocating "ten trees, ten oppositions", focusing on protecting people's livelihood, You property, and urban renewal hoof steps. stable. The investment of 650 million yuan in Hele New District strives to be completed in September and meets the condition of the check -in at the end of the year; the investment in Hekang New District, which invests 1.05 billion yuan, and 672 households have started construction in the first phase of the East Lake Wetland Park project with 102 million yuan. Strive for the end of October Completion; Hexiang Road rainfall renovation project, which invests 100 million yuan, is promoting the initial relocation and design work, and strives to start construction in October; the 2022 old community reconstruction project with 13 million yuan has been completed in May. At the same time, it actively promoted the renovation project of the old community in 2023 and 2024. The tender has been completed on June 22, and strives to start in July. It was completed at the end of November. It involved 394 houses of 394 houses in 17 communities. Formulate three years of construction of "red property", start with "grasping mechanisms, implementation, learning, and promotion" to achieve full coverage of 30 property service companies and 45 owners' members. Sangity points for community demonstrations. Leading the Party Committee of the Property Industry of Hekou District to carry out the "Hundred Days of Tackling Actions", "6 100 for the Mass", "10+1 Enhancement Month", "10 Back to Watch, Building a Beautiful Home", "Civilization Creation", "Civilization Creation", " "Activities for private things" and other series of activities. Through the construction of Hekou's smart property service platform, the "Internet+Property" interconnection and interoperability service system will be further improved, so that owners' demands, living needs, and fault reporting are more convenient. As of now, 69 people's complaints have been effective in letters and visits and people's livelihood hotlines, a decrease of more than 50%year -on -year. According to the deployment of Dongying City, in 2022, 284 households were subsidized by 284 households in public rental housing for public rental housing, and the people's sense of happiness, sense of gain, and security continued to increase.

In the field of civil affairs, since this year, the Civil Affairs Bureau of Hekou District has regarded improving the satisfaction of the masses as the starting point and ending point of all jobs, promoting the work style of "strict, true and fast", innovating hard work, first -class things, and accurately implementing various items. Benefiting from the people's policy, weaving the people's livelihood security network. The urban and rural subsistence allowances were raised to 956 yuan and 801 yuan per person per month, respectively, 10%and 20%, respectively. The basic living standards for urban and rural areas were increased to 1434 yuan and 1202 yuan per person per month, respectively, and increased by 17.8%and 28.7%, respectively. The basic living expenses standards for children and facts of Social Disposal and Facts have been raised to 1815 yuan per person per month, an increase of 14.7%. Since the beginning of this year, a total of more than 1,430,000 yuan has been issued to benefit more than 7,500 people in the difficulties, and we will make every effort to ensure the basic life of the group. Through the government awarding method, 18 urban and rural happy cafeterias are built. Low fees provide at least one meal (lunch) for the elderly around the elderly around them. It effectively solves the problem of hardening and dining quality of the elderly for the elderly. According to the standards of 200 yuan per person per month per person, 260 yuan per person per month per person, 320 yuan per person per month for 332 special difficulties to provide the government to buy home pension -old -age care for the elderly. Serve. In accordance with the standards of 2,000 yuan per household, the family of 191 households, disabled, and disabled elderly people will implement a suitable aging transformation, and distribute a anti -loss positioning bracelet for 130 deceived elderly people to effectively improve the quality of life of the elderly. In terms of the development of the Disabled Persons' Federation, the Hekou District Disabled Persons Federation focuses on the overall situation of the central service and strives to achieve new development and breakthroughs in the cause of the disabled. Establish a lobby of the Disabled Persons' Federation in the People's Hospital of Hekou District, and implement the "one -stop" service for the disabled person's certificate. For those who are determined to be evaluated in the joint hall, on -site services are implemented. At the same time, data docking with Kukou District Civil Affairs Bureau, Hekou District Medical Security Bureau, Human Resources and Social Security Bureau of Hekou District, and connecting real policies. Since the beginning of this year, a total of 246 people with disabilities have been applied for, 11 people are "across provinces", and 27 have been applied for permits. The "Rukangjiayuan" of the Disabled Personal Service Center of Hekou District was listed as the provincial "Rukangjiayuan" disabled home construction pilot, and the "Rukangjiayuan" of Minghu New Village of Xinhu Town was rated as the municipal "Rukang Home". This year, actively created a provincial -level employment and entrepreneurial base and one municipal employment and entrepreneurial base, and settled more than 70 disabled people. Active combination with the quality and capacity of public welfare posts, 56 disabled people have achieved public welfare job employment. Hekou District Disabled Personal Service Center has 20 people with intelligence, spiritual and other severe disabled, relying on 30 people with mental health institutions to support mental disabilities, and 284 home support services in Hekou District. Instead of paying urban and rural residents' insurance for more than 900 people with severe disabled, and paying accidental damage insurance for the disabled for the disabled of 1,584 employment age. Combining important festivals such as the Spring Festival and the National Disabled Persons' Day, visiting families with disabled people with difficulties and disabled will be paid, and the condolences are 100,000 yuan.

It is understood that a total of three theme press conferences of the people's livelihood series were organized by the Propaganda Department of the Hekou District Committee and the Press Office of the People's Government of Hekou District. The progress of practical work responds to social concerns and enhances the well -being of the people.

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