The new illegal construction of the "dynamic clearing zero" stock illegal construction de -inventory

Author:Network Time:2022.06.25

(Source: Shibei District)

(Source: Shibei District)

(Source: Shibei District)

Xinwang, June 25 (Correspondent Zhou Yang reporter Du Yue Ran) Since the mobilization conference of the Centennial Conference of the Northern District, the Mobilization Conference of the Centennial Creative Chaos Cost, the city's North District has closely focused on the deployment of urban renewal and urban construction for three years. The masses are worried and annoyed, and the work requirements of the "strict truth, real and fast" style of style are implemented.

A few days ago, in accordance with the spirit of implementing the 12th Party Congress of the province, the Shibei District Comprehensive Administrative Law Enforcement Bureau organized the enforcement squadron of various streets to anchor "walking in front, opening a new bureau", and bravely tackled the "vanguard". Motor chart operations, to accelerate the process of urban renewal, maintain a clean and harmonious city image, and enhance the strength of comprehensive law enforcement teams in the quality of the city.

New illegal construction zero tolerance

The comprehensive administrative law enforcement squadron of Fushan New District took the public report, saying that Yuanyang Wanhe City's negative shops were built with public spaces to build houses. The law enforcement officer rushed to the scene as soon as possible, stopped construction on the spot, and contacted the person in charge of the construction. After confirming that it was illegal construction, the squadron promoted the relevant policies and regulations of illegal construction and required it to demolish it within a time limit. After the unremitting persuasion and promotion of the squadron, on June 14, the newborn illegal construction of a 200 -square -meter was unpacked by the shop.

The comprehensive administrative law enforcement squadron of Liaoyuan Road Street has continued to increase the prevention and control of new students' illegal construction, adheres to the "zero tolerance" attitude towards the new students, and achieves "showing" and promoting "dynamic clearing". On June 14, the Liaoyuan Road Street Law Enforcement Squadron and the Second Squadron directly affiliated to the Comprehensive Administrative Law Enforcement Bureau of the North District of Liaoyuan Road, forced demolition of illegal buildings under construction on the top of a residential building on Harbin Road. Praise.

Recently, Luoyang Road Street Comprehensive Administrative Law Enforcement Squadron took the feedback from the tourists. Some people were setting up "housing" in the demolition space of Zhengzhou Road, and also "set fire and burned things". The squadron law enforcement officer immediately arrived at the scene. After a detailed investigation, law enforcement officers confirmed that the place was "illegal construction", and immediately demolished the law enforcement to the random construction, and the water source was poured out to eliminate hidden safety hazards. The newly added construction of the office, from the time of receiving the report, only took less than 30 minutes, fully reflecting the thunder means of the Law Enforcement Squadron of Luoyang Road Street in violation of the rules. Luoyang Road Street Law Enforcement Squadron will cooperate with various communities and agricultural and industry units this year to form a "grid -like, seamless gap" inspection mode to create a full -coverage patrol control and control patrol and controlling the control of "horizontal to edge, vertical to the end, no dead corner, no blind zone", so The law enforcement effect has been further strengthened, realizing the work effect of timely and timely disposal of the signs to stop and timely dispose of the gap when it is not empty, leave the gap, and ensure that the new illegal "zero growth" is added.

"Destructive" for illegal construction

Recently, the Fuxin Road Street Comprehensive Administrative Law Enforcement Squadron reported to the masses, and there were illegal construction in the No. 3 platform of Anshan Second Road. After investigation by the squadron, the illegal construction of the residents for the residents on the platform without handling any relevant building approval procedures, with an area of ​​30 square meters. In order to promote the demolition work, the law enforcement squadron of Fuxin Road Street issued relevant documents to the residents and repeatedly entered the household to understand the situation. However, the elderly were unstable and unwilling to cooperate with the squadron work. After understanding the situation, Li Shushan, director of the Comprehensive Law Enforcement Office of the Street, immediately organized law enforcement officers and community staff and community property to interview the parties again. Through multiple patient policy explanations and ideological guidance, the parties gradually realized the harmfulness of illegal construction and accepted passively from passive acceptance Turn to active cooperation. On June 11, under the circumstances of doing a good job of warning and ensuring the safety of residents, the squadron organized construction personnel and cranes to demolish illegal equipment. Calling hands fast.

The No. 2 Ronghua Community on Weihai Road is one of the upgrade and reconstruction projects of the Old Building Courtyard on Dengzhou Road Street. On May 31, during the process of performing the demolition of the squadron, the residents reported that the chimney of the wall of Building 5 was rotten and loose. The rainy season is coming, and the old chimney may collapse and drop at any time due to wind and rain. It will seriously affect the safety of the residents of the community.

To this end, the Law Enforcement Squadron of Dengzhou Road attaches great importance to it. The first time law enforcement officers were arranged to check the scene and found that the bottom floor of the building was the outlet, and the outlets were 6 floors. The abandoned chimney is fixed on the outer wall, and it has been rotten and loose, and even sporadic fragments have fallen. There are great hidden safety hazards. In addition, there is also a illegal building on the platform, which also affects the progress of the exterior wall insulation project currently underway. The squadron decisively decides to exclude hidden safety hazards for residents and ensure the reconstruction of the building courtyard. At the same time, considering the danger of high -altitude operations, based on the principle of "people -oriented and safety first", the squadron organized construction personnel and large cranes such as demolition and such as thorough safety deployment. Remove. The Law Enforcement Squadron of Dengzhou Road Sub -district stated that the illegal management of old communities is difficult. Only by precise classification, targeted policies, and centralized tackling can the problem be properly solved. Do a good job of illegal construction, communication and coordination, supervision and demolition, and continuously increase the illegal construction and rectification efforts, and resolutely win the battle against illegal and cure. With the strong support of the Squadron, the comprehensive administrative law enforcement bureau directly under the Shibei District District of Kaiping Road Street, it took two days to dismantle 16 in two days of removing Kaiping Road in two days, with a total of 260 square meters. In the next step, the street will combine the rectification work of the building to renovate the courtyard fence to further enhance the beautifying environment.

Dunhua Road Street Comprehensive Administrative Law Enforcement Squadron focuses on the difficulties of citizens' hotspots, and strictly investigate outlets along the line to build illegal buildings. In response to the problems of illegal construction, oil fume disturbing people, and gas tanks, which were repeatedly reflected by the citizens many times in the early stage. After inspection by the law enforcement personnel, in addition to the illegal construction, there was a gas tank. Fire risk. Law enforcement officers have contacted the parties many times, set up their own persuasion from the perspective of the merchant, patiently conveyed the disadvantages of demolition and disassembly, and promoted the relevant policies of the demolition of violations. , And clean up the gas tank.

Road widening obstacles

On June 13, the comprehensive administrative squadron of Hailun Road Sub -district Law Enforcement Executive Squadron demolished a many years of illegal buildings in front of the Gate of 365 Nanjing Road. The illegal construction of the office was within the scope of the widening project along the Nanjing Road, with an area of ​​about 30 square meters, brick -hybrids, mixture of bricks and mixtures. Structure has been used to open beer houses. After many people who have come to the door, the homeowners and tenants have been persuaded and promoted the ideological work of the homeowner and the tenants. They finally obtained the understanding and cooperation of the parties, so that the illegal construction was smoothly demolished. Since April, the Law Enforcement Squadron of Helen Road Street has launched the illegal cleaning work involved in the expansion and reconstruction project along Nanjing Road. The demolition in accordance with laws and regulations continues to help the Nanjing Road expand the transformation project along the Nanjing Road.

Tanghe Road broaden the transformation project from Ruichang Road, Ruichang Road, Northern District, and Anshun Road in Licang District. It is an important transportation project that started construction in Qingdao this year. The road will be greatly convenient for surrounding residents to travel after the road widening and transformation. On the morning of June 10, the Kaiping Road Sub -district Office, Kaiping Road Street Comprehensive Administrative Law Enforcement Squadron, together with the District Comprehensive Administrative Law Enforcement Bureau and the District Urban Authority, with the strong support and cooperation of the District Party Committee Political and Legal Committee and the North Branch of the Public Security City, organized personnel The use of large -scale machinery to enforce the illegal demolition of No. 33 Kaifeng Road, and demolish 3 illegal buildings left by history, with an area of ​​300 square meters. Since the beginning of this year, in order to ensure the construction of road construction and construction on schedule, Kaiping Road Street and District Reconstruction Headquarters and District Comprehensive Administrative Law Enforcement Bureau have been closely promoted and promoted. A total of more than 3,000 square meters of various illegal buildings on Tanghe Road and Kaifeng Road have been demolished. On this basis, Kaiping Road Street will continue to summarize the experience of demolition and dismantle, and use the determination and attitude of iron -wrist governance to further carry out the "100 -day tackling" operation. Illegal phenomena and other illegal phenomena such as chaos and chaos are focused on strikes and cleaned up. They are resolutely achieved violations of and not left dead ends. The residents and the masses are also in the urban area of ​​"standardized, clean, and beautiful".

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