Oil and gas giants will hit tens of billions of hydrogen energy planning far

Author:21st Century Economic report Time:2022.06.25

21st Century Business Herald reporter Peng Qiang, intern Xue Yuanyuan Beijing reported

Although the prospects of commercialization are not clear, it is always right to start investment and development as early as possible.

Since June of this year, Chevron, Daedal, and British Petroleum Corporation (BP) have successively deployed hydrogen energy projects in Kazakhstan, India and Australia, causing attention from all walks of life.

Multinational energy giant hydrogen energy project continues

On June 8th, the U.S. oil and gas giant Chevron signed a memorandum of understanding with Kazakhstan National Petroleum and Natural Gas Corporation (KMG). The development potential of low -carbon projects such as methane management and carbon financial disclosure methods.

Chevron New Energy CEO Jeff Gustavson said that low -carbon energy is the future development trend. Chevron will cooperate with KMG to explore low -carbon business opportunities and help promote Kazakhstan energy transformation.

Although it was previously considered to be slow in response to climate change, Chevron has recently stated many times that investment will increase investment to promote energy transformation.

In an interview with the media before, Mike Will, CEO of Chevron, said that the company has seen the potential of renewable natural gas and hydrogen energy to bring huge returns to shareholders. In the future low -carbon field investment Essence Including carbon capture and other fields, Chevron's related investment will exceed $ 10 billion.

On June 14, Total Energies, French energy giant, announced that it will acquire a 25%equity of Indian company Adani New Industries Limited (Anil) to create a green hydrogen ecosystem. The Daidal Energy Plan can achieve the goal of producing 1 million tons of green hydrogen by 2030, as well as about 30 Gava's renewable energy power generation capabilities.

According to local media reports, Anil plans to invest $ 50 billion in the next 10 years to create the world's largest green hydrogen energy ecosystem.

On June 15, the British Petroleum announced that the company agreed to acquire 40.5%equity of the Australian green hydrogen development project "Asian Renewable Energy Center (AREH)" and became the operator of the project. The total amount of the acquisition is not announced, but some media expect the total value will exceed 30 billion US dollars.

According to the British Petroleum Corporation, the project will develop on -site wind power and solar power generation in stages. The total power generation will be as high as 26 Gaval. It is expected to produce 1.6 million tons of green or 9 million tons of green ammonia per year.

As one of the world's largest oil and gas producers, Saudi Arabia's oil giant Saudi Arabia also plans to lay out in the hydrogen energy industry. In addition to using natural gas to produce blue hydrogen, it will also explore the use of domestic rich scenery such as renewable energy to produce green hydrogen. In the future of the "hydrogen energy" era, continue to undertake the role of energy suppliers.

Compared with the high profits of the traditional oil and gas industry, the profits and capital returns of renewable energy such as the scenery and other renewable energy are inferior, but many large oil and gas companies have to adhere to the potential needs of future transformation and to adhere to the increasingly green transformation. Investors explained that the layout of extensive industries such as landscapes.

China Petroleum has previously stated that the company has deployed a number of new energy projects in the field of landscape thermal and hydrogen. It is planned to achieve new energy and crude oil and natural gas three -pointers by 2035, and by 2050, it will achieve half of the total amount of new energy consumption.

Relying on the powerful refining and chemical industry, Sinopec is currently the largest hydrogen production enterprise in China. According to the plan that Sinopec's previous disclosure, the company plans to build 1,000 hydrogenation stations or oil hydrogen construction stations during the "Fourteenth Five -Year Plan" period, which is almost ten times that of the current total amount of hydrogen and hydrogenation stations in China.

Gao Hui, a senior engineer of the Institute of Energy Strategy of PetroChina, told a reporter from the 21st Century Business Herald that in order to cope with the possible business transformation in the future, many oil companies have made corresponding layouts in the hydrogen energy industry, but they are different in strength. From the current point of view, oil and natural gas resources are still the main energy, but they are not perpetual energy. At present, the rhythm and direction of global energy transformation are still uncertain. Hydrogen energy is also one of the directions of it.

Gao Hui said that the infrastructure of oil companies has more complete infrastructure, and hydrogen -making, hydrogen storage, and hazardous chemical management have relative advantages. This is a favorable condition for their development of the hydrogen energy industry.

What is the prospect of hydrogen energy industrialization?

Although the popularity of hydrogen energy in the world is getting higher and higher, and investment projects have blossomed everywhere, the investment of green hydrogen projects is huge, and its commercialization prospects are not clear. Especially since the outbreak of geopolitical conflicts in Eastern Europe in February, the prices of oil, natural gas and coal have soared, and the tight energy supply has caused people to discuss whether the energy transformation of some economies is too radical.

Some insiders inside the oil state -owned enterprise revealed that the future business direction of the oil company will transform into cleaning, but the oil and natural gas business may not completely disappear; for whether some companies have set an excessive hydrogen energy development plan in the early stage, there are actually internal internal where they have a planned hydrogen energy development plan. Some reflection.

From the perspective of industrial policy planning in various places, it is basically focused on the field of new energy vehicles. Many people in the industry have pointed out that with the existing relatively mature new energy vehicle industry competition, hydrogen fuel cell vehicles do not have much advantage in the field of short -distance transportation vehicles. Long -distance transportation vehicles and heavy trucks are one of the directions of breakthroughs. In addition to the energy attributes itself, hydrogen energy also has a wide range of application space in the fields of shipping, energy storage, steel, environmental protection and building materials.

In an exclusive interview with the 21st Century Business Herald, Ms. Madina Mometz, CEO of Titeson Krupp Global, said that Thison Krupp has become the one in the world that can provide Geva -grade hydrogen energy production technology. One of the companies, the company is also using green hydrogen to promote the green transformation of the steel industry.

As one of the world's largest energy technology companies, Siemens Energy also has many investment projects in the hydrogen energy field, involving electrolytic water -based hydrogen -making facilities, and natural gas units and hydrogen combustion.

At present, the hydrogen energy industry is not yet mature, and a large amount of R & D and capital investment is needed. The efficiency of hydrogen energy preparation, storage and transportation, the cost of key equipment, and domesticization of key equipment need to be further developed.

Recently, at the "double carbon" contests under the "double carbon" contest jointly sponsored by the Mechanical Industry Press and the China Hydrogen Energy Alliance, Peng Suping, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, and the China Hydrogen Energy Alliance Strategic Guidance Committee Climate issues bring severe challenges to the relatively complex energy structure of China. Hydrogen energy can make high carbon energy low -carbonization, integrate with China's energy system, and help the development of the scale of renewable energy.

Peng Suping said that in the future, the deployment of the hydrogen energy industry should be strengthened and the development and expansion of application scenarios should be strengthened, the research and development of core equipment and facilities should be strengthened, and the integration of "industry -university -research" cooperation and communication and platform integration.

Mao Zongqiang, a professor at Tsinghua University and vice chairman of the International Hydrogen Energy Association, believes that it is necessary to focus on the safety utilization of hydrogen energy, cultivate professional talents, strengthen scientific research forces, and formulate and improve relevant safety standards.

Industry insiders pointed out that from the current point of view, hydrogen energy is still a very new industry. R & D investment capital consumption is very large, and economic accounts are definitely not cost -effective. Cultivation and support.

From the perspective of local governments and local enterprises, the development of the hydrogen energy industry will also be a long -term process. It is necessary to do a good job of coordinating and planning. Coordinated development between various industries and relevant departments cannot be alone.

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