Niu Eye Guan · Siwei Round Table | "After 00 Turn into the Workplace" hot search, real topic or pseudo -proposition?

Author:Yangzi Evening News Time:2022.06.25

Editor's note: One more sound, one more understanding, one more dimension, adding one point of understanding, Zi Niu News "Cattle Eyes" will launch a "four -dimensional round table" column starting. Several commentators will conduct "chat "Short reviews show a spark of thinking in the collision of views, digging three -dimensional meaning in equal communication, and clearly distinguishing the network right and wrong in rational discussions.

Entering June and July, another group of newcomers in the workplace will join the workplace after 00. Recently, the topic of "post -00 rectification workplace" appeared on the hot search. Reverse back tunes, rejection of group building, quasi -point off work, arbitration company ... These "news" related to post -00s work in the workplace, which shocked people's chin again and again, and was summarized by netizens as "post -00 rectification workplace." Are these behaviors after 00, whether they are rebellious or reasonable. Will it change the workplace atmosphere and the workplace ecology after 00? Today, several commentators express their opinions around this topic. You are also welcome to watch and discuss and commented together.

Young people are more afraid of no sense of value than working overtime

Some post -00s are the world champion, some are still studying after 00, and some have started to "rectify the workplace" after 00? After 00, the appearance of "appearance" always attracted much attention in the public's field of vision, giving people a shock of shock and joy. Netizens summarized a series of behaviors such as the post -00s, group building, and even arbitration companies as "post -00 rectification workplace". This has a "definition" of ridicule. Hope; on the other hand, there is a smell of "young people who have not been beaten by society" to watch the fire from the shore, but think carefully, is it really rectifying the workplace after 00? Do some rookie behaviors that are slightly reckless, do they express reasonable demands in their own way?

According to the "Graduation Season Report and Analysis Report in 2022", nearly 90 % of the post -post -graduate graduates are willing to work overtime, but they are more concerned about career development and personal value compared to simply "making money", and they are more concerned about whether they love this job. As some scholars say, young people are generally not afraid of tiredness, but tired and feel a little empty. They feel a little tired, that is, the sense of value is not strong. The author believes that compared to labels such as "rectification workplace" after 00, it is better to pay more attention to the real pursuit of young people in the workplace? Commentator Wang Menghang

Destroy emotional communication and create a healthy workplace environment

After 00, I just entered the workplace, which was too early to use the word "rectification workplace". Refusing to group building or quasi -point off work is by no means a post -00 attitude. No matter how many after several times, there are people who are accustomed to "tolerance" in the workplace, and there are always people who are new to the calfs and are not afraid of tigers. Indeed, after 00, there are their unique marks of the times -Internet aboriginal people. The growth process accompanies the information and information explosion. The network space reconstructs their interpersonal communication and communication model. Essence

But in this way, the label of "rectification workplace" after 00 will only fall into a new stereotype. Some people on the Internet are more discussions like "old workplace people". After 00, they bravely say no in the workplace. It may also be the inner thoughts that some old workplace people want to do but dare not do. In a workplace, it is by no means "hard" that improves the environment as a whole. Regardless of the age, adhere to the principles, and reasonably retain some sharp edge, and to communicate emotionally in order to effectively solve some unreasonable and unreasonable workplace in the workplace in the workplace. Phenomenon to create a healthier workplace environment. Commentator Xu Xiaomeng

After 00? To be verified

The first batch of post -00s has entered the workplace, and people have not arrived or first arrived. It has been accompanied by a hot search of a "post -00 rectification workplace" on the Internet "strong entry", and it has also spawned a lot of topics. Earlier, some netizens broke the news that the company's establishment department will store unified management of the post -00s, so netizens joked: Is this the workplace rectified before rectifying the workplace?

However, the above topics, similar to "the post -80s generation in Weiwei, the post -90s, pretending to be in the event, only we are rectifying the workplace after 00". Its authenticity is a bit, and it remains to be verified. Whether the "rectification of the workplace after 00" itself is a matter of questioning. Rather than letting such workplace topics occupy social platforms to discuss resources, it is better to pay more attention to employment, care for them to find ideal jobs, enter the job first and then talk about the workplace.

After 00, there are indeed differences with the previous generations in the way of thinking and handling things, but in the final analysis, when facing unreasonable, unsatisfactory, and inconsistent incidents, it is necessary It is also necessary to avoid becoming "bars" and overkill. Don't turn reasonable and compliance things into the object of "怼". After 00, it is worth looking forward to and bearing the expectant workplace. Come on! Commentator Xu Yue

Don't let the newcomers in the workplace be defined

Many people may have this feeling: whether the post -00s are just working or studying, compared with the "predecessors" of the workplace, they have the same work tasks and high efficiency, but at the same time they are more frank and frank. The problem will be clearly raised, and it will immediately feedback when it encounters difficulties. Of course, for newcomers in the workplace, the execution power cannot be ignored, but the ability and communication ability are also important. In the work, especially the links that need to be coordinated, "the most afraid of the air suddenly silence." Compared with opinions, it is a good thing for young people to make puzzles and suggestions in time. Therefore, compared to "rebellion", the author is more willing to treat the post -00s as a "constructive" behavior. After 00, the vitality can inject fresh blood and air into the workplace. It is too exaggerated to say that "the workplace after 00" is too exaggerated. It may be a way of expression. Some survey reports have proved that "lying generation" is a misunderstanding of contemporary young netizens groups. "Struggle" is still the main theme of contemporary youth. Don't let the newcomers of the post -00 workplace be defined at the beginning, but should look at them so that they can integrate into the working atmosphere as soon as possible without losing their unique personality and vitality. The "generation ditch" of the intergeneration is the inheritance of the relay, which is the tolerance culture that should be possessed in an enterprise and the entire social workplace ecology. Commentator Xue Bei

Moderator Xue Bei

Beauty Chen Min

Edit: Qin Xiaoyi

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