Retirement does not fade, build a new era!Close to Xinjiang's "Most Beautiful Retired Military" (1)

Author:Karakon Guardian Time:2022.06.25


Retirement does not fade, build a new era. In 2021, Xinjiang's "Most Beautiful Retired Military" square matrix added 3 advanced collectives and 17 advanced individuals.

Among them, there are fighting heroes to fight against the United States and aid to the North Korea, and use practical actions to interpret the original intention of removing the party and the love party for a lifetime; there is a company leader on the horse back to maintain the stability of the region and the sidelines. The pioneers set up the poverty alleviation of the people and the people of all ethnic groups in Xinjiang to help the poverty alleviation bridge ...

Different battle positions, the same responsibility. They are outstanding representatives of the majority of retired soldiers. They are in different fields and based on different positions. The wonderful life chapter of the military. @Launched a series of reports to take you to the story of approaching them.

Bayzhou Red Cross Veteran Rescue Team

The Bayzhou Red Cross veterans rescue team is a social volunteer service organization with retired soldiers. At present, there are 100 formal team members, of which 66%of the retired soldiers, and 81.8%of the number of party members of the retired soldiers. The role of the "two teams" has played obviously, leading the players to actively participate in various volunteer service undertaking based on emergency rescue, and practice the solemn vows of "if there is war and call back" with practical actions.

In recent years, driven by the high level of the state party committee and state government, the veteran rescue team, as the volunteer service organization of retired soldiers, ushered in a new stage of high -quality development. By establishing a command management system, strengthening professional training and equipment upgrades have been improved, which improves rescue professional capabilities. It carried out more than 370 emergency rescue, and successfully salvaged more than 180 killers, and successfully saved the lives of 18 people in dangerous people. Through the implementation of the "Talent Team", "two -way training" and "linkage co -performance" mechanism, a large number of experts who have obtained emergency rescue qualifications have been trained to temper the team. Assist in carrying out 29 links and co -performances, and more than 550 people participate, further improving collaborative combat capabilities.

Since 2020, more than 2,000 players and more than 300 vehicles have been dispatched to cooperate with the epidemic prevention and control work to benefit 350,000 residents, teachers and students in schools. The security task of actively applying for more than 20 large -scale events, showing the strong style and the times of the Xinjiang retired soldiers. Selected 58 members of the political, excellent quality, and ability to retire with strong retired soldiers, enriched the Militarian reserve team of the Babzhou Army Division, and normalized the preparations for the preparations before the branch; Volunteer service of retired soldiers takes root at the grassroots level and serves the masses.

A Corps of the Public Security Department of the Autonomous Region

A chief team of the Public Security Department of the Autonomous Region, at the end of 2018, was established during the adjustment of the system of the entire army. It was formerly known as the original anti -terrorist special reconnaissance team (armed police system) of the Public Security Department, and the entire team was retired soldiers.

In the past three years, the special investigation team has adhered to the overall national security concept, based on Xinjiang, radiating the Mainland, and extending abroad. It is always tight to the string of counter -terrorism and stabilizing, firmly grasped the initiative of the Xinjiang anti -terrorist struggle, adheres to the responsibility of guarding the Xinjiang Mission and loyalty to perform their duties. Vigorously promote the construction of a police navigation system, create a precedent for innovation of the "open space integration" of anti -terrorism and stabilization of anti -terrorism, and provide technical support for autonomy and assist in detecting various types of terrorism cases. At the end of 2020, the outbreak of the Kashgar area relying on the traceability of the high -tech platform means, the source of the spread was timely investigated, and a strong basis for serving the party committee's party committee's epidemic prevention and control decision -making deployment. The 20th anniversary of the return of Macau's return to the motherland, the "70th anniversary of the founding of the New China", "celebrating the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China" and the "two sessions" of the national and autonomous region "two sessions" and other major event security tasks. The consciousness ", the" four self -confidence ", and the direct test of" two maintenance "are the" anti -terrorism soldiers "that maintain the general goal of Xinjiang's social stability and long -term stability.

Changji Prefecture Retired Military Enterprise Federation

Changji Prefecture Federation of Enterprise Enterprise Federation, registered in the Changji Prefecture Civil Affairs Bureau in December 2019, accepts the supervision and guidance of Changji State Retired Military Affairs Bureau. It is a social group that helps retirees to quickly adapt to market competition and integrate into the market economy as soon as possible. Retired soldiers Liu Yanchao. At present, there are 45 members of the member units, with a total of nearly 4,000 employment, including more than 500 retired soldiers. The first is to use policy dividends to promote employment and entrepreneurship. Apply for 50 million yuan of discounted loans to help more than 20 army creation small and micro enterprises to respond to market risks; coordinate the relevant departments of Fujian Province in Xinjiang Province, and open a webcast salesperson training course. A total of more than 150 retired soldiers and soldiers participated. Agricultural and sideline products such as mouth beans are sold to the north and south of the river through the Internet, with sales of more than 3 million yuan; relying on member units Changji Youth Entrepreneurship Vocational Skills Training School, training agricultural modernization technology, management and other majors, and undertaking related training in Kashgar area 1 Thousands of people are designated as a training base for students of Changji College. The second is to integrate into the competition platform, which is called local corporate brands. The two -time state retired soldiers' "Double Innovation" competition was launched, and member units were actively participated in the competition, and outstanding enterprises were recommended to participate in the autonomous region. In 2020, he won 1 first prize, 2 second prizes, and 3 third prizes in the autonomous region. Market benefits have contributed. The third is to enrich the content of the activity, and the service guarantee to ensure quality and efficiency. Organize more than 300 retired soldiers and visit more than 30 red education bases such as Changji Martyrs Cemetery; holding the retired soldiers' "Sunshine Mental Lecture Hall" and "Legal forum" 12 times to host 12 activities to conduct policy answers and psychological counseling for the majority of retired soldiers; Develop 105 stores in the army, benefiting more than 32,000 active, retired soldiers and preferential treatment objects.

Zhang Xianzhong

Anti -US aid to the North Korea to fight abroad fighting heroes

Zhang Xianzhong (Urumqi retired cadre), male, Han nationality, member of the Communist Party of China, a member of the Communist Party of China, born in Yunnan Yuan, born in 1927, joined the army in 1948, served in the 347th regiment of the 116th Division of the 39th Army of the former Fourth Field Army, and retired in 1958. He is currently a retired cadre in Urumqi. He has participated in the Liaoning and Shen Battle, the Battle of Pingjin, the Crossing River Campaign, and the fight against the United States and the United States. During the Battle of Linjinjiang, he was awarded the "Kim Il Sung -Primary Battle Hero Medal" for heroic fighting.

After the comrade transferred to the job from the post, he took the initiative to apply for the most needed place for the motherland to work. He has successively reclaimed farmers at Peking University. He has led the masses to build construction in Xinjiang Leather Factory and has been repeatedly rated as "advanced individuals". Obief the organization arrangement to build the first jack top factory in Urumqi, Tianshan Qianjian top factory, and leading technical personnel to successfully study the world's leading hydraulic jack technology at that time. The factory was also designated by the country as "the fixed point of the Hydraulic Jack of the Northwest Province". After retiring, he took the initiative to apply to the community party organization and joined the red preaching team. He went to the troops, communities, and schools to lecture more than 1,000 party history, and more than 38,000 people in educational cadres. Especially in this year's "veterans always follow the party" activity, Zhang Xianzhong, a 94 -year -old, not only participated in the centennial activities of the party's establishment of the party, but also took care of his long -term illness. After retiring, Zhang Xianzhong always maintained the revolutionary optimism spirit that accompanied him in the war years, and presented to life. He always affected the difficulties in the family. The original intention of the love party for a lifetime.

Sun Shuting ‍

Communication soldiers who joined the DPRK

Sun Shuting (cadre of Kezhou), male, Han nationality, member of the Communist Party of China, a member of the Communist Party of China, born in Changyi, Shandong, was born in 1929, joined the army in 1946, served in the 180 regiment of the 20th Army of the 20th Army of the former Volunteer Army, and retired in 1964. It is currently a retired cadre in Aheqi County, Kezhou. He has participated in the Jinan Holding War, Huaihai Battle, Crossing the River Crossing the River, and fighting against the United States and aid to the DPRK. In the famous Yellow Sparrow Ridge battle, due to the excellent guarantee of the frontline communication command, the line joined the party and made two individuals. After returning to China, he defended coastal defense in the southeast coast.

After retiring, Sun Shuting transferred to the Secretary of the Huwangshan Commune (now Kulanza Richard Township), Xinjiang, and led the masses to create the famous "Ji Ji Commune" in the district, which was commended by the Kizhou Party Committee. When working at the County Public Security Bureau, facing the current situation of basically zero basic conditions, leading the global police officers to engage in infrastructure for bricks and tiles. After being transferred to the Party School of the Aheci County Party Committee, the party's leadership and political responsibility were highlighted, the construction of the instructor team was paid to build a cultural corridor of the party building, and the ideological and political quality of the school's cadres and employees was significantly improved, which fully reflected the purpose of the "party school surname party". After retiring, insist on participating in the life of the party organization, care about national events and the development of Xinjiang; adhere to the good style of carrying forward the ancestors and then self -employment, and actively give up the cadres who are in a cadre house for other retirees to live, and always maintain the retired cadres everywhere Good image.

治Puzzle of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region Retired Military Affairs Office


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Loyalty to maintain the core aspirations to fight for strong army

Preparation for the battle at that time to focus on the acting field

Director: Dounneshe

Supervision: Sun Jian

Chief Editor: Guo Fahai

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