China urges the United States: cancel immediately

Author:Global Times Time:2022.06.25

On the 24th of the local time, Chinese representatives spoke at the 50th session of the UN Human Rights Council with independent experts from human rights and international solidarity issues, urging Western countries such as the United States to immediately cancel unilateral compulsory measures and stop the human rights of people's people in other countries.

Chinese representatives said that China welcomes human rights and international unity independent experts in the report that it should pay attention to the infringement of human rights and environmental behaviors in developing countries, and be alert to the "new colonial agenda" of advanced capitalist countries.China supports independent experts calling on countries to avoid the implementation of unilateral compulsory measures.

Chinese representatives said that unilateral compulsory measures violate the UN Charter's purpose and principles and the basic criteria for international law and international relations.The United States and other Western countries have adopted unilateral compulsory measures on developing countries, seriously hindering the economic and social development of the victimized country and the efforts of resistance, and seriously damaging basic human rights such as the right to survival, development, and health rights of the victims. China has serious concerns about this and urges to urgeThe United States and others immediately canceled unilateral compulsory measures to stop the human rights of people's people.

Source: CCTV News Client

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