"Municipal Social Governance Modernization" Department of Middle Banner Women's Federation to build a brand to help the modernization of social governance in the city

Author:Women's Federation of Xing'a Time:2022.06.24

In order to implement the decision -making and deployment of the Party Central Committee, the Party Committee of the Autonomous Region, the Alliance Committee, and the Banner Committee on the modernization of the municipal social governance, the Women's Federation of the Keyouzhong Banner to prevent resolving the contradiction between the family marriage as the breakthrough. Functions, give play to the unique role of the Women's Federation in participating in the social governance of the city, unite and lead the majority of women and families in the flag to actively participate in the municipal social governance modernization pilot work, and contribute to accelerating the construction of a beautiful and harmonious flag.

Strengthen the construction of the position, extend the tentacles of social services, and achieve co -construction, co -governance sharing.

The first is to integrate the resources of all parties, mobilize the cadres of the women's federations at all levels and the majority of women to participate in social governance, and establish a two -way office model of "grid staff+women's federation executive committee". Make sure that the full coverage is not omitted. At present, 173 Gacha and 20 communities in the entire flag have selected 2,654 Women's Federation Executive Committee, playing an important role in grass -roots social governance. Establish 3 wedding professional teams to gather more than 50 professional talents and 473 part -time marriage officers including lawyers, psychological counselors, and volunteers. A marriage and family counseling room is set up in the marriage registration office, and experts are regularly invited to conduct special lectures such as family education and marriage contradictions.

The second is to carry out the "I am a mother, I help you" volunteer service. Organize the pairing of children and women at all levels with difficulties and women, establish long -term assistance in governance, and condolences to 30 women in Baolian Gacha, and sent more than 30 seasonal clothes. Women's federations at all levels have carried out more than 50 seconds of volunteer service activities to benefit more than 2,000 women and children.

The third is to carry out the "bringing love home" left -behind women, left -behind children and dilemma for children's care service activities, and distributed a condolences worth 18,400 yuan for 44 left -behind women and 20 left -behind children. On January 14, in Molihada Gagache launched "Bring Love Home to Warm You and I" 2021 Children's Care Service Activities. Send a love sweater and handbelt for 17 children and their parents; on January 15th, carry out the special action of caring for children to care for children's winter vacation, visit and condolences 10 poor children, and distribute it. Consolation of 5,000 yuan; on January 26, the Volunteer of the Women's Federation of Keyouzhong Banner organized the "Shake of Sunshine Station" to enter the community, carried out "bringing love home" to the community activities, and sent them a new year such as electronic piano Gift.

The fourth is to carry out free screening of "two cancers" and issue 340,000 yuan for 34 "two cancers" women. In August 2021, the Women's Federation contacted the Chinese Literature Foundation through the Beijing, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan Overseas Chinese Women's Association, and won 57,000 books, worth 1.73 million yuan. Cover 13 schools, 13 communities, and 12 Sumu Town Women and Children's House and Library. Banner, Su Mu Town, Gacha (community) third -level women's union, recruiting "love aunt" to pair with left -behind children, facing left -behind children and children's families, conduct visits to condolences and wishes to help, enhance children's sense of gain, happiness, and happiness, happiness, and happiness, happiness, and happiness, happiness, and happiness, happiness, and happiness, happiness, and happiness, and happiness, happiness, and happiness, and happiness, happiness, and happiness, and happiness, happiness, and happiness, and happiness, happiness, and happiness, and happiness, happiness, and happiness, and happiness, happiness, and happiness, and happiness, happiness, happiness, and happiness, and happiness, happiness, happiness, and happiness, and happiness, happiness, happiness, and happiness. sense of security.

Innovate the promotional carrier, focus on expanding the effects of propaganda, and open up the "nerve ending" of municipal social governance.

The first is to lead the new style of family civilization and deepen the creation of the Ping An family. Normalization of finding "the most beautiful family" and "peaceful family", looking for a hundred "Lisuo daughter -in -law" online voting and other family cultural activities. This year, a total of 386 "most beautiful families" at all levels are found, including 2 most beautiful families at the autonomous region and alliance. There are 9 most beautiful families and 50 most beautiful families in the flag -level. Attract the majority of women and family members to participate, play a positive role in preventing marriage and family disputes and creating a harmonious happiness.

The second is to carry out the theme promotional activities of "Scientific and rational Drinking and Create a Ping An Family". The women's federations at all levels of the flag make full use of WeChat public accounts, WeChat work groups, and beauty articles to publish "scientific and rational drinking to create a peaceful family" initiative, scientific rational drinking knowledge, and promotion of short videos. There are more than 60 times to preach offline, more than 200 promotional slogans, and more than 8,000 leaflets. The Executive Committee of the Women's Federation and Volunteers at all levels face face -to -face to patiently explain the harm of overdoing the harm of the women's masses in the form of a talks. Significance and the concept of peaceful family.

The third is to combine the time nodes of the "March 8th" rights protection week, the "comprehensive governance propaganda month", "6.26 anti -drug propaganda month", "12 • 4" constitutional publicity week, etc., to carry out publicity activities involving women and children's laws and regulations, and widely promote women and children. Laws and regulations of the Family Violence Law, "Protection Law of the Minor", "Civil Code" and other laws and regulations have been publicized more than 20 times, and more than 5,000 leaflets have been distributed. Use the WeChat public account platform to push online legal classrooms, and invite lawyers to record the 7 -Phase Phase Video course. Each Su Mu Town, Gacha (Community) Women's Federation and various departments carried out 35 legal publicity activities, with more than 2,000 participants, and received 357 consultations. The Banner Women's Federation Organization Division of the Middle Banner Psychological Consulting Center further implemented the "dandelion" Inner Mongolia women's children's and children's rights service projects, and carried out 40 family education lectures and psychological guidance. In July 2021, the Banner Women's Children's Center was named "the advanced collective of Xing'an League to maintain women and children's rights and interests."

The fourth is to continue to carry out activities such as "Millions of Towards the Big Explanation", "Big Classroom", "Good Family Family Training", "Sharing the Most Beautiful Family Story", etc., and give full play to the family style of family tutoring at the grassroots level, cultivating newcomers in the era, and promoting the era of the era The important role in the new wind. In recent years, the Flag Women's Federation has carried out more than 60 lectures on family education public welfare, and has held more than 30 activities such as the Red Family Style Tour, Cleaning Family Style Lecture Hall. Implement multiple assistance, improve the construction of rights protection systems, and ensure effective guarantee.

The first is to launch a joint meeting to maintain women's and children's rights and interests, integrate and use social resources to establish and improve the long -term mechanism of women and children's rights protection, and select volunteers from the judicial bureau, court, and psychological counseling center. The advantages of marriage mediation, resolving family disputes, investigating hidden dangers of domestic violence, and making early discounts, early reports, and early transfer.

The second is to focus on punishing family violence, trafficking, and sexual assault of minors, highlighting linkage and joint governance, and included in the network service management information system, find out the bottom number, improve the mechanism, and implement the Taiwan platform for key groups and high -risk families. Account management, implement regular care and assistance measures.

The third is to unblock the channels for litigation and resolve social contradictions in accordance with the law. Carefully do petition reception and marriage and family disputes, and effectively safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of women and children. Over the past year, the Quanqi Women's Federation system has received a total of 45 people visiting the letter, including 35 calls and 8 visits. Among them, 8 people and family categories are 8 people and 37 consultations. There is an echo and a piece of everything that has been done, and the case rate has reached 100%.

The fourth is to include the training plan for the training of people's disputes in the marriage and family dispute. As of now, a total of 12 training has been participated in, 160 training, learning to explore the "Fengqiao experience" in the new era, and effectively prevent the occurrence and intensification of marriage and family disputes. Training marriage and family disputes for online and offline training, interpret the "Guidelines for Mediation of Marriage and Family Disputes", focus on explaining the workflow and adjustment skills, and providing work methods and experience in carrying out marriage.

Reprinted: Xing'an League Political and Law

Edit: Yingying

Responsible editor: October

Final trial: Bao Shuqin

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