The Ministry of Education issued a document to deploy the relevant work of off -campus training and governance in the summer of 2022

Author:Educational education Time:2022.06.24

The summer is approaching. In order to thoroughly implement the decision -making and deployment of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, consolidate the results of off -campus training and governance work, effectively reduce the burden of student holidays, and ensure that the majority of primary and secondary school students spend peace, pleasant, and meaningful holidays. Recently, the Ministry of Education issued a notice issued notice The deployment of education administrative departments in various places will conscientiously do the relevant work of off -campus training and governance. Look with education ———

The notice emphasized that the summer of 2022 is the second summer after the "double reduction". In the early stage of off -campus training governance, it has achieved phased results, but there are still some problems, facing risk challenges. All localities must be persistently determined, strengthen the consciousness of strict and tight, and grasp early, and make systematic deployment on off -campus training and governance, formulate work plans, clarify task measures, and carefully organize implementation.

The notice requires that all localities should strengthen inspections and inspections, strictly prevent the invisible mutation of the discipline training institutions of the summer, and the training institutions facing the preschool children aged 3 to 6 illegally carry out discipline training, non -disciplinary training institutions to carry out subject training The problem occurred. The online discipline institutions must continue to expand the coverage of supervision and conduct all -weather inspections. It is necessary to strengthen the supervision of non -disciplinary institutions, carry out training materials and employees for random inspections, strengthen the supervision and inspection of training price, comprehensively implement the supervision of pre -collection funds, and do a good job of training advertising.

The notice proposes that it is necessary to strengthen social supervision, unblock clues to report channels, and investigate and deal with various types of illegal training in accordance with laws and regulations in accordance with laws and regulations, and openly expose typical cases. It is necessary to strictly prevent hidden dangers of safety risks, strengthen the construction of civil defense, physical defense, and technical defense facilities in training institutions, and strictly prevent cases of student damage. Compact the safety management responsibility of training institutions, carry out self -inspection, and timely discover hidden safety hazards. It is necessary to create a good atmosphere during the holidays, actively publicize the concept of science to educate people, guide parents to actively refuse to participate in the training of disciplines of the summer vacation, reasonably choose to participate in non -disciplinary training, promote summer parent -child communication, and allow children to spend a meaningful summer vacation.

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