Li Keqiang presided over the executive meeting of the State Council to deploy to continue to do a good job of flood control and disaster relief work to effectively protect the safety of the people's lives and property

Author:Shapingba release Time:2022.06.24

Li Keqiang presided over the executive meeting of the State Council

Deployment to continue to do a good job of flood prevention and disaster relief work

Effectively protect the lives and property of the people

Listen to the report of stable grain production work

Further deployment to ensure the harvest of food for the whole year

Determine the policy of increasing car consumption support

Measures to decide to improve the funding system of the Natural Science Foundation

The Premier Li Keqiang of the State Council hosted a executive meeting of the State Council on June 22, deployed to continue to do a good job of flood prevention and disaster relief, effectively protecting the safety of the lives and property of the people; listening to the reporting of stable food production, further deploying measures to ensure the harvest of food for the whole year; Consumption support policies; measures to improve the funding system for the Natural Science Foundation.

The meeting pointed out that some time ago, the south continued to strengthen the rain, and the relevant parties responded in a timely manner to work hard to reduce the loss of disaster. It is predicted that there are more extreme weather in my country this year in the flood season. Recently, the main rain belt is raised north. It is necessary to implement the deployment of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, strengthen responsibilities, improve the linkage mechanism of early warning and emergency response, and continue to do a good job of flood prevention and disaster relief to ensure the safety of the lives and property of the people. The first is to keep an eye on key basin, scientifically dispatch flood control projects, strengthen inspection defense and emergency response, and ensure the safety of the large river and large reservoirs. The second is to grasp the flood prevention and flood prevention and flood prevention in the north, investigate and rectify the hidden risks, and prepare for rescue teams and materials. The third is to do a good job in the transfer of personnel transfer, refine the emergency plan, and the shutdown of the shutdown of the dangerous place and the transfer of the transfer of personnel. The fourth is to properly resettle the affected people and repair the water destroyed facilities in a timely manner. Fifth, the relevant departments should strengthen the guidance and support of the localities and make funds and supplies in a timely manner. At the same time, make overall flood prevention and drought resistance.

The meeting pointed out that in the face of the current complicated and severe and inflationary international environment, we must focus on their own affairs. Stability of prices is important to stabilize the economic market. Grain production and increasing production is a key measure to stabilize prices and improve the ability of food security and guarantee. It is also conducive to the stability of the world's grain market. Relevant parties have paid close attention to food production. This year's summer grain and wheat increasing production has become a foregone conclusion, and the quality is better than all year round. The output of miscellaneous grains and beans has increased slightly. The production of rapeseed has increased significantly. It has been sowing in summer and other summer sowing. The early rice and autumn grains are good. The good foundation of the summer grain harvest and autumn grain is not easy, providing a solid support for the stable food production throughout the year. We must continue to compact responsibilities to ensure that the annual grain output remains above 1.3 trillion kg. First, we must do a good job in the collection and storage of summer grain, encourage the acquisition of diverse market entities, and keep it in the warehouse with quality and quantity. Second, we should implement the summer sowing area, grasp the corn tail sowing, stabilize the two -season late rice, and implement the task of composite soybean corn band -shaped planting. Third, we must do a good job of management in autumn grain fields to prevent disasters such as floods, droughts in summer, and diseases and insects. At the same time, grasp the production of pork and other vegetable basket products.

The meeting pointed out that consumption is the main driving force of the economy, and it is an important force for promoting the return of economic operation to the right track, and the consumption policy can be done. It is necessary to further release the potential of car consumption: First, the second -hand car market is active to promote car update consumption. For small non -operating second -hand cars, the restrictions on the migration of the national five -emission standard vehicle will be completely canceled from August 1st. From October 1st, the car sales enterprise will implement separate endorsement management and issuing temporary numbers when applying for transfer registration. The second is to support new energy vehicle consumption. The vehicle purchase tax should be mainly used for highway construction. Considering the current actual research exemption of new energy vehicle purchase tax policy at the end of the year after expired. Break the protection of the new energy vehicle market. The third is to improve the parallel import policy, orderly developing automotive financial leasing, and supporting the construction of parking lots. Policy implementation predictions will increase car and related consumption of about 200 billion yuan this year.

The meeting pointed out that the National Natural Science Foundation has played an important role in promoting scientific research and cultivating talents. It is necessary to deepen reforms, increase investment in basic research, application basic research, cross -science, etc., strengthen young talents support, give full play to the role of fund guidance, and make good use of the policy to deduct policies to attract corporate collaborative research. Deepen international scientific research cooperation.

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