Ambassador to Niger met with former President Yisufu

Author:Direct Africa Time:2022.06.24

On June 23, the ambassador to Niger, Jiang Yan, met with former President Yisufu. The two sides mainly exchanged in -depth exchanges on the friendly relations between the two countries and the situation of the Sahler area.Guo Xue, a counselor of the embassy.

Ambassador Jiang actively evaluated the outstanding contribution of Iran's long -term development of the relationship between the development of Sino -Nine, introduced the current progress of major projects in Sino -Indian cooperation, and looked forward to Iran continuing to care and support Sino -Penal pragmatic cooperation.Chiang congratulated the mediation officer of the Western Communist Bogina Faoso, saying that China would strengthen communication and coordination with the West Communist Party and play a constructive role for the peaceful and stability of the Sahele area.

Former President Yisufu highly evaluated the achievements of friendship between China and the actual cooperation between the two states, and expressed his willingness to continue to contribute to further deepening the friendly and cooperative relations of Nihongzhong.Iraqi said that the current security situation in the Sahler area is severe. It is hoped that all parties including China will increase their support for regional countries and help regional countries to overcome difficulties.(Source: Embassy in Niger)

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