Require rectification!Multi -place epidemic prevention practices violate the "nine inaccurate" and have been reported

Author:Changan Jian, Central Politica Time:2022.06.24

The State Council's joint control mechanism held a press conference on the afternoon of June 24. Lei Zhenglong, deputy director of the National Health and Health Commission's Disease Control Bureau, said that since the epidemic occurs, how to quickly discover the source of infection and cutting off the transmission of transmission is the key to preventing and controlling and controlling it. It is an important part of the screening of risk personnel. The health code has played an important role in the recognition and management of risk people, and it is also an important tool for ensuring the safe and orderly travel of the people during the prevention and control of the epidemic.

The joint prevention and control mechanism of the State Council clarifies the provisions of the use management, operation guarantee, and information security of the health code. It requires the precise code to relevant personnel according to different epidemic risk levels. It is clear that strict health code function positioning shall not expand the scope of application without authorization, and must not be allowed to perform health codes for the masses due to factors other than the prevention and control of the epidemic.

According to Mi Feng, a spokesman for the National Health and Health Commission, in the past week, the national epidemic situation has continued to improve, and the number of new local diagnosis in the country has decreased by 81.6 % from the previous week, but there are still new local case reports. Control the epidemic at the minimum range, the shortest time, and the minimum cost. It is necessary to adhere to the general strategy of "external defense input, internal defense rebound" and the "dynamic clearing zero" general policy, scientifically and accurately implement the national unified national epidemic prevention and control policy, and strictly implement the "nine inaccurate" requirements of epidemic prevention and control.

● The scope of restrictions on travel is not allowed to expand from medium and high -risk areas to other regions.

● It is not allowed to take restrictions on compulsory persuasion and isolation from people from low -risk areas.

● The time and control time of high -risk areas should not be extended at will.

● The scope of risk personnel who take isolation and control measures are not allowed to be expanded at will.

● The time of isolation and health monitoring of risk personnel should not be extended at will.

● It is not allowed to provide medical services for patients such as urgency and critical illness and regular diagnosis and treatment on the grounds of epidemic prevention and control.

● It is not allowed to take measures such as isolation of college students who leave the school eligible.

● The epidemic prevention checkpoint is not allowed to be set at will, and the number of passengers and trucks that meet the conditions are limited.

● It is not allowed to turn off the place where low -risk areas to ensure normal production and life.

A group of typical cases that do not meet the national epidemic prevention and control policy requirements are notified

Lei Zhenglong reports to the typical case of violations of the "nine inconsistencies":

First, there are 4 cities including Baoding City, Handan City, Shijiazhuang City, and Zhangjiakou City, Hebei Province. Return to personnel, especially those from Shanghai, Beijing, Tianjin and other regions blindly adopting control measures to expand the scope of crowd management.

Second, Qinghai Province has requested to fill in the information 24 hours ahead of low -risk regions. After the Qing Dynasty arrives, it will be detected by the implementation of nucleic acid. After returning to the residential community, the staff will post a seal to complete the three days of examination and the nucleic acid detection negative. Essence

Third, Chaoyang City and Jinzhou City in Liaoning Province have requested to do nucleic acid testing for a 48 -hour nucleic acid detection negative result proven by the high -speed rail station, and charge a fee of 19 yuan per person.

The practice in the above areas does not meet the requirements of the national epidemic prevention and control policy, and rectification has been required. In other areas, we must take care of it and do a good job of self -examination and inspection. The joint defense and joint control mechanism comprehensive group and relevant departments will continue to pay attention to the progress of relevant work, and expose and notified typical cases that have been verified.

Disclaimer: This article is transferred from CCTV News Client

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