The provincial research team fully affirmed the work of Bincheng District!

Author:Penang Mercy Media Time:2022.06.24

On the morning of June 24th, Lu Wanming, deputy director of the Provincial Bureau of Statistics, led the research team to come to our district to carry out statistical grass -roots research and exchange activities. Deputy Mayor Liu Yubin, accompanied by Li Yuanhong, member of the district committee member and deputy district chief.

The research team conducted a field investigation at the Pengli Street Statistics Station to learn more about the basic work of the basic work of the district in our district.

The research team pointed out that it is necessary to fully understand the importance of statistical monitoring, strengthen the follow -up research and analysis of the operation and promotion of major projects, key industries, and key enterprises, and provide solid statistical information support for overall economic and social development.It is necessary to strengthen the quality of data, consolidate the basic work of the grass -roots level, further standardize the statistical work of the enterprise, and fully ensure the true and reliable statistics from the source, truly and accurately reflect the achievements of social and economic development, and help new breakthroughs in the high -quality development of economic and society.

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