More than 38,000 people transferred to the shelter in advance Sichuan to actively respond to heavy rainfall

Author:Emergency Management Departmen Time:2022.06.24

June 22 to 23

It encountered heavy rainfall in many places in Sichuan

Relevant departments heard "floods" and moved

Release risk prompts in time

Evacuation and transfer to the masses

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More than 38,000 people

Avenging in advance

16:00 on June 22

Sichuan Meteorological Observatory issued heavy rain blue warnings

Office of Sichuan Flood Control Drought Resistance Headquarters Office

Release the risk of heavy rain in a timely manner involved 78 counties and cities

Send a working group to the front line to guide

20 counties (cities, districts) start the flood prevention emergency response

Each city (state) dispatched working group

Supervisory and guide grass -roots flood prevention work

Personalized persons in relevant responsible persons in posts

Perform telephone spot checks and reminders

The heavy rainfall causes Chengdu, Guangyuan, Leshan

Ya'an and Liangshan are affected by places and other places

As of 7 o'clock on June 23

The whole province in Sichuan transfers more than 38,000 people in advance

145 and 2582 people in the rescue rescue team

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Emergency rescue in many places

There are many places in Sichuan

Police such as flooding houses and trapped personnel

The local fire department dispatched quickly

Emergency rescue discharge danger


In the early morning of June 22, there were heavy rainfall in Guangyuan City, and there were waterlogging in low -lying area in the urban area. At the entrance of the Tunnel of Gongnong Town, Lizhou District, a driver was trapped in the car for floods. After the rescue staff rushed to the scene, they found a white van trapped in the flood area, and the water level was drowned to the cab. Rescuers immediately brought water rescue equipment. After emergency rescue of fire rescue workers, the trapped personnel were successfully transferred to a safe zone.

Rescue the trapped driver


In the Xuzhou District, Pingshan County, Qixian County and other places in Yiya City, the total rainfall in the local area exceeded 200 mm by 24 hours, reaching the level of heavy rain. At 4:19 on June 23rd, a residential house next to Yujing Industrial Park in Xixian County was flooded due to heavy rain, and six people were trapped. After receiving the police, 12 local fire rescue workers quickly rushed to the scene to rescue the trapped people.

Assist in transferring the trapped people

Cleaning road barrier

Transfer the trapped people.

Eyebrow mountain

In Xiuwen Town, Dongpo District, Meishan City, the rising river rose, causing the local aluminum company to enter the water, and some people were trapped. After the local fire rescue personnel arrived at the gate of the aluminum company to confirm that they had no electricity, they transferred all the trapped people to a safe area. At the same time, it also investigated and cleaned up the hidden dangers of the dangerous waters in the enterprise.

Use the boat to go to the masses to be trapped

Wear life clothes for the masses

Clean up the drainage outlet


Affected by heavy rainfall, water in Zhaojue County, Liangshan Prefecture appeared in the road, and some people were trapped. Local fire rescue workers rushed to the scene and actively assist in evacuating the masses. For elderly people and children who are inconvenient, firefighters take back to a safe zone one by one. During the turbulent section of the water flow, the firefighters also used the safety rope to escort the masses safely to transfer the masses.

Escort and transfer to the masses

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Safety reminder during the flood season

Enter the flood season

Strong rainfall or continuous rainfall in a short time, etc.

Frequent weather occurred in bad weather

It is easy to cause flood landslides

Disasters such as mudslides

These flood prevention and hedging knowledge must be mastered!

"Data-version =" 0 "data-vwidth =" 1920 "data-vHeight =" 1080 "transcoding =" 1 "style =" width: 400px; "> Source: Sichuan Emergency Sichuan Fire 119 China News Network Sichuan Channel Sichuan Daily

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