Adjust nucleic acid detection or cancel the check -up acidic acid in many places. Can you travel smoothly in the summer vacation?

Author:Hunan Daily Time:2022.06.24

With the overall stability of the national epidemic situation, recently made dynamic adjustments to the prevention and control policy of the epidemic, or adjust the normalized nucleic acid testing time, or relax the management and control policies of inter -provincial mobile personnel. Many people care about "Summer vacation is coming, can you travel smoothly."

Niu Hongchao

Adjust the normalized nucleic acid detection cancellation or extend the validity period in many places

According to the People's Daily Health Client, it was found that from June 21, the cycle of nucleic acid testing was adjusted according to the situation of the epidemic prevention and control situation. Essence

Wuhan, Hubei: adjustment from "three days and one inspection" to "five days and one inspection"

According to the Yangtze River Daily, since June 22, the citizens of Wuhan have entered various public places such as communities, schools, and units. They must provide five -day nucleic acid test negative proof or nucleic acid sampling information.

According to the relevant person in charge of the Wuhan New Guanye Pneumonic Untils Prevention and Control Headquarters, "According to the current situation of Hubei Province's epidemic prevention and control, the 'three days and one inspection' is now adjusted to 'five days and one inspection'." The health code should be given gray code management at the health code of the inspection, and the transcoding can be automatically transferred half an hour after completing the nucleic acid sampling.

Hefei, Anhui: The normalized nucleic acid detection of seven days of suspension

On June 21, the People's Government of Hefei City, Anhui Province released news that Hefei suspended free nucleic acid testing at the normalized area once every seven days from June 22. At the same time, the testing service of fertilizer personnel and key population will continue to be done. Earlier, Hefei announced on June 18 that the nucleic acid detection was adjusted to every 7 days.

Anhui Liu'an: Cancel the daily nucleic acid detection of "five days and one round"

On June 22, the Office of the Comprehensive Headquarters of the New Crown Pneumonia Institute of Pneumonia in Liu'an City, Anhui Province issued a notice. From now on, the daily nucleic acid test of the "five days and one round" is canceled, the pop -up window prompts and the yellow code are canceled The nucleic acid sample point of the place meets the needs of the masses to "inspect the inspection".

Huainan, Anhui: 5 days and 1 round of nucleic acid testing pause

According to the official website of the People's Government of Huainan City, Anhui Province, the comprehensive headquarters of the new crown pneumonia epidemic in Huainan City issued a notice on June 21. In view of the current low -risk areas of Huainan City, the normalized nucleic acid testing of 1 round every 5 days is scheduled to be detected every 5 days. pause.

Zhejiang: Hangzhou and Ningbo's normalized nucleic acid testing is extended to 72 hours

On May 26, the Office of the Leading Group of Hangzhou New Crown Extraction Prevention and Control Work issued the "Announcement on Adjusting the frequency of normalized nucleic acid testing." From 00:00 on May 27, the frequency of normalized nucleic acid detection has been extended from 48 hours to 72 hours. Those who do not obtain nucleic acid sampling or test certificates within the specified time shall not enter public places, and shall not take public transportation.

On May 31, Ningbo also released similar information to adjust the normalized nucleic acid test to 72 hours.

Shanghai: Multiple hospital nucleic acid certifications have been extended to 72 hours

On June 21, a number of hospitals such as Shanghai Xinhua Hospital, Huashan Hospital, Shanghai Tenth Hospital, and Shuguang Hospital issued an announcement. Patients with outpatient clinics and their families holding a 72 -hour kernel test negative certificate (self -sampling time calculation) or on -site antigen testing The negative results are visited (it can be completed at the entrance detection point). Earlier, most medical institutions in Shanghai needed patients and accompanied their families to take a clinic for 48 -hour kernel acid negative certificates.

Three provinces directly pass the low -risk return personnel to pass directly

Recently, the three provinces have issued clear requirements and no longer checked the test of acid negative proof of the person from low -risk areas.

Xinhua News Agency reporter Liu Xiao

Jiangsu Province: The itinerary card does not bring "*" personnel, let it go directly

On June 20, the official website of the Jiangsu Provincial Department of Transportation was released to check the passenger's itinerary card at the exit of "two stops and one", and let the personnel do not bring "*" personnel directly. For persons with "*", check the health code and 48 -hour kernel acid detection certificate, the health code is the green code and the direct release of the negative certificate of the 48 -hour kernel acid; Put the nucleic acid sample.

Hainan Province: Non -epidemic -related people do not require nucleic acid certificates

On June 19, the headquarters of the Xinyuan Epidemic Prevention and Control Work Headquarters in Hainan Province issued a notice that before the immune -related area personnel came (returned) Qiong, the boarding procedures or other procedures for Qiong were completed with the health code and green codes. ; Persons related to the immune -related area come (returned) before Qiong, the nucleic acid negative certificate was changed to once within 48 hours. Jiangxi Province: Low -risk areas and people without local epidemic areas, no longer check the nucleic acid certificate

On June 2nd, the General Office of the Jiangxi Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government Office issued the "Urgent Notice on the Adjustment of Epidemic Prevention and Control Measures". The "Notice" requires: between low -risk areas and counties (cities, districts) without local epidemics, personnel (including various students) can flow freely and orderly, no longer check nucleic acid detection negative proof, and no nucleic acid targets are not implemented.

Summer vacation is coming, can you travel smoothly?

With the advent of summer vacation, many people care about whether they can travel across provinces? It is worth observing that multiple provinces (cities, districts) have liberalized cross -provincial team tourism.

Photo by Dong Yingyu


On June 21, the Hubei Provincial Department of Cultural Travel announced that from now on, Hubei has resumed travel agencies and online tourism companies to operate cross -provincial team tourism and "air tickets+hotels" business.


The Ningxia Literature Travel Hall released news that Ningxia Travel Agency and online tourism companies have been restored to cross -provincial team tourism and "air tickets+hotels" business since June 19.


On June 10, the Sichuan Provincial Department of Cultural Travel issued the "Five Inconsistent" requirements, clarifying that various cultural tourism venues in the province were not allowed to ask for reporting reports in the provincial tourist nucleic acid inspection, and not allowed to receive reception (return) Sichuan tourists, no, no, no, no without authorization. The reception volume of various cultural tourism venues is limited without authorization, the scope of the "fuse" is not allowed without authorization, and the cultural tourism business activities are not allowed without authorization.


On May 18th, the Shandong Provincial Department of Culture Traverection issued a document that in view of the low -risk areas in Shandong Province, from that day, the travel agencies and online tourism companies operate cross -provincial team tourism and "air ticket+hotel" business.


Yunnan Province has resumed across provinces earlier. The Yunnan Provincial Department of Cultural Travel announced that starting April 8th, except for the county and cities of the land border, Yunnan restored travel agencies and online tourism companies to operate cross -provincial team tourism and "air tickets+hotels" business.

And as the summer vacation is approaching, according to the People's Daily's health client, some scenic spots in Fujian, Hunan, Shandong, Shaanxi, Guangxi, Jiangxi, Qinghai, Hubei and other provinces (districts) are facing tourists across the country and have opened a free mode.

According to the news of Xiamen Cultural Tourism Weibo on June 18, the summer of Xiamen Gulangyu and other key scenic spots will be opened for free to the country in summer, and 10 million yuan of summer cultural tourism consumer coupons will be issued. From June 18th to August 31st this year, eight charges of state -owned A -level tourist scenic spots implemented ticket -free discounts on citizens and tourists.

According to the news from Qingdao News Network on May 30, from June 1 to December 31 this year, Qingdao City added 11 newly A -class tourist scenic spots to domestic and foreign tourists to free tickets.

According to Shaanxi News Weibo, from June 1 to 30, Huashan Scenic Area will be open for free tickets for tourists across the country, with a daily limit of 15,000 people.

According to Xinhua News Agency, from June 1st to June 30th, Chaka Salt Lake Scenic Area is open for free to tourists across the country.

Summer is coming, will you travel?

Source | People's Daily Health Client

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