Party building leads the "small special" to promote development.

Author:Annanuya Time:2022.06.24

In recent years, the Chongqing Dazu District Market Supervision Bureau has firmly established the concept of "grasping party building is to promote development and development must grasp the party building", give full play to their functions, innovate methods and methods, and actively explore small and micro enterprises, individual industrial and commercial households and professional markets (individual industrial and commercial households and professional markets ( The following is referred to as "small specialty") New path of party building, leading the "small special" high -quality development with high -quality party building, and promoting the "small specialty" in the region to go with the party, go the right way, and walk quickly. A total of 17 party branches and 708 party members in the "small specialty", including 11 party branches of non -public social organizations and 656 party members.

The first is the construction mechanism. Establish a "small special" party building leadership group to achieve full coverage of party organizations and party work with more than 3 professional market members. Introduced institutional documents such as the "Measures for the Evaluation of the" Specialty "Party Construction Work Performance". For the work promotion system of one ", each party organization determines the contact contact of a deputy deputy level or above, and each party building instructor will be guided at least once a quarter, and the non -public party building work research meeting is held every quarter. Special evaluations of the second non -public party building work, truly achieve the same deployment, implementation, inspection, and assessment of party building work and business work to promote work to ensure the effectiveness of work. Establish and improve the "small special" market entity information, party organization information, and party members' information "three books", and promote the collection of party building information in synchronous collection of party building information during the registration of market entities. From January to May 2022, the annual report rate of the enterprise reached 91%, ranking No. 1 in the city.

The second is the bright brand. The "Notice on Named on the Notice on Naming Individual Industry and Commerce, Small and Micro -Enterprises, and Professional Markets" Communist Party Member Demonstration Business "and other documents, earnestly grasp the typical demonstration work of" small specialty ", and strive to create a" small special "party building special brand. As of now, there are a demonstration site of the "small special" party organizations in the region, and there are 3 district -level demonstration non -public party organizations. There are 648 party members of the "Sanliang" party members. Combined with the party history learning and education, the "two high" bridgeheads and other themes of the "two highs" bridgehead of the world culture meeting of the world culture meeting were held 10 times. Strengthen the political leadership and education guidance of the "small specialty" party organization, train a total of more than 1,000 party members, effectively enhance the cohesion and combat effectiveness of the "small specialty" party organization, release the "red effect", continuously deepen the "two establishment of the two establishments "Decisive understanding, strengthen the" four consciousness ", strengthen the" four self -confidence ", and achieve" two maintenance ".

The third is strong guidance. Following the principle of "one stand and one stop", the party member is the webmaster, equipped with the party building instructor, and timely collecting the urgency and anxiety in the party building and development, adding motivation to the development of a private company. Carry out the "one -to -one" intellectual property guidance service. In 2022, 10 newly authorized invention patents in the region, 220 new registered trademarks, a year -on -year increase of 50.7%and 51.2%. Guide 10 companies to introduce excellent performance management models, add 5 new quality management system certification enterprises, and the quality qualification rate of enterprise products has increased from 97.72%to 98.75%. Guide enterprises to draft the country's first fresh food Pueraria local standards, release 21 enterprise standards, and build a Fuge planting standard complex, an annual income of 10,000 yuan. The "Big Football Black Goat" industry standards have been reviewed by experts to build the flagship store of Dazu Black goat catering, and launch a series of products such as self -heating mutton rice noodles, braised lamb cooked food, etc., and make every effort to create an industrial chain of the integration of one, two, and tertiary industries.

The fourth is to show up. The party branch of the Dazu District Private Economic Association was established to guide party members to play a role in their respective positions. Donated 2.081 million yuan of donations and donations in the epidemic of new crown pneumonia; helping consume 201,000 yuan in poverty alleviation; 120 people who were in trouble party members and elderly people in the elderly, and distributed more than 30,000 yuan for condolences. In the city's first implementation of the consumption responsibility system and compensation system, the seven companies actively participated in offline no reason to return the goods, involving an amount of more than 1.5 million yuan. In the e -commerce industrial park, the city's first e -commerce consumer rights service station was established to continuously promote the sustainable development of e -commerce companies. The market entities in the park maintain an increase of more than 29%each year, and 70%of the live broadcast subjects enter the park. Introduced the nation's first "Notice of Comprehensive Promoting the Credit Promotion of Market Anthology", and the "small specialty" party organization actively guided market entities in 7 areas including food, medicine, special equipment, food security, and construction to carry out credit commitments to promote market entities to strengthen strengthening Self -management, self -restraint, and integrity according to law. As of June, more than 6,000 market entities have carried out credit commitment work, which fully reflects the "small specialty" social responsibility and responsibility.

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