Anti -drug propaganda activities have been widely launched in Xinjiang Time:2022.06.24

Urumqi City Public Security Bureau's Eighth Police Eighth Division and the two brigades of the two brigades of the eighth detachment of the Public Security Bureau explained to the merchants to explain the hazards of drugs. Figure Eight Special Police Detachment

Tianshan News (Reporter Sui Yunyan report) "Auntie, is this a jump sugar we usually eat?" "This is the appearance of drugs pretending to be 'jumping sugar'. If strangers give you, they must not eat it. "On the morning of June 23, Urumqi third forced isolation isolation and detoxification center and Urumqi City, Youbach, Northeast Community, Northeast District, Yurumiqi City Public Security Bureau of Urumqi Public Security Bureau, and the friendly South Road Police Station, Urumqi City. The Judicial Institute of Friendship South Road jointly launched the "Police and People Construction Anti -Drug Construction Non -toxic Community" anti -drug preaching into the community.

On the occasion of the "6 · 26" international anti -drug day, drug control publicity activities have been widely launched in all parts of our district, improving the awareness and ability of the people's knowledge of drugs, anti -drug, and drug rejection, and creating a good atmosphere for the whole people to participate in anti -drugs.

On June 23, the two brigades of the eighth detachment of the Special Police of the Public Security Bureau of Urumqi launched the publicity activities of "anti -drug anti -fraud, sweeping crime and eliminating evils". Dark evils and other promotional materials and small gifts, explain the types and hazards of drugs on the spot, new fraud methods and preventive knowledge.

The Altay Regional Anti -Drug Commission held the "Red Heart and Welcome to the Communist Party of China" and the "6.26" International Anti -Drug Day Awards Ceremony, calling on member units at all levels of the drugbirth committee, people from all walks of life, and people from all ethnic groups to actively participate in anti -drug propaganda work work , Construct a new pattern of anti -drug work for the entire society to prevent co -administration.

The Sybag Police Station of the Korla Public Security Bureau organized the public welfare running activities of anti -drug propaganda. Figures of Siyibag Police Station

On June 23, the Party Branch of the Siyibag Police Station of the Korla Public Security Bureau and the Korla Anti -Drug Commission and the Peacock Heyi Police Volunteer Service Team organized anti -drug public welfare running activities. With the footsteps of running, the "mobile anti -drug classroom" has also been opened to various corners. Everyone issued anti -drug leaflets to the people in the past to promote the concept of "healthy life, green and non -toxic".

On June 22, the police officer of the Baichen Beach Police Station of the Public Security Bureau of Clarmai City came to the Paramamar Police Station to Caramay No. 13 Middle School to carry out the "anti -drug anti -fraud away" publicity and education activities to remind students to go out on holidays. Consciousness, refuse drinks and snacks provided by strangers.

The police of the Public Security Bureau of Hot Spring County takes anti -drug education classes for elementary school students, and the information of the Public Security Bureau of Hot Spring County Public Security Bureau

The police of the Public Security Bureau of Hot Spring County walked into the county Chagan Township Middle School and took a "cherish life and stay away from drugs" adolescent anti -drug education classes. The police distributed drugs, played anti -drug education cartoons, and responded to the interaction of anti -drug knowledge interaction, and in the case, it enhanced students' awareness of self -prevention of students to cherish life and stay away from drugs.

Aksu region held anti -drug theme activities. Anti -drug volunteers went to the shops, communities, and enterprises to carry out anti -drug propaganda, mobilizing all sectors of society and the general public to participate in anti -drug struggle, and lay a solid foundation for maintaining the harmony and stability of the economy and society.

The Wushu County Public Security Bureau organized students, volunteers, and representatives of the masses to conduct anti -drug oaths and hundred people's signature activities. "Call for everyone to actively act and work together to create a non -toxic city of" no planting, non -drug trafficking, non -drug, non -drug -making "." Said Yang Lin, police of the Public Security Bureau of Wushi County.

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