[Interview with Zhenyuan] Why is the Afghan earthquake casualties so serious

Author:Sichuan Earthquake Administrat Time:2022.06.24

China Earthquake Network officially measured: 4:54 on June 22 (1:24 local time), a magnitude 6.2 earthquake occurred in Afghanistan with a depth of 30 kilometers. According to Afghanistan media reports, the earthquake has killed at least 1,100 people and more than 1,650 injuries. We invited Researcher Gao Mengtan, a researcher at the Institute of Earth Physics of the China Earthquake Administration as a guest of "Interview with Zhenyuan" to explain why Afghanistan 6.2 earthquake casualties were so serious.

Expert Introduction

Researcher Gao Mengtan, former deputy director of the Institute of Earth Physics of the China Earthquake Administration, and currently the chairman of the Science Popularization Committee of the Chinese Earthquake Society.

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