The second "three batches" event in the province's development zone in 2022 was held

Author:Changzhi News Network Time:2022.06.23

The second "three batches" event in the province's development zone in 2022 was held

Lin Wu attended and spoke to the host of the Blue Buddha

On June 22nd, Lin Wu, secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, and leaders of the Provincial Party Committee, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Governor Lanfo An and other leaders jointly started the foundation of the foundation of the Central South Hi -Tech · Jinzhong Industrial Park project.

On June 22, the second project of the province's development zone in 2022 signed a batch, started a batch, and put into production of a batch of "three batches" activities in all parts of the province. Lin Wu, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, attended the event and delivered a speech at the main venue of the Shanxi Comprehensive Reform Demonstration Zone (Jinzhong District). He emphasized that we must pay attention to the annual goals, to twist the key tasks such as project planning, investment promotion, and optimizing the business environment. Quality development, welcomes the 20th National Congress of the Party with excellent results. Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee and Governor Lanfo An host. Provincial leaders Zhang Jifu, Li Fengqi, Lu Dongliang, and Wei Tao attended the event at the main venue or branch venue, and Tang Zhiping notified the project to start construction.

On behalf of the Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government in the speech, Lin Wu congratulated the project signing, starting and putting in production, and thanked entrepreneurs and people from all walks of life to support the development of Shanxi. He pointed out that the Party Central Committee on strengthening the major decisions of infrastructure construction and a measure of stability of the economy has brought major opportunities to promoting project construction. The development zone is the main place of carriers of the project, and there must be a lot of development. Focusing on the planning of the development zone industrial project, Lin Wu put forward five requirements. The first is to plan major projects around the national strategy. It is necessary to keep up with the high -quality development of Shanxi's economy, earnestly study the national "Fourteenth Five -Year Plan" outline and special planning of related fields, and take the initiative to connect with the national strategy, major scientific and technological strategies, and major industrial strategies. More big projects and good projects. The second is to plan supporting projects around market demand. It is necessary to fully tap the demand brought by the province's coal production and insurance supply, new energy installation, industrial solid waste treatment, energy conservation and emission reduction, etc., give full play to the role of market mechanisms, strive for relevant supporting industries, enterprises and projects, and effectively transform market demand to transform For industrial projects. The third is to plan chain projects around leading enterprises. It is necessary to highlight the key role of the "chain owner" and "chain nuclear" enterprises, aiming at the shortcomings of the industry chain shortcomings, to attract enterprises and business investment, and promote more projects to "bloom on the chain". Continue to strengthen the difficulties of small, medium and micro enterprises, and promote the integration and development of large, small and medium -sized enterprises. The fourth is to plan related projects around core products. It is necessary to focus on the core products of the industrial chain, use the product to attract parts, use the terminal with the front end, and vigorously develop upstream and downstream related industries and related projects to achieve cluster development. Fifth, we plan cutting -edge projects around key technologies. It is necessary to put innovation to the core position, concentrate their strengths to break through a group of key technologies of "card neck", and actively strive for the transformation of relevant scientific and technological innovation achievements at home and abroad in our province. Layout.

Lin Wu emphasized that it is necessary to continuously improve the infrastructure of the development zone, continue to strengthen infrastructure transformation and improvement, and moderately deploy new infrastructure projects such as 5G base stations, the Internet of Things, Industrial and Energy Internet, and enhance the comprehensive carrying capacity of the park. It is necessary to make good use of direct financing instruments such as local government bonds, better play the role of investment and financing platforms for the development zone, accelerate the establishment of a diversified investment and financing system, effectively prevent debt risks, and provide high -quality financial services for the construction of the development zone project.

When hosted by Blue Buddha, Blue Buddha pointed out that the development areas at all levels of the province must consolidate their thoughts and actions into the spirit of the important speech of Secretary Lin Wu, resolutely implement the decision -making and deployment of the provincial party committee and the provincial government, and seize the opportunity to the anchor. Precise planning to promote projects will provide strong support for the successful completion of the annual target tasks. It is necessary to coordinate the planning of the project, connect with the strategic, major policies and deployment requirements of our major national regional regional regional regional regional regional regional regional strategy, scientifically demonstrate, rolling advancement, and continuously improve the industrial project reserve library. It is necessary to pay close attention to project construction, implement the responsibility of leadership, gather factor resources, seize the gold construction period, strengthen guidance and coordination, accelerate construction progress, and improve the project operating rate, production rate, and efficiency. It is necessary to accurately attract investment, focus on leading industries to carry out long -term investment promotion, industrial chain investment, chain main investment promotion, focus on strategic emerging industries to introduce good projects, focus on the "top ten platforms" to implement market entity multiplication projects, which fully stimulates market vitality. It is necessary to create an excellent development environment, deepen major reforms such as the "three transformations and three systems" and "three reform integrations", continue to build the "three -none" and "three" business environment, accurately implement policies and measures to stabilize the economy, improve the infrastructure and services of the park The system, attracting more companies to invest in promoting business and achieve win -win development.

In this "three batches" activity, a total of 321 projects in the province's development zone, 302 start -up projects, and 189 investment projects involved modern coal chemical industry, equipment manufacturing, new energy, new materials, energy saving and environmental protection, big data, big data, big data, big data, big data, big data, big data, big data, big data, big data, big data, big data, big data, big data, big data, big data, big data, big data, big data, big data, big data, big data, big data, big data, big data, big data, big data, big data, big data, big data, big data, big data, big data, big data, big data, big data, big data, big data, and big data. Modern pharmaceutical and great health industries. At the meeting, a centralized signing ceremony of the project was held. The Provincial Department of Commerce notified the progress of the "three batches" project in the province's development zone. After the event, Lin Wu and other leading comrades listened to the introduction of relevant enterprise projects, observed the manufacturing line of Geely Monol heavy trucks, and attended the start -up ceremony of the construction of the Central South Hi -Tech Jinzhong Industrial Park project.

The relevant comrades of the relevant provincial departments, the Jinzhong City, and the provincial state -owned assets operation company, and the relevant enterprises and project leaders participated in the event at the main venue.Members of the province's optimized business environment and development zone key work supervision team participated in the event at the city branch venue.Source 丨 Shanxi Daily

Reporter 丨 Chen Junqi

Edit 丨 Lu Lulu

Review 丨 Han Yan

Produced 丨 Yuelan

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