"Safety Network"!The urban management law enforcement department in our district has a strict investigation of the "three types of places"

Author:Beijing Changping officially r Time:2022.06.23

From June 20th, our district has been concentrated on the prevention and control of the epidemic prevention and control of public places in public places. The district urban management law enforcement department has increased the inspection of "three types of places" for epidemic prevention law enforcement, further consolidating the "four -party responsibility" to ensure the safety of citizens' travel.

On the morning of June 22, the law enforcement team members of the Five Teams of the District Urban Management Law Enforcement Bureau were checking the implementation of the epidemic prevention and control measures at the place. Whether to post disinfection records, disinfection records whether the ledger is standardized, and whether the codes of temperature measurement measures are implemented ... Law enforcement officials asked the merchants to ask the merchants for the specific situation of various tasks. "According to the guidance of cleaning and disinfecting and killing in public places during the epidemic, we need to eliminate the environment every day, and we must make a timely elimination record in time every time. Please further regulate the disinfecting operation and improve the disinfection record." "Customers Before entering the door, we should remind customers to scan the code in time to measure the temperature. "After investigation, the store's epidemic prevention and control work is relatively complete.

Subsequently, law enforcement officers came to Beijing Huarian Huilongguan Shopping Center to check the code, temperature measurement, and disinfection supplies at the entrance. Investigation tables, shop staff temperature measurement tables, store disinfection record tables, etc. When checking the restaurant, law enforcement officers focused on checking the wearing of the N95 mask of catering practitioners. After all the inspection was completed, the law enforcement officers pointed out the omissions of the epidemic prevention work in each store, and issued a notice of supervision to ask the operator 3 Complete rectification within the day.

Since June 20, the urban management law enforcement system in our district strictly follows the guidance of epidemic prevention work, and checks the implementation of the "three types of places" in the "three types of places" in commercial buildings, shopping malls, and catering companies in the district. Touching, focusing on random inspections to ensure that the full coverage has no omissions, and provides effective supervision and guarantee for the prevention and control of the epidemic.

At present, there are still a few "three types of places" units of the epidemic prevention and control awareness of relaxation, and problems such as inadequate prevention and control measures have not been implemented. Law enforcement officers remind the operators, managers and their use units of the "three types of places" to strengthen the provisions of the prevention and control of the epidemic, consciously implement the responsibility of the epidemic prevention and control, and actively cooperate with relevant departments to do the epidemic prevention prevention Controlling work; the general public in public places such as commercial buildings, shopping malls, supermarkets, restaurants and cafeterias, and must also consciously implement various prevention and control requirements such as codes and temperature measurement, and be responsible for individuals and families.

Photo/Xiang Ling Xiao

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