Provincial, municipal, and district market supervision departments jointly carried out liquefied petroleum gas leaks for emergency drills

Author:Guiyang Daily Time:2022.06.23

On June 22, the Guizhou Provincial Market Supervision and Administration Bureau, Guiyang Market Supervision and Administration Bureau, and Nanming District Market Supervision and Administration Bureau jointly carried out emergency drills of liquefied petroleum gas leakage at the Guiyang LNPO Passion Station to simulate the pressure Container leakage accidents to test the scientific and practicality of emergency rescue plans for special equipment accidents.

Guo Shunhang, a member of the Party Group and Deputy Director of the Guizhou Provincial Market Supervision and Administration Bureau, attended the event and issued an exercise order. Yang Peng, director of the Special Equipment Safety Supervision Department of the Guizhou Provincial Market Supervision and Administration Bureau, Xiong Suiping, Dean of the Guizhou Special Equipment Inspection and Inspection Institute, and Guiyang Market Supervision Yang Zhiyong, member of the Party Committee and Deputy Director of the Administration of the Administration, Li Xiang, deputy general manager of Yunnan Sinopec Gas Co., Ltd., and relevant responsible comrades of the provincial, municipal, and district market supervision departments attended the exercise. Essence

According to the exercise plan, on the morning of June 22, the exercise target was in the Guiyang liquefied petroleum gas charging station. The inspector found that the storage tank was leaked (without fire), and then reported to the alarm and reported to the webmaster. The enterprise immediately launched the station -database -level emergency response, set up four emergency group division of labor to implement rescue and rescue work, and reported to 120, 119, market supervision departments and branches to request support. After receiving the report, the Guiyang Market Supervision and Administration Bureau immediately launched the "Emergency Plan for Special Equipment of Guiyang City" and rushed to the scene to guide emergency rescue and rescue work. At the same time, the provincial, municipal, and district market supervision departments have a three -level linkage, and closely cooperate with the Guizhou Provincial Special Equipment Inspection and Inspection Institute, the Fire Rescue Brigade of Nanming District, and the Yunguan Township Health Center in Nanming District to carry out crowd evacuation and control, fire protection spray and sunbathing, and sunbathing and sunbathing. Belt and leakage, inspection side leakage, event investigation and other work. The exercise process was efficient and fast, and the liquefied petroleum gas storage tank leakage was successfully disposed of in about 30 minutes.

After the exercise, Director Yang Peng pointed out in the comments that the exercise scenario was set reasonably, covering all aspects of the emergency rescue disposal of the accident, and implemented the principles of emergency disposal of unified leadership, comprehensive coordination, and responsible for people, which fully reflected the fully reflect The people -oriented and scientific exercise concepts have achieved the expected purpose, and the exercise has achieved a complete success.

At present, the special rectification operation of Guiyang's urban gas safety special rectification is being promoted in depth. This exercise, as one of the "2022 Safety Production Month" series of activities of the Guiyang Market Supervision and Administration Bureau, effectively tests the emergency response, command, coordination ability and coordination ability of the market supervision department The actual ability of the operability and emergency rescue team of the enterprise's emergency plan has further enhanced the awareness of the responsibility and risk prevention of the company's safety subject, and laid a solid foundation for safety production.

Reporter: Long Yinyuan

Edit: Wang Qing

Coordinating: Zhang Qiang

Editor: Wei Hua

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