"Zero" obstacle "zero" resistance "zero" is from Kezhou full service to open work

Author:Tianshan.com Time:2022.06.23

Tianshan.com reporter Song Weiguo correspondent Yang Peng

On June 23, in Abutus, the city of Kizilukir Kizi Autonomous Prefecture, the construction project site of the new city school construction project with a total investment of 200 million yuan, mechanical roar, vehicle shuttles, and a busy scene.

"From the project application to the project approval, and then to the procedures required for the project construction process, the financial, housing construction, electricity and other departments of Abush City are handled on time, and will be given to us from the aspects of funds and electricity. The construction of the project is very helpful. At present, our project construction is implemented in an orderly manner according to the plan. It is expected to be handed over in July next year. "Alemujin Elken, the head of the construction project of the New City School of Abutus.

Aktao County Infrastructure Project under construction. Photo by Cao Yongqi

Since the beginning of this year, Kezhou's overall planning counties (cities) have always adhered to project construction as the key to promoting high -quality economic development, continued to increase the reform of "decentralization and management service", and actively create high -quality services for the entire process, comprehensive, and life cycle. , Strive to achieve the "zero" obstacles of project approval, "zero" resistance of project construction, the "zero" distance of the project service, and the "scrambling clock" and the rapid development of the project construction.

In order to continue to grasp the project service, Kezhou has continuously improved and improved the service mechanism of the "Age Office for the Office", adheres to the principle of "should be guaranteed", continues to increase the protection of various elements of project construction, focusing on highlighting the land supply and financial support of the project, and resolutely resolute Ensure the construction of the project in accordance with the established tasks and exert investment efficiency.

The comprehensive market project of the Ahe County Rural Farming Trade in Aheqi County is under construction. Photo by Liu Junxiang

According to Zhou Chong, the person in charge of the fixed asset investment department of the Kezhou Development and Reform Commission, in order to promote project construction at high quality, Kezhou has made a hard and reality. The "Key Project Age -Office Window" was established at the Kezhou Government Service and Public Resources Trading Center to carry out some procedures required for the construction unit and enterprises to carry out projects and the Time Office to help the construction unit and enterprise "run the road". Fast land. " The four sets of team leaders of the Kizhou four sets of teams, Bao Fian, insisted on incorporating the project construction into important agenda, actively studying and planning and tracking services throughout the process, and effectively created good conditions for the project smoothly. The Kezhou Development and Reform Commission played the leading role of the project construction, adhered to the work mechanism of the weekly adjustment, and promptly followed up the completion rate of project investment, the construction of new projects, and the conversion rate of reserve projects. ", Solve the sales one by one. Implement the requirements of the "Must -Management Investment in the Management Industry", seize the golden period of construction, coordinate the various industries to sort out shortcomings, establish a "task list, liability list, time limit list" one by one, and urge the project contracting unit to be full of manpower, machinery, and materials on the project contracting unit Wait for various elements to ensure the smooth development of the project.

At present, there are 258 projects under construction in Kezhou, with an annual planned investment of 12.6 billion yuan, and the investment is 5.07 billion yuan based on the amount of physical projects.

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