The "Anti -Drug Voice Experience Hall" of Zhongshan South District was unveiled and officially opened

Author:Qingfeng social worker Time:2022.06.23

On the occasion of the 35th International Anti -Drug Day, in order to further improve the citizens' understanding of the dangers of drugs, especially young people, to help the rehabilitation of drug rehabilitation return to society, the streets of Nan District have upgraded the anti -drug education base. On June 23, 2022 The "Drug Control Voice Experience Hall" was unveiled and officially opened on the morning of the morning.

Unveiled for the "Anti -Drug Sound Experience Hall"

At the unveiling ceremony, Li Cuiping, deputy director of the Municipal Forbidden Drug Commission, deputy director of the Municipal Health and Health Bureau, Li Huihong, director of the Municipal Anti -Drug Office, Huang Wanshun, senior sheriff of the Municipal Anti -Drug Office, Director of the South District Sub -Sub -Drug Commission, and Deputy Secretary of the Party Working Committee of Nan District Street Xie Junjie, director of the South District Sub -district Office, Deputy Director of the Anti -drug Commission of the South District Sub -district, member of the Party Working Committee of the Nan District Sub -district, Deng Zhonghan, Director of the Public Security Branch, Director of the Anti -drug Office of the South District Sub -district and Director of the Comprehensive Management Office. The unveiling of the museum, the representatives of the members of the Sub -Drugs Commission celebrated the successful success ceremony with warm applause. Comrade Xie Junjie said: The anti -drug voice experience hall shares with living cases, allowing residents to listen to the voices of detoxifications and various groups, understand the importance of anti -drug work and the harm of drug use, and have more shocking, penetrating power and educational significance. Promote the masses consciously away from drugs.

Attend the leadership photo

Unveiling ceremony

Comrade Xie Junjie delivered a speech

Exchange anti -drug work

Scan the code listening to anti -drug sound

Experience production sound QR code

Nan District Street makes full use of the resources of anti -drug education bases to realize the re -use, re -innovation, and change of the content of the anti -drug propaganda positions. It takes more than 3 months to upgrade and transform in some functional areas, innovate the form of publicity and education, collect detoxification personnel and family members of the detoxification personnel. , Anti -drug workers, community residents and other voices of different groups to listen to the promotion and education form of traditional preaching in listening to the voices of drug users, and actively give play to the initiative of community residents, provide a platform for anti -drug voices, and effectively enhance the masses' understanding of drug hazards for drug hazards. Participate in anti -drug work.

Anti -drug Voice Experience Museum

The anti -drug situation is still severe, and the anti -drug struggle is far away. Nan District Street will continue to actively explore new forms of anti -drug propaganda work, carry out anti -drug work solidly, help detoxification personnel return to their families and society, prevent drugs' infringement of everyone and every family, and contribute to the construction of a higher level of Ping An Zhongshan Nannan South South China District power.

Material Source: Drug Control Office and Qingfeng Social Workers in Nan District, Zhongshan City

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