Jining accelerates the promotion of cultural strong cities to build cultural artists to help the "two innovations"

Author:Jining News Network Time:2022.06.23

In recent years, the Propaganda Department of the Jining Municipal Party Committee has implemented high -level publicity cultural talent series training projects such as Jining Cultural Masters, Jining Cultural Talent, and Jining Culture Star, and empowers the development of urban innovation with cultural empowerment, and strives to create a volunteer service of the "Jining Cultural Famous Master". Brands provide strong talent guarantee for accelerating the construction of a strong cultural city. At present, there are 1 Qilu cultural artist, 2 Qilu Culture and British talents, and 109 Stars in Qilu Culture. The number is at the forefront of the province. Essence

This morning, the Propaganda Department of the Jining Municipal Party Committee held a reporter's meeting of the "Cultural Masters to help Culture Two" themes, inviting 4 cultural master representatives to share them to lead the leading role and help the cultural story and moving stories of culture.

The fourth batch of Qilu culture and talents represents Liu Xianghong

"Confucian culture is the core part of Chinese excellent traditional culture, the source of ideas of the core values ​​of socialism, and the root and soul of the Chinese nation. Learning the excellent traditional culture of the Chinese nation can allow us Moral sentiment, perfecting excellent character, and cultivating Hao Ranzhong. "Liu Xianghong, director of the Higher Vocational Education Research Institute of Jining Vocational and Technical College and a third -level professor, said.

During the work, Liu Xianghong insisted on standing up the people, adhered to the first line of teaching for 30 years, and practiced the educational thinking of Confucius' "learning and. When Hongyi is the quality of human beings. Adhere to the long -term teaching and research, publish 26 books such as "Traditional Chinese Classic Family Family Training", "Chinese Traditional Culture and virtue", "Analects", "Qilu Traditional Culture", "Professional Humanities" and other books. Propaganda, which has a significant driving role in the country, lectures "The Traditional Culture of Marxism Sinicization", "Inheritance of the Classics of Chinese Studies and Enhance Humanities" 》 400 reports, the number of online and offline beneficiaries reached more than 100,000.

"I adhere to the original intention of excellent traditional culture education and teaching: to promote traditional culture, inherit the essence of Confucianism, strengthen cultural self -confidence, value shape, knowledge teaching, and ability to cultivate trinity. Students understand the world's conditions, party feelings, party feelings, and political identity, state identity, ideological identity, emotional identity, and cultural identity, so that teachers and students are full of Chinese hearts, full of Chinese feelings, full of Chinese flavor, do good Chinese people, talk about Chinese affairs well . "Liu Xianghong introduced. As a result, Liu Xianghong also won 1 first prize of national teaching achievements, 3 special prizes of provincial teaching achievements, 3 first prizes, 1 second prize, 2 third prizes, etc. Items won the third prize of the National Teaching Competition.

The fifth batch of Qilu culture star represents Li Jiarui

"Hong Yang's national culture and inherit national instrumental music is my long -term inconceivable responsibility and responsibility." Li Jiarui, chairman of Jining Chunzhiyu Art Culture Co., Ltd., said. He joined the army in 1970 and served as the commander of the second artillery 80805 troops. He had won the title of "Qilu Star" in the Publicity Department of the Shandong Provincial Party Committee in 2020. In 2021, he was awarded the Jining Psychological Civilization Construction Committee awarded Jining City to create an excellent volunteer volunteer in the national civilized city. By.

Li Jiarui introduced that China's string instrument has been hundreds of years since ancient times. The good things left by the ancestors can only be inherited and must not be lost. Beginning in August 2019, he has served as the voluntary cultural propagandist and volunteer cultural counselor of Guanyin Pavilion Street in the city. He has obliged the erhu training for many years, and entered the campus to preach and perform the counseling of primary school students. Created a lot of allegro descriptions related to the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, combining the content of epidemic prevention and control, rural revitalization, theoretical preaching, policy popularization, and other content with cultural and literary performances, in order to make the theoretical preaching closer to the "land and art performance closer to the" land. Qi "approach the masses and make the spiritual and cultural life of the masses" move and enjoy ".

As an old party member who has been engaged in the drama for many years, Li Jiarui believes that the traditional culture is a major responsibility for the older generation of literary and art workers, and it is also a historical mission of the top priority. "We have been engaged in cultural celebrities and cultural celebrities on many years of literary and artistic fronts. Efforts will make national culture enter millions of households, make the ethnic string instruments closer to the people, and allow the Chinese national treasure generation generation to carry forward the inheritance and development of generations. , Create and play more excellent literary works. "

The first batch of Jining Cultural Masters on behalf of Ma Guodong

"Education is my job. Calligraphy engraving is just my hobbies in my life. I have always been creating calligraphy and seal carving after work. Whether it is the identity of educators or the chairman of the book association, I have determined that I must be young people. Calligraphy is responsible. "Ma Guodong, vice chairman of the Jining Calligraphers Association and Chairman of the Calligraphers Association of Jining City, said.

As a calligrapher, Ma Guodong stopped on the road to preaching my country's calligraphy treasure. As an educator, he served as a teaching and researcher and senior teacher in the urban education and teaching research center, and invested a lot of effort in young calligraphy work. Since 2014, Ma Guodong has been obliged to carry out the teaching design, theme unit teaching and training activities of teachers and students in the urban area for many years, and maintains the next generation of interest and love for Chinese characters. "The innovation of calligraphy is young, and the hope of calligraphy is young. Under my leadership, the calligraphers of the Book Association attach great importance to the popularization and education of calligraphy of calligraphy. They are with high cultural consciousness, self -confidence, patience and meticulousness Land to tutor youth calligraphy enthusiasts. "Ma Guodong introduced, of which, in mid -July 2017, the association participated in the" Qiaoling Jining Confucianism -the Roots -International Friendship Cities Summer Camp ", which welcomed more than 40 from Parker, Canada, Canada, Canada, Canada, Canada. More than 80 teachers and students from overseas teenagers and Jining International Confucius School walked into Xuanfu Lane together with calligraphy as a link to experience intangible cultural heritage, which received widespread attention at home and abroad.

The second batch of Jining cultural master representative Liu Yong

Liu Yong, deputy secretary -general of the Shandong Quyi Association and chairman of the Jining Quyi Association of Jining City, said that he has been in contact with Quyi since his teens, and has been the Deputy Secretary -General of the Jining Quyi Association in 1990 for more than 30 years. During the period, he has been engaged in the inheritance and development and promotion of traditional song art.

Since serving as the leadership of Qu Xiexie, Liu Yong has led the various large -scale song art competitions and activities of various types and cities such as the "Jining Quyi Trip in the Jining City" and "Shandong Provincial Children's Quyi Contest" every two years. Shandong Yuzhu, Books, Crosstalks, Allegro, Falling Books and other song art works have won more than 100 pieces of art works, and have won awards in the country and provincial and municipal competitions many times. In 2015, the new literary group "Qu Xingshe" was established and insisted on more than 400 voluntary performances for all years; he took the lead in organizing the system project of "Quyi from the doll", and through the "Traditional Quyi Entry Campus", "Children's Quyi Teachers Training Course", etc. Forms, a total of tens of thousands of children have been trained in four years. Children's song art examination standards, these fill the domestic gaps.

"Jining has the reputation of" Quxiang Yihai ". Now, almost all the traditional songs of Jining have become an intangible cultural heritage. In recent years, with the increase in the protection of non -heritage projects, it has been promoted in the municipal party committee. With the leadership and strong support of the Ministry of Cultural Federation, the Jining Music Artists Association has also done some protection work. "Liu Yong said that Jining wants to build a" national first -class cultural city "and create a" canal capital "and" cultural city of cultural cities. "The urban brand should restore the former brilliant place of" Quxiang Art Sea ", and the canal culture and traditional song art landmarks-" Xiaotu Mountain "cultural positions. "I firmly believe that if these can be achieved, then in the near future, in the memory of every tourist who has come to Jining, in addition to the rapidly developing economic construction, the exquisite antique buildings, as well as the high tortuous and twists and turns on the ancient canal river, the tall and twists and turns on the ancient canal, the tall and twists and turns on the ancient canal, the tall and twists and turns of the ancient canal, the tall and twists and turns of the ancient canal, the tall and twists and turns of the ancient canal, and the tall and twists and turns of the ancient canal, the tall and twists and turns on the ancient canal, the tall and twists and turns on the ancient canal, the tall and twists and turns on the ancient canal, the tall and twists and turns on the ancient canal, the tall and twists and turns on the ancient canal, the tall and twists and turns on the ancient canal, and the tall and twists and turns on the ancient canal, and the ancient canal is tall and twists and turns. The ups and downs of the vocal vocals of the song and the vocal of Huqin Er who is low and the world. "

Culturalians who attended the meeting have stated that they will continue to be based on actual situations and continuous innovation. In their own jobs and life, they will take the responsibility of promoting excellent traditional culture, play a leading role, create more excellent teams, cultivate more excellent excellence Talent, promote the prosperity and development of the city's propaganda and cultural industry.

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