Safe production, young people should take the lead

Author:Yueyang Daily client Time:2022.06.23

In order to give full play to the pioneer model of league members and youth in safety production, encourage the majority of members and youths to firmly establish a sense of safety, and continuously improve the safety production skills. During the safety production month, China Construction Install Southern Company Youth League Committee to carry out youth safety skills improvement actions.Young people are based on their posts to carry out safety production activities.

The Shenzhen Metro Line 13 project organizes youth to carry out the "Youth Safety Lecture Hall" activity. Youth representatives focus on the theme of "obeying the safety production law and be the first responsible person", and in the form of safety education and typical cases, in -depth study of the new "safety production production safety production safety production and other casesThe "law" and the company's various safety production systems and other contents, sharing safety production knowledge in their own positions, and "Quick Questions and Answers" to spread safety knowledge.

The project youth brings the sleeve of safety production supervision, take the lead in the construction site for hidden dangers to investigate, and remind workers in time to truly achieve "safety production youth first" to prevent risks and hidden dangers.The aggressive youth gesture welcomes the party's 20th victory.

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