Hong Kong's 25th Anniversary of the Motherland | Li Yirong: While you are in your youth, live a generation of people's excitement

Author:Xinhua News Agency Time:2022.06.23

Xinhua News Agency, Hong Kong, June 22: Li Yirong: While you are in your youth, live a generation of people's excitement

Xinhua News Agency reporter Su Wanming

Li Yirong, a 25 -year -old intern, will return to the 25th anniversary of the motherland on the day of Hong Kong to realize childhood ideals and officially become pediatricians.

This girl who likes to wear Hanfu and teach many times to support the Mainland feels: "A person's life is not wonderful. It is the most valuable thing for others to leave valuables for others."

Li Yirong was born in Hong Kong in February 1997 and is the same age as the SAR. I personally feel the development and changes of Hong Kong after the return, and also experienced the difficult moments such as SARS and the epidemic of the new crown pneumonia. She knows more about Hong Kong and loves deeper. "Whenever Hong Kong encounters difficulties, everyone face it together." Li Yirong said.

Li Yirong was interviewed by a reporter from Xinhua News Agency (taken on June 11). Xinhua News Agency reporter Wu Xiaochu taken by Wu Xiaochu

Li Yirong's mother was a nurse, and his father also worked in the hospital. During SARS, he fought against the front line of resistance. When SARS came, her parents' choice still made her remember: on the one hand, she was worried that her daughter was unattended, and on the other hand, she felt that she should do her best to save the wounded. In the end, parents still went to the front line of resistance.

"So, when I was a kid, I wanted to join the medical industry. If there was an epidemic in Hong Kong, I could also stand in front." In this way, Li Yirong chose to study medical science at the Chinese University of Hong Kong.

After six years of study, in June last year, Li Yirong graduated smoothly and became an intern. On July 1 this year, on the day of the 25th anniversary of the return of the motherland in Hong Kong, her internship period was full, and she was about to turn.

When a pediatrician is Li Yirong's wish. "If I cure a child, how many life stories will he show in the long time in the future!"

During the internship, he was very busy. He often had to stay in the hospital for 36 hours. Li Yirong moved away from his home in Tuen Mun and rented a youth square apartment near the internship hospital.

Why choose youth square? It turned out that Li Yirong's life mark was left here.

In addition to being determined to be a doctor, Li Yirong is also very keen on the work of youth. Youth Square is the "base camp" when youths in various places exchange in Hong Kong. She has participated in the event many times and has feelings for it.

When he was a teenager, Li Yirong often participated in volunteer services. She feels that in addition to helping people, she can also know many people, and each of them has their own stories. "I like to listen to them, it is often the most important experience in their lives, and I can understand a lot of things."

Later, she simply became the sponsors and led the young friends around her to be volunteers, and the scope of activities slowly expanded from Hong Kong to the Mainland. She has brought Hong Kong youths many times to some mountain schools or migrant engineering schools in Guangdong, Guangxi, Anhui, Beijing and other places.

Li Yirong said that he especially likes the Mainland, and has led Hong Kong youth to Beijing many times. She was very impressed with a rock sugar gourd stall near the Forbidden City. "Every time I go to Beijing, I will go there to buy rock sugar strawberries."

Li Yirong also likes Hanfu very much. He used to go to Guangzhou to take Hanfu photos. "Very classic, very cute, very feeling." Looking at the fascinating herself in the mobile phone, she was glowing in her eyes. "Chinese culture needs to be passed on. After the epidemic, I have to shoot."

In addition to taking Hanfu photos, she still has many things to do in Guangdong. She inspected Zhuhai Hengqin, Shenzhen Nanshan, Guangzhou Nansha and other places, and planned to build an office to develop medical products and develop potted traditional Chinese medicines. Some friends have founded the base in Nansha, Guangzhou, and she hopes that more young people in Hong Kong will look at the city of the Guangdong -Hong Kong -Macao Greater Bay Area.

Five years ago, when Hong Kong returned to the 20th anniversary of the motherland, Li Yirong was the "youth ambassador" of Hong Kong. This year, on the 25th anniversary of the regression and the "big day" of his own dream, the young girl set new development goals for herself.

She said that she would be a good doctor, and when she had professional experience, she would develop in the field of medical policy in the future. At the same time, she also cares about Hong Kong's house problems ...

Li Yirong has currently participated in groups such as the Gifted Education Advisory Committee and the Hong Kong Youth Association, which will position the future development in the field of macro policy management.

"In addition to the doctor's work, I am willing to sleep a little later, sing less karaoke, play less, and squeeze out time to do these things." Why do you do so much? Her answer is: Hong Kong is my family. Our young people are full of confidence in this family. We must live a generation of people while you are in your youth.

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