Hand in hand!The sense of enrollment ceremony of the new league of Zunyi Medical University and Tongren College is full

Author:Yueyang Daily client Time:2022.06.23

In order to guide and inspire the young people of the majority of members of the group, the young people have unswervingly follow the party and the new era of youth, and actively participate in the great journey of comprehensively building a socialist modern power. 100th anniversary. On June 19th, the Youth League Committee of Zunyi Medical University and the Youth League Committee of Tongren College and the Clouds launched the "Congress of the Communist Party of China, always walk with the party, and forge a new journey" in 2022. The new league enrollment ceremony and the red education theme group day event. The two universities moved the "enrollment ceremony" into the red education base, and organized more than 200 members of the group to the site of the Zunyi Conference and the former residence of the martyrs of Zhou Yiqun to accept the ideals and beliefs.

At the entrance ceremony, the clouds of the two universities interacted across the clouds and read the list of new group members in 2022. They awarded the "Regiment", membership certificates and wearing group emblems to the new members. "I voluntarily joined the Chinese Communist Youth League and resolutely supported the leadership of the Communist Party of China ..." In the bright group, the new members of the two universities held up their right fist solemnly, and in the vowing sound, it was firm. Subsequently, the backbone representatives of the two universities read the clauses of "the rights and obligations of the members" in the "Regiment". The representatives of the new and old members exchanged speeches and sang the "Glory!" Chinese Communist Youth League".

In the "Cloud Visiting+Live Teaching", under the leadership of the red interpreters, the young people of the two school members watched the show, physical and literary materials of the Zunyi Council site exhibition hall and Zhou Yiqun Martyrs Exhibition Hall, followed the hero footprint, and felt The red mark, deeply study the essence of the spirit of the Zunyi meeting, and discuss the topic of "how youths go well in the new era". In the session of the "vow to Tiananmen", the youths of the two universities swore to vowed the party under the promise of the party, and made a responsibility and responsibility.

This event has achieved the expected results, which not only enhances the exchanges and friendship between the two schools, but also shows the positive spirit of the young people of the two school members. At the same time, through a full -scale sense of enrollment ceremony and immersive spiritual baptism, it has even stimulated the patriotic emotions of young people of the two school members. Young people have stated that they will always keep in mind the vows of joining the league, give full play to the role of the group members, and strive to practice the mission and responsibility given to the young people in the new era. Blooming. (Left red stone crystal)

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