C sums of light | Imagine yourself as a fake news producer

Author:Crystal report Time:2022.06.23

Author: Deputy Director and Master of Journalism Department of Zhang Tiantian Shenzhen University School of Communication

Today, we tried to change, imagine that we were fake news producers, and answered the following "professional" questions: how to produce a fake news that can bring "100,000 +" traffic? The purpose of the idea of ​​changing is to help you discern the reliability and true and false of a news. We do not do fake news manufacturers and communicators, so we must recognize the true colors of fake news, always be vigilant and beware. To answer this question, start with two aspects of determination and text.

Directly hit the pain point, insight into psychology

Look at the idea first. Fake news still needs ideas? It sounds slightly absurd, but we find that fake news that has been widely spread or even repeatedly appeared for many years is indeed different from the subject matter and perspective, and has a considerable "professional standard".

First of all, directly hitting social pain points, that is, social problems caused by long -term accumulation of various complicated reasons. Because they cannot be completely resolved in the short term, they will bring continuous pain to society and the public, such as food safety, medical care, education reform, urban and rural gaps, and so on. Although these social problems are not sudden hot spots, they can attract more long -lasting attention.

The use of social pain points to be faked, which can be understood as "fake news with real problems", often showing two routines: the first path, creating a "beautiful new world" in fake news. Because of various reasons that have not been realized and not satisfied, all of them become reality in fake news. House prices are high and difficult to suppress, and it will bring good news of "agricultural land to suppress house prices"; it is inconvenient to seek medical treatment across the ground, and immediately push you the news of "9 provinces and municipalities pilot cross -province medical treatment immediately on -site reimbursement" (Note: This article is a fake news in 2013. Direct settlement for medical treatment is currently being implemented in many places).

The second path is reverse, further enlarging the differences and oppositions in social problems, and it is more exaggerated and conflict than the actual situation. People are worried about food safety issues, then open their brains, and give you the gangsters of the food industry that are unexpected: paper filling buns, plastic laver, crab glue injection, noodles burning ... difficult to read, school choosing difficulties, in fact Your difficulties are nothing. There are also "enrolled in a famous school, settled the child 'public toilet"! Facing the differences in urban and rural areas, the gap between the rich and the poor, the "Shanghai girl escapes the rural areas of Jiangxi Spring Festival" and "Domineering City Daughter -in -law Rural Lifting Table".

Secondly, in understanding the deep psychological needs of social groups, some targeted manufacturing points. People look forward to social warmth, then plan "Shenzhen's most beautiful girls to feed the disabled beggar on the street" (really marketing planning), "see righteousness to save children but be bitten by evil dogs" (really bitten by your own pet dog), give you full Full of positive energy; Chinese people pay attention to education and yearn for genius myths. As a result, "Chinese girl rewritten Oxford's 800 -year history", "Nankai University wants to break the eight -year -old children", "post -90s boys to crack world mathematics problems" and other sensational test miracles were born in fake news.

Fake news produced by the above two methods or social issues pointing to reality, or strong resonance with the deep psychology of the public, so it has a strong confusion: the true, false and real mixed, making it difficult to distinguish.

If the above routines also need to be sensitive to macro social situations, and even need to make some analysis and judgment, then "hotspot" is a easier way. Especially when society is in major changes, such as economic depression, disease diffusion, and war eruption, this method is easier to work. At this time, people are facing various uncertainty, and they depend on the media to provide information to understand things and the world to reduce inner anxiety. This is a good opportunity for fake news to take advantage of it. Think about the fear of unknown in the early days of the new crown epidemic, how many people believe that those who seem to be extremely ridiculous, such as drinking, smoking, taking a hot bath, and even drinking white virus to kill the new crown virus, etc. In the mentality of "it is better to have", this kind of information is reposted in good faith to resolve the uncertainty of the epidemic. Even if the information of the spread is ridiculous, the communication itself does bring people a sense of knowing the world, which can enhance their sense of control over reality and to alleviate anxiety.

The title is exaggerated, the news "authority"

Look at the text. In fact, the producers of true and false news hope that users can stay, read, and forward texts. The difference is whether it is based on the facts as the bottom line. For fake news producers, the title must be closely grasped by people's attention at the moment of browsing. To achieve this goal, it will become the "title party": ignore the content of the text, and in the title, it is exaggerated, distorted, sensational, sensational, sensational, sensational, sensational, sensational, sensational, sensational, sensational, sensational, sensational, sensational, sensational, sensational, sensational, sensational, sensational, sensational, sensational, sensational, sensational, sensational, sensational, sensational, sensational, sensational, sensational, sensational, sensational, sensational, sensational, sensational, sensational, sensational, sensational, sensational, sensational, sensational, sensational, sensational, sensational, sensational, and sensational, sensational, sensational, and sensational, sensational, sensational, and sensational, sensational, sensational, and sensational, sensational, sensational, and sensational, and sensational, sensational, sensational, and sensational, sensational, sensational, and sensational, and sensational, sensational, sensational, and sensational, and sensational, sensational, sensational, and sensational, Disposal and righteous methods. Similar examples are almost all in the WeChat public account: "Don't let these small movements destroy your health" "That often abandoned scum at the same table, earning 10 million last year" "blind date is the highest level in the world in this world. "Self -insults", "Central Health Bureau of Health Care, 51 machine -confidential maps, Zhang can keep your lives! Speed ​​collection forwarding."

After the title is successful, how does the text generate credibility and viscosity? The most commonly used method is to quote the authoritative sources recognized by the public, and there will be differences in different people. For example, fake news of health care often regards the elderly group as the target group. In the text, the elderly, such as CCTV and Beijing Satellite TV "Health Hall", often watch and trust the media or programs that are often watched and trusted. Research institutions that are taller, such as the Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and even find someone to play health experts, etc., for the scientific leave news of young and middle -aged groups, more in the article may be reproduced from foreign media, or a foreign country abroad The latest academic papers of well -known academic journals, or research reports from a third -party institution, strive to create a rational and rigorous style. Of course, if you are more real, go online to consult the media or publication, and you will find that relevant information has never been published. Another possibility is that the so -called foreign media, academic journals, and third -party institutions are simply nothing. In the environment of strongly adjusting visual experience and information receiving short and flat environment, in order to make fake news show higher credibility, counterfeiters often insert pictures and videos in the text, and use it as an important helper for fake news. People often say: "One picture wins thousands of texts." For a long time, people also believe that "there is a picture and the truth." But now, for many fake news, it is "the start of a picture, the content is relying on."

In my classroom, there were a group of 100,000 + tweets reprinted by a popular circle of friends and reprinted by many media in the 2018 China's "Western Wasn't Order" in 2018. The tweet comes from the "Impression of Sydney" on the Internet, and the title is: "Australia is panicked! The world is besieging China crazy, just because of this ban! However, this time, we will never compromise ..." The text listed in the article six. A Chinese village that is contaminated by foreign garbage has a shocking picture. The students checked the source of the photo, but found that although these photos were presented in Chinese villages that encountered environmental pollution, their pollution sources were all pollutants illegally emitted by enterprises or waste slag generated by mining. It has nothing to do with "foreign garbage". Essence This is exactly the typical picture to deceive Dafa moving flowers. In addition, the use of various editing software for cutting collages, or making fake pictures in the same way, or using people's visual illusions, etc., are common techniques.

Can the video be faked? Of course, it is also possible. Ordinary video editing is enough to distort the facts and realize specific dissemination intentions. What is more deceptive is "Deepfake". Using deep learning technology in artificial intelligence can generate complete and fake complete videos without any shear. In 2018, an American actor used this technology to change his face and sound to forge the videos of Obama's burst of Trump. At the end of the video, the actor appeared and made people shocked his chin. He hoped to wake people wake up the vigilance of this new technology.

The production routine of fake news is too complicated, and we cannot show them one by one in the short text. However, similar thinking can be expanded frequently. It allows us to maintain a vigilance of fake news and greatly strengthen our "anti -reconnaissance ability" for fake news.

Source | Jingbao APP

Edit: Chen Jianguo

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