[When the city creates the city] Mantai Township, Jingtai County, Baiyin City: "Small points" leveraged "big governance"

Author:Silver Daily Time:2022.09.29

In order to deepen social governance and promote the creation of civilization. Baiyin City Jingtai County Mantan Township is led by party building, and the construction of the "Jianjiamei Points Supermarket" is used as a powerful measure to inspire the vast number of women and families to participate in rural revitalization and grass -roots social governance. Participate in volunteer services, epidemic prevention and control and other work into the scope of integration management, fully mobilize the enthusiasm, initiative, and creativity of villagers to participate in rural development, rural construction, and rural governance. Drive the "Great Civilization".

Improve the integration system and promote standardization of integration supermarket management. According to the work ideas of "adapting to local conditions and scientific formulation", establish and improve the "points" supermarket management operation system, formulate the operation methods and management methods of the "Jijiamei Points Supermarket", establish a leading group of integration management work, clarify the scope of points, the details of the points, the points of the points, the points of points Processs, etc., publicize the management measures, exchange standards, and stand on the walls, establish various work ledger such as points registration, exchange, etc. The integration management system is supervised by the village affairs supervision committee to ensure that the points process is open and transparent, and the points exchange is fair and fair.

Carry out the "points+" activities and promote the integrification into the household. In accordance with the "points supermarket" points assessment standards, the village integration supermarket points assessment group scores according to the form of daily observation and conference evaluation, and complies with the law of compliance with discipline, living environmental rectification, moving customs, filial piety and respect for the elderly, integrity, breeding new winds, etc. Standard scores, accumulating points according to the correspondence of households. At the same time, deepen the effective integration of the integration system and the grassroots social governance, organically combine the "most beautiful family" selection and "beautiful courtyard" creation with the "points supermarket" to enrich the content of the points, stimulate the villagers in rural development, rural construction, and rural governance in rural areas. "Master" consciousness.

Implementing "dividing things" stimulates the enthusiasm of villagers to participate in rural governance. Relying on the "integration supermarket" points replacement platform, according to the standard of one yuan for one yuan, villagers can effectively stimulate the people's internal life motivation through the points exchange price, inspire villagers to carry out self -education, self -management, self -restraint, guide the masses From "want me to do" to "I want to do", stimulate the vitality of "supermarkets", and use points to "redeem" grass -roots social governance and rural revitalization new weather.

Up to now, there are 7 natives of the Township and Family Points in the township, and have carried out more than 20 concentrated exchange activities. A total of more than 100 households have participated in the points exchange activities. (Li Huifang)

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