The subway sets up "Society of Social Fear"?Official response

Author:Harbin Daily Time:2022.09.29

Recently, a number of netizens said that there was a "specialty seat" in a subway carriage in Hangzhou, Zhejiang. This matter has caused heated discussions on the Internet. According to the relevant information of the online pictures, on the 28th, the reporter contacted the Hangzhou Hangzhou -Hong Kong Metro Company of Zhejiang. The staff said that the online trains they operated did not set up the "Society of Social Fear".

According to online photos, the Hangzhou Metro has appeared "Special Persons in the Social Fear".

Social fear generally refers to social phobia. In the online term, many people will laugh at themselves "social terror" and are not good at social. Many netizens expressed different opinions on the "Special Territors" mentioned in the online pictures. Some netizens think that the specialty of the people in the community is very friendly to the people of the community. Some netizens believe that single -player and single seats are more likely to attract attention. Some netizens think that if the situation is true, the subway seats are public resources, and it is not appropriate to set up a "social fear of special seats".

The reporter noticed that the pictures of the Internet show that above the inside of the subway carriage, the red font was used to marked the "Special Seat of the Social Fear" with a red font. Subsequently, the reporter contacted Zhejiang Hangzhou Hanggang Metro Co., Ltd., and its staff said that there are Line 1 and 5 of Hanggang Metro. "Those who are afraid of people", the pictures on the Internet are not true.

Another netizen said that the "Special Seating of the Society" is not in Hangzhou, but in Changsha Metro, Hunan. The reporter consulted the Rail Transit Group of Changsha City, Hunan, and its staff said that all line trains did not set up a "specialty of the social terrorist people". For the elderly, pregnant women, disabled people and other special groups, there are "love seats" in the carriage.

The reporter noticed that although there is a Chinese character in the online picture, the Chinese characters "Social Fear", the English below is "Priority Seat", that is, "love special seat", and write "please let the seat give the person in need" Essence

Source: Upstream News


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