In 11 years, more than 300,000 yuan in this "integrity supermarket" is not bad | Deyaojiang City

Author:Changjiang Daily Time:2022.09.28

Xi Ren Ayi, a member of the "Snow Lotus Volunteer Service Team", tells the integrity story around her schoolmates and sisters in Xinjiang Class. Reporter Xiangjie

"Integrity supermarkets do not have a cashier. The students lined up to buy daily necessities. They took the goods by themselves and paid them by themselves. Those who found zero difficulties or forgot to bring cash were proactively registered on the" bookkeeping book '. The names and amounts are divided. In the past 11 years, the more than 300,000 yuan in payment of the integrity supermarket is not bad! "On September 27, the Xinjiang High School High School (1) of Han Railway High School in Wuhan City held a special" story meeting ". Xiren Ayi, Puyang, and Kang Jiayuan, from the school's "Snow Lotus Volunteer Service Team", tell the schoolmates and sisters emotionally telling all kinds of integrity stories that happened around them. This special "story meeting" also made the new students from under Tianshan move the true feelings of "integrity".

Tu Yang, a student of Xinjiang Senior High School (1), tells the story of the integrity test room. Reporter Xiangjie

In order to further implement the "Western Development" strategy, further accelerate the training of talents in various ethnic groups in Xinjiang, and promote the common prosperity and progress of all ethnic groups, Wuhan Hanying High School has hosted Xinjiang High School Class in the fall of 2011.

Over the years, the Xinjiang Class of the Han and Railway High School has actively cultivated and practiced the core values ​​of socialism, guided students to promote socialist integrity, focusing on the theme of "responsibility and moral education" in the region, combined with the characteristics of national education, and successively set up integrity supermarkets, establish integrity examination rooms, and carry out development. Integrity services, implementation of integrity online, and other "four integrity" to carry out moral education activities solidly.

Kang Jiayuan, a student of Xinjiang Senior Senior (1), described the spirit of the "Snow Lotus Volunteer Service Team". Reporter Xiangjie

The "integrity effects" of teachers and students won the respect and trust of society for themselves, moved Jiangcheng, moved Hubei, and moved Xinjiang. In recent years, students of Xinjiang Class of Han and Railway High School have been rated collectively by the "Chinese Good Man", the annual figures of the "Jingchu Model" of Hubei Province, the "Sixth Moral Model of Wuhan City", and "Top Ten Moral Stars in the Jiang'an District" and other honorary titles. Xinjiang media praised them "the new image of Xinjiang people with gold", and "Guangming Daily" praised them as "the snow lotus blooming in Jiangcheng". fruit".

This "story meeting" made the Xinjiang class students who had just arrived in Han was deeply touched by the word "integrity". Reporter Xiangjie

McCina Alken, a student of Xinjiang Senior No. 1 (1), said that she comes from Xinjiang Kezhou, who enjoys the reputation of the "Figs". Accompanied by the teacher, she and her classmates took nearly 70 hours of train to the hero's city with excitement. In just one month, she felt the teacher's knowledge of the teachers, and also went to the "integrity supermarket" to experience the charm of integrity. Essence

It is reported that the school's "Integrity Supermarket" has recently ushered in upgrading and renovation, and it is expected that next month, it will serve students' daily life with a new look.

(Changjiang Daily reporter Xiang Guotao Xiong Zhi)

【Edit: Ding】

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